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"What did you mean last night?" Elena mumbled as she threw two eggs onto Caroline's plate
Caroline turned shocked "Huh? What do you mean?.."
"Caroline! You can tell me..what have you done that's so bad?"
"Elena for Christ sake I was drunk ok?! Too many whiskeys -" she shouted as she stormed into the dining room with her plate
Elena crossed her arms and pulled a confused face ,she trotted into the lake house dining room and glanced over at Caroline who was sat on her own in the living room scanning her phone, Damon and Stefan were sat laughing at the dining table eating their homemade breakfast ,Damon glanced up at Elena
"What's wrong beautiful?"he smirked with half an egg in his mouth
Elena shook her head and pulled Damon up rushing him into the kitchen "it's Caroline she's -she's hiding something! "She whispered "she was going to confess last night when she was drunk ..but now she doesn't want to tell me -"
"Get her drunk again then-"Damon laughed
A frown appeared on Elena's face "this isn't a joke Damon ,talk to Stefan and try to get him to do something ,this could be serious!"
Damon pulled a face and headed back into the dining room where Stefan was sat , Elena walked through the hallway and knocked quietly on Bonnie's door ,there was no reply ,Elena scuffed her feet against the bottom of the door
"Hey Bonnie you wanna talk..?" Elena muttered "I know something's wrong.."
The door creaked open and Elena poked her head through the tiny gap ,the room was empty and so were the drawers , the bed was also made as if no one had slept in it . Elena rushed out into the dining room "Bonnie's gone?! When did she leave?"
Damon shrugged "don't know Elena ,we can't put a leash on her,maybe she went home-"
"Damon I seriously don't need your snarky comments all the time -"
"Yeah I agree Elena "Stefan smirked
Caroline sat up with her arms crossed "I think we should head back Stefan ..I'm meeting my mom today and I want to do a few things ..-"
Stefan awkwardly stared at Elena and Damon and nodded as he did as he was told , Elena shook her head "you treat him like shit Caroline ! He can do what he wants ,if he wants to stay he can just because you're in a crappy mood it doesn't mean you have to bring everyone down with you!" Elena screamed
The whole room went silent and the three faces turned to Elena ,Caroline threw her arms in the air and made a sarcastic comment before throwing her bags onto the lawn ,Stefan slowly stood up and chased after Caroline into the car . Elena shook her head before realising Damon was staring at her with his eyebrows raised
"What now Damon?!" She shouted
"Someone's grumpy today -"
"I seriously don't need this ok, I'm just going to work-"
"It's a Sunday Elena -"
"I don't care Damon -"
Damon stood up and threw his plate onto the floor "you know what Elena I've had enough of you being obsessive over Stefan ,it's either me or him ,have you actually not made your mind up?!" He stormed towards the door grabbing his nearest leather jacket and slammed the door closed .
Elena fell onto the nearest chair and began to cry , her heart was broken .
< dear diary ,
Today's been a disaster I haven't spoken to anyone all day..I think Damon's been at the grill drinking most of the day , Caroline and Stefan just haven't messaged me so I think everyone kind of hates me at the moment . I've been waiting all day for Damon to return but he hasn't ,I'm worried I've lost him ..I need to control my feelings for Stefan I mean I love him of course I do but obviously not in that way ,I love Damon with all my heart and that is why I am marrying him ,because I want to spend the rest of my life with him . It's now 1am in the morning and still no sign of Damon,I just think I need a break from everyone for once and I think they need a break from me I've decided to go to Storybrooke to visit Emma for a few days ..I'm not telling anyone where I'm going and making sure no one can follow ,I just need to escape .
<next afternoon >
Damon fell through the door with Ric helping him "you spent the night on the porch of my house Damon ,no wonder you can't walk you idiot -"
"Shutup Ric " Damon laughed "where's Elena anyway?"
Ric scanned the room and noticed a piece of paper on the Worktop ,he wandered over and picked up the page
"To Damon ,I had to get away for a few days ,I'll be home soon ,sorry ,Elena "
"That's my fault damn it "he shouted "great just great ,she's wandered off not telling us where she's heading ,well done Elena "
"Calm down Damon" Ric laughed
"She does my head in sometimes Ric I just can't imagine being married to her "he laughed "I really can't ,she can be so selfish sometimes ,I worry that I'm with Katherine not Elena -"
"Damon that's a bit harsh come on-"
"You know what I'm heading out of fricking town for a few days maybe a week ,who cares ,see how she likes it ,I can't be dealing with this anymore "he laughed sarcastically
Ric put his arm out and grabbed the corner of Damon's leather jacket "Damon, you've both been through a lot lately and the last thing you want to be doing is leaving town ..-"
"So it's ok for Elena to?" He glared
"No it isn't I'll ring her later ,but just stay put ,you don't want to be turning into your old self now do we?"
Damon pushed Rics arms off of his jacket and grabbed his keys "my old self? Doesn't seem too bad?"
"The old self that cares about no one but himself ,kills people for fun , killed me in the past? The old self we all hate -" Ric shouted angrily "just grow up and stay here!"
Damon grabbed the nearest object to him and threw it towards the front door "she wants my brother I can tell she loves him for Christ sake!" Damon screamed
"What?" Ric muttered
"The way her and Stefan are together ,when Stefan arrived home they both..they cupped eachtohers faces and hugged ,they always back eachother up ,after this morning I realised she obviously doesn't like Caroline and Stefan together ,I just give up"
"Damon Stefan and Elena are just friends trust me ,after everything that's happened's stressful she just needs to have some time away, why don't you go find her?"
Damon's eyes met Rics "where the hell can she go?"
"It's kind of obvious Damon , I'm guessing the first place to check is Storybrooke-"
Damon nodded and vampire sped towards his car.
< Elena pulled up by an old cafe called 'Granny's' and scanned the streets ,the air was cold with an icy touch ,snow had began to fall and Christmas lights filled the streets and many windows , Elena pushed the door and walked into the cafe . A familiar face stood up and pulled her in for a hug ,Elena smiled and stared up
"Killian?"she smiled "..are you ok?"
A sly smile appeared on his face "oh I'm great love ,bloody great "
Elena looked around the cafe to see nothing but empty seats ,no one was there only the two of them ,no waiters or waitresses ,no one . Elena awkwardly stepped back
"I've erm- actually come to see Emma ..I need to speak to her ..we erm have a date for the wedding!"she giggled
"That's great isn't it ,the least of your problems is your bloody wedding plans "
Elena realised that something wasn't right and turned quickly towards the door ,she grabbed the handle and pulled as hard as she could ,Elena stepped against the door
"You knew I was coming? Didn't you?" She muttered
"with a little help from Gold ..yes ,thing is Elena Gilbert ..Emma never came home and it's been a month I'm willing to take my revenge -"
"This isn't my fault!"she screamed
"Your bloody friends knocked me out and let Emma stay!she could be dead!" He cried
Elena tried to make a run for the back door but everything went black .
The snow began to fall heavier and heavier as the air drew cooler , Damon's car pulled up outside the mayors house ,everything was dark and there was no sign of light . Damon instantly picked up on Elena's scent ,he knew she was in trouble . Damon vampire sped through the cafés door to see Elena tied up in the corner ,Killian held a knife by her throat
"Listen Killian whatever's wrong we can fix this ok?" Damon cried
"I'm here to make a deal Damon"
Damon nodded and smiled at elena "fine but let her go first -"
"That's not the deal ,we're doing this my way this time ,we're going back to find Emma and we're bringing her home..then you can have Elena-"
Killian let go of Elena as she disappeared ,Damon grabbed Killian and held him up by his neck
"Where did you send her?!"
"I made a deal with Gold..he has her ,she's safe as long as you keep your deal, I have the portal ready..we just have to get back in time"
"And how long is that?" Damon muttered
"We only have one hour to find them and get back ,I know where they are.. That evil queen bitch has them "
Damon nodded slowly "whatever let's just do this ..'mate'"
< half hour later >
Damon leant against the castle wall and stared through the window , the two crept quietly through the castle gates ,a young woman dressed in a blue ,sparky dress stood in the corner of the room staring at a painting . Her hair was brown and was curled to the side ,Damon vampire sped up to her and grabbed her from behind ,the girl began to scream but Damon had his hand over her mouth ,her body turned and faced his
"Katherine?!" He whispered
"Damon? What are you doing here?! She's on her way back she'll..she'll kill you"
"Yeah well we're looking for Emma ..? Blonde?"
Katherine smirked "I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about?"
"Don't be a bitch Katherine ,come on show me where they are?!"
Katherine pushed Damon away and stormed towards the cellar , Damon and Killian followed Katherine down the dark gloomy stairs .
Emma sat up from her cell as tears streamed Down her face to see Killian ,a young woman and man were in another holding Emma back. The cell doors flew open and they were out, all except for Regina ,where were she?

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