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Dear diary ,
Well it's been 3 days since the incident with Meredith..Ric's finding it pretty hard I mean he's been with Meredith for years .She just packed her bags and left I think she's gone for good, the only good thing is that Stefan's back I'm so happy he's back I love Stefan to pieces and when he was gone ..well I felt a hole in my body ,Stefan's home is here with the rest of us. Yesterday we all went out for a meal after I got home from work ,Damon's trying really hard to be a good fiancée which is weird for Damon but still I love him with my heart. The wedding is back on track and these past two days have been filled with getting the wedding back on track ,there's only 3 weeks until christmas so I seriously need to start buying presents! There's one more good thing..Matts coming home for christmas with Rebekah..I'm happy for the Matt bit but not so much on the original ..anyway it's time for bed and Damon's snoring his head off..Night!
<following day>
Elena sat up and pulled her purse out counting the money , she leaned over the bed shaking damon
"Get up now, we're meeting Caroline and Stefan in town ,christmas shopping??"
Damon sat up "me and Stefan hate shopping can't we go to the bar-"
"No you bloody won't Damon! We're finishing the shopping list today so then we can plan the wedding for January remember our wedding?"she laughed .
Damon stretched his arms and pulled elena in for a kiss, he pulled her down lower ,elena pulled away and threw his clothes at him with a grin.
"Get ready , now!"
<Caroline sat on the bench of the Salvatore's garden ,Stefan opened the door with tea in his hand ,he passed Caroline a mug before sitting down next to her and pulling her in for a hug .
"It's beautiful isn't it"she smiled as a tear flew down her rosy cheek
Stefan kissed her forehead "it is beautiful Caroline ,just like you , hey look-"he grinned "it's snowing "
Caroline sat up laughing "it is the first of December Stefan ,anyway shouldn't damon and Elena be here to pick us up?"
Stefan stood up and sipped his tea "they left 10 minutes ago they should be here soon ,come on let's get ready "
-Damon's car pulled up along the drive as the horn of his car echoed through the house ,Stefan stormed out raising his hand
"Damon shutup we're coming!"
"Someone's grumpy"Damon smirked ,he hit his hand against the horn
Stefan turned around in frustration , Elena pulled Damon to the side of the car
"Damon stop it!" She laughed "today's a happy day! Christmas shopping?!"she squealed .
Caroline ran into the car squealing with Elena ,Christmas shopping had always been the hi-light of their year , Damon pulled off the drive as Stefan closed the door
"We picking bon-Bon up?"
Elena shook her head "no she doesn't want to come for some reason..she's really depressed and boring at the moment ,but she must have her reasons .."Elena mumbled
The blue car grew further and further away as the car disappeared over the hill of mystic falls and the winter mist rose into the air .
<A car pulled up outside of the Salvatore boarding house ,no lights were lit and the place was dark considering no one was home , the sound of high heels echoed and also the sound of bags being dragged .
"Bloody hell where are my brothers?"came a sarcastic voice
"Maybe they left town after all ,why would they want to stay here mystic falls?"Matt laughed
Rebekah turned around and playfully pushed Matt
"I guess you're right ,why did we come back here again? I don't recall liking anyone ..?"
"Because we're spending Christmas with family before we head back to Rome Rebekah!"he laughed
"No ones bloody home Matt "she moaned "and it's freezing ,the snows beginning to rise and my heels are way to expe-"
"I have a spare key Bekah calm down "he grinned .
The door opened and the two walked in with their cases following .

- "I didn't leave the lights on Stefan, did you?" Caroline mumbled as she sat in the car with Stefan ,Damon Elena and Bonnie .

"I think there's someone in there ,Damon let's go in .."

Damon rolled his eyes and opened the car door ,everyone got out and slowly walked up the path towards the front door ,before Damon could open the door himself the door flew open and Rebekah stood there with her arms crossed

"Why hello there ,finally everyone's home?" she smirked "Me and Matt's staying remember..?"

"No you're not staying here,with us?" Caroline laughed

"Well Stefan said it was fine ,and we've already un-packed ,anyway don't mean to change the subject but where's my family?"

"You don't have a family " Stefan grinned "you have no heart Rebekah"

"Niklaus and Elijah are missing ..also i have not heard from Kol ,where are they? Tell me now!"she demanded

"Dead ,that's where they are" Damon smirked

Elena stood forward nervously "We killed them ,they deserved it Rebekah im sorry- I really -"
Rebekah's eyes widened with confusion before she could grab Elena with anger Matt pulled her arm softly pulling her in . A tear streamed down her cheek as she knelt into Matt , Damon pulled Elena and pointed towards the car the two quietly crept towards the car with Bonnie .
Rebekah turned around to see Damon's blue car pulling away
"You can't hide from me!"she screamed "I will bring my brothers back and trust me I will allow them to kill you-"
Matt pulled Rebekah around to face him "Rebekah! Snap out of it they're not coming back ok?! "
"Yes they are coming back ,The Mikaelsons shall never be taken away from one another Matt ,I can guarantee you ,Niklaus is still alive ,and he obviously has a plan-"
Damon hit his foot on the accelerator as the car sped towards the edge of Mystic falls ,elena grabbed Damon's arm
"Oh my god Damon, she's right isn't she ,Niklaus isn't dead?! He has a plan!"
"Elena we don't know that, I'm sure -"
"Bonnie we've never defeated Klaus ,ever! He isn't dead oh my god, he's had months to plan ,he's going to hurt someone -"
Damon pulled the car over "he isn't hurting anyone ,look at me elena "
Damon pulled Elena close to him so they were facing eachother ,elena lost herself and stared into his blue eyes
"Elena Gilbert ,I will make sure you're fine ,me and Stefan will go see Rebekah and Matt tomorrow ok?"
Elena slowly nodded and kissed Damon's soft lips ,the two were lost in love .

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