Christmas Eve

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Elena's eyes slowly opened with hatred as a grinning Rebekah stood over her bed , Damon's eyes opened as he jumped
"What are you doing here blondie?" He moaned
"Well we're staying at yours for 3 days ..Klaus said he'd discussed everything with you Damon?"
"Nope he didn't ,and there's no way on earth you're -"
A young girl with creamy brown hair ran into the bedroom as she grasped Rebekah's legs "aunt Rebekah .."
Rebekah pulled the young girl forward and smiled "this is Hope Mikaelson ..she's kind of grown up a bit since you last saw her which was a photograph actually ..7 years ago -"
Elena sat up as her hair fell into place "She's 7?! "
"Please can we stay here I like your lake house ..and I like your garden and your house.."she whispered
Elena sat forward and pulled Hope in "of course you can ..but your father has to behave .."elena laughed
Hope giggled "your friend is pretty -"
Elena turned to see Damon smirking to himself ,a deep voice appeared from behind Rebekah
"Come on now love you can do better than him, he's basically a granny -"
"Daddy!"she laughed as she clung herself to his waist ,Klaus pulled her up and kissed her forehead
"Run along darling ,go and find your mommy she's downstairs un-loading the truck -"
"The truck?!"elena squealed "if you're all staying you're only staying for 3 days and I mean only three days Klaus..and if you ruin or say anything to ruin this are leaving!"
Klaus grinned "whatever anyway we're all here and I assume there's enough bedrooms for us all-"
"Well that's the thing Einstein ,Caroline ,Stefan ,Bonnie and Jeremy are here as well -" Damon smirked
"Along with Ric and Matt-"elena sighed "there's just not a lot of room ..-"
Caroline skipped into the room and smiled at Klaus in shock "um me ,Stefan and Ric are staying at Bonnie and Jeremy's's only 5 minutes away and then there's enough room for everyone else-"
Elena sat up "wait Caroline you were our first guests you can stay here -"
Caroline crossed her arms and stared at klaus "with him here? No thanks Elena"
Klaus grinned as an annoyed Caroline stormed out of the room "well she's annoyed with me isn't she -"
" why what did you do?" Elena moaned
"Well I didn't tell her I was turning up I guess and well..she kissed me and then slapped me -"
Damon's eyes widened "she kissed you?! She's with my brother ?!"
"Klaus?!" Elena screamed
~ Bonnie began to lay the table as a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her waist ,Jeremy leaned in and kissed her before passing a bottle of champagne . Klaus pulled the last bag out from the truck and threw it onto the living room floor , elena and Damon had dressed and were watching the mikaelsons enter their home
"What's in those bags?!" Damon asked
"Stuff"klaus grinned "anyway where are we all sleeping?"
The door opened and Hayley walked in with a young seven year old girl holding her hand ,elena and Damon's eyes widened
"Hayley?" Elena smiled ,she walked over wrapping her arms around her "I haven't seen you in years -"
"I know elena ..we didn't leave off on a good foot last time did we..anyway this is Hope daughter " she smiled
Hope stood forward shyly and hugged elena "hi there sweetie I'm Elena "
Damon pulled the spare bedroom door open "right hayley ,Elijah and Hope you're in this room ,Bekah and Matt you're in the one next to Hayley and her family "Damon smirked
Klaus crossed his arms in anger "my family you bast-"
"Klaus!" Hayley shouted "not in front of Hope!"
Klaus smirked and stormed out of the room after Caroline .
~ Everyone was sat neatly at the dining table in the seating order Caroline had prepared Damon and Elena began to giggle as Caroline got frustrated dishing out the food
"So who cooked this lovely Christmas Eve meal?" Klaus laughed
Cage fan pulled his chair in and stared at klaus "Caroline did and she worked really hard on it " he smiled as he kissed Caroline on the cheek
Klaus's fists tightened "Caroline can't cook -"
Caroline threw the spoon into the bowl of vegetables "do you know how pathetic you're being klaus?!" She screamed
Everyone rolled their eyes as Elena shook her head in Damon's direction ,Ric sat up awkwardly and grinned at Damon as the two began to laugh
Stefan sat up "listen Klaus you shouldn't even be here ,so count yourself lucky -"
"I don't take bloody orders from a weak Salvatore -"
Elijah stood up hesitated with Hayley holding his hand "Niklaus will you sit down you are upsetting your daughter ,it is Christmas Eve for goodness sake and Our dear sister will be home soon , we do not want to upset her now do we?"
Klaus sat down in anger ,the door flew open and Rebekah skipped in with Matt following the two sat down next to Jeremy and Bonnie and joined the awkward silence
"So when are you Mikaelsons leaving?" Damon smirked
"Why are we annoying you? "Rebekah laughed with her bright lips
"We won't be staying longer than Boxing Day ..I thought we were welcome but obviously not -" Hayley laughed sarcastically
"No to be honest you weren't invited ,none of you ,so count yourselves lucky "Elena shouted as she grabbed a glass of champagne
~ Elena took a glimpse of the clock it was 7pm ,she wrapped her last present and put it in the pile with the rest under the beautiful tree , Damon put his arms around her and kissed her neck slowly .
"Bonnie ,Jeremy ,Stefan Caroline and Ric just left ,they said they'd be here at 12 tomorrow "he whispered softly kissing her neck
Elena pulled away slowly "Caroline's doing all the food ..we just have to decorate everything in the morning -"
"After present time of course?" Matt laughed as he walked out of his bedroom
Elena's eyes widened with joy "Matt I haven't had chance to speak to you ?! I ..I haven't seen you in ages !"she laughed as she wrapped her arms around him
"Don't worry me and Bekah are leaving on Boxing Day evening , we've just bought a home in Paris so we need to unpack .."
Elena smiled "that's great Matt! That's great!"
"Which means we can't make it to the wedding ..I'm sorry Elena it's just-"
"Matt I understand it's fine honestly , the wedding won't be until atleast the end of January so ..we have plenty of time .."
"Where's everyone Matt?" Damon asked
"Bekahs in the garden playing with Hope , Elijah and Hayley are unpacking ..-"
"Klaus?" Elena mumbled "where's klaus?!"
Matt shrugged and headed out to see Rebekah , Elena turned to Damon "he's gone to see Caroline hasn't he? He's going to ruin everything !" Elena squealed as she grabbed her car keys ,Damon rushed after her .
~ Caroline opened the door to see klaus stood before her eyes ,he pulled her out into the forest and ripped her clothes off as their bodies collided . Elena pulled up 10 minutes after and jumped out of the car with Damon following , Damon grabbed Elena
"They're in the forest Elena ...-"
Elena shrugged "come on then?!"
Damon shook his head "they're in the forest ... I'm going to have to tell my brother "he whispered " Stefan doesn't deserve this at all-"
Elena raised her hands and punched the nearest thing she could hit "why?! Why would she do this?!"
"Because Elena she's in love with klaus !she always has been.."
Elena stormed towards her car with Damon following
~ Rebekah sat up in shock "I don't see what he sees in Caroline she's so-"
"Rebekah my dearest sister I do believe we have quite a large problem don't you think ,we do not need any snarky comments off of you now ,will you take Hope into Hayley and explain what exactly has happened -" Elijah interrupted
"Yes..Elijah "she muttered
"This is a problem "Elijah whispered as he sipped his whiskey "if Stefan finds out he is going to be quite angry and might do something he might regret and we don't need that on Christmas -"
"Maybe we should let my brother go on a rampage and kill klaus -"
"Damon my brother is quite strong it is your brother you should be worried about not Niklaus , and I am pretty sure Niklaus wanted Stefan he could have Caroline "
"Wanted?!" Elena shrieked
Elijah slowly nodded "yes I realised my brother was spending quite a lot of time meeting up with this mystery guy who was Enzo he had been coming up to New Orleans trading information on Stefan ..Enzo had come to stefan so he could ..kill him-"
Damon shook his head in anger "no Enzo was a good man, a good friend ,I want you Mikaelsons to leave!" He shouted
Elena grabbed his arm "Damon go upstairs ..calm down "
Damon grabbed his bottle of whiskey and headed upstairs , the door flew open and Caroline came rushing in with klaus following ,Caroline stopped and stared at Elena
"Oh ..Elena I thought you'd all be in bed now -"
"No Caroline we've been trying to sort you and him out for the past hour. What is wrong with you?! "
"It's none of your business Elena so stay out of it "Caroline shouted
"The hell it is ,you're cheating on Stefan Caroline , you're as just as bad as klaus himself "
Klaus's hands wrapped themselves around Elena's neck as she began to choke ,Damon came running down pushing him to the floor ,Elena fell and hit her head she slowly sat up as tears streamed down her face
"Get out now "Elena screamed "I don't want you here klaus or you Caroline ,just go the both of you, everyone else can stay "
Klaus and Caroline disappeared as Damon helped Elena up from the floor , Damon pulled her In tightly as tears began to fly down her face , a car pulled up outside and a worried Stefan came running in with Bonnie ,Ric and Jeremy following .
Elena stared at Stefan as her eyes watered ready to tell him what had happened .

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