Christmas Eve Part 2

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Stefan's face had suddenly changed ,anger began to rise inside of him but tears were only to be seen . Elena grabbed Stefan's hand but he pushed her away angrily ,Damon stepped in sitting his brother down
"Stefan ,brother ..don't do anything you're going to regret -"
"They've gone Stefan ..I won't allow them have us Stefan ..please hold on to that-"
"Elena do you actually think you telling me that I have you makes me feel better? No it doesn't ,and brother you're right ..I don't want to do anything I'll regret -"
Stefan vampire sped through the front door and disappeared.
~ Damon passed Elijah and Hayley a cup of coffee before sitting down opposite them
"This was my brothers doing " Elijah mumbled as he sipped his tea
"I just can't believe he's done this ..I mean I thought he was kind of in love with..someone else back in New Orleans .."
"Klaus gets what he wants even if it means ruining others lives-" Damon shouted
Elena gave Elijah a glare "He is not coming back here ever again Elijah ..nor Caroline she..she's gone I don't know who she is anymore ..the old Caroline I knew ..she's gone , you are still welcome to stay for christmas with us ..but not your brother -"
Damon held onto Elena's hand tightly , the door flew open and everyone stared at Stefan who was stood in the doorway with his arms crossed ,Elena's eyes lit up but Stefan shook his head
"I'm sorry elena but I can't make it tomorrow for christmas -"
Elena stood up and let go of Damon's hand "no Stefan ..please stay I want you here -"
"No elena I'm going away for a while and I don't know when I'm coming back ,I'm sorry I just need to clear my head -"
"Damon told me that christmas has always been your favourite time of the holiday ,for once we're all here together ..please Stefan -"
Damon pulled elena back "elena you need to let him go-" he whispered
Elena turned back to see the doorway empty ,Stefan had gone .
~ Jeremy gave Bonnie a kiss before heading up the stairs to bed , Bonnie smiled and reached for her phone ,a hand reached out and grabbed her
"Caroline?! What are you doing her?" Bonnie whispered
"Bonnie I don't know what to do I've lost everyone -"
Bonnie gave Caroline a look of disgust "yes Caroline you have ,you really have ,and you can't do anything about it ,get out"
Caroline's eyes began to fill up "no Bonnie please're all I have left -"
"No Caroline you only have yourself and klaus ,you really have changed haven't you ,you're not the Caroline I remember're not my best friend "
Klaus walked through the front door and gave Bonnie a glare "come on Caroline we're leaving -"
Bonnie laughed "wow Caroline you're leaving with Klaus ,well done Caroline ,you know what just go you're no longer welcome here in Mystic falls ..and thanks to you Stefan's left -"
Caroline wiped her wet cheeks and walked towards the car ,she stopped and turned before closing the door
"I'm sorry " she cried
Bonnie fell to the floor in tears as Jeremy rushed down the stairs helping her to her feet .
~ elena watched Elijah and Hayley tuck Hope into bed and act like a family , she sat on the sofa on her own as a tear streamed down her face , Matt walked out of his bedroom with Rebekah following , he sat down next to elena
"Elena ..are you ok?" He asked
Elena shook her head "I'm great Matt I really am .."
"Elena they're not worth the trouble just forget about what's happened and try to enjoy christmas ,for once stop worrying about other people and enjoy yourself ..just for one day-"
"Elena you know matts right ..for one day just try and have a nice day , this is Hopes first christmas with her whole family and she really likes it here..and her fathers just left to be with a blonde whore and he's left his family just for her .. yes stefan's gone but he will come back ..he just needs time to think ..him and Caroline we're going to have a child ..he needs time to think Elena "

Elena sat up and smiled at Rebekah for once "Thankyou Rebekah're right , i have Damon and Damon is all i need , i have to just.. stop worrying about everything else and everybody else for once. It's going to be a good christmas!" Elena smiled . Matt gave Rebekah a kiss on the head , Hope came running laughing out of the bedroom as she jumped onto Rebekahs lap

"What are you up to missy?" Rebekah laughed as she hugged Hope

" I can't sleep santa's coming tonight and i cant sleep!!" she laughed "auntie Bekah can you and uncle matt tuck me in pretty please??"

Rebekah kissed Hope's forehead and stood up "come on uncle Matt " she laughed "Goodnight Elena we'll see you bright and early in the morning especially with Hope here ,she'll wake us all up at 6"

Elena laughed and dimmed all the lights ,she looked around for Damon and headed up stairs . Damon was laying on his front on the bed , he heard the door open and gazed up at Elena with a grin , Elena crossed her arms and jumped onto the bed . Damon wrapped his arms around Elena and kissed her cheek

"Are you ok now?" he asked as he put a loose strand of hair behind her ear

Elena nodded "Yep im great..but i am excited for tomorrow whether Stefan wants to be appart of it or not , but that's Stefan ..he will come back i know he will "

"Elena my brother will be fine , but i know for a fact if Caroline ever comes back here to Mystic Falls i will kill her along with Klaus "

Elena sat up "No Damon no one's killing anyone ,and we've all made it clear we dont want her back here .. and anyway can we stop talking about this now it's Christmas Eve-"

"Of course Elena "he whispered as he crawled onto her and kissed every inch of her body.

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