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" no we've searched nearly every state we have Sandra helping us as well.." Damon explained rubbing his eyes
"We've almost reached Dallas ,I have Elijah and Matt with me the others have spread around Dallas so they can't escape ,wait who's Sandra ?" Ric asked
"Oh um Enzo's girl I think..not too sure , a she your girl Enzo ?"
"I dunno mate I have a lot of girls after me " he answered smiling to himself
"Yeah she's basically a witch and she's keeping a lead on them , she says they're still travelling by car, so they have to go down one road if they're heading out of Dallas we'll be with you soon" Damon put the phone down and continued driving as they passed a sign saying welcome to Dallas .

Silas pulled a bunch of heavy ropes out of the trunk of his car and threw them on the floor next to Elena , he walked over and lightly slapped her cheeks "wake up sleepy head"
She gasped and held her arms tight holding onto the car door ,"what the hell..stefan ..did you kill me?" She asked as tears began to form
"No that wasn't me ,I wouldn't do that" he laughed sarcastically
"Then who the hell was it? What's wrong with you ,is it because of Caroline I know you Stefan this isn't you "
"Elena I don't care what you think , we're going to travel round the world together because the Mikaelsons want you dead ,and if you die ..I die because they linked us together which is a pain in the arse ,and they want you dead so yeah .."
"Wait so if you die ...I die along with you?" She asked shocked
"No if you die I die ,so basically we'll be dead if we don't leave soon "
"Leave where? Stefan where the heck are we? This isn't mystic falls .."
" I know Elena , were in Dallas ,about to leave America I'm thinking of heading maybe to Scotland ..no one knows where Scotland is "
" we're in Dallas?! What the hell Stefan ,let me ring Damon please" she stood up and grabbed Silas's hand
"This isn't you stefan " he pulled her up close to him " do you still love me Elena Gilbert ,do you still love Stefan Salvatore ,answer truthfully "he looked into her eyes
"No" she answered as she stared into his eyes
He pulled her close and kissed her soft lips ,she pulled away and slapped him " I don't know what the hell's your problem Stefan but I am not in love with you ,so I suggest you seriously sort yourself out" she screamed as she tightened her fists
"You do love me don't you Amara "Silas grinned and went to kiss her again ,Elena pulled her fist ready to hit him again but he pulled his hand out grabbing hers quickly ,as he tightened his grip on her hand she began to cry in pain as the bones crunched
"Stefa..n you're hurting me "she cried in pain
He pushed her to the ground angrily and pulled the ropes up tying her hands together and putting a rag soaked in vervain around her mouth ,causing her to scream .

Damon's phone went and Enzo pulled it out "it's Sandra ,I'll answer it , hello my lovely what's the latest then?"
"It's bad ..very bad I can feel Elena's pain I can see Silas hurting her quite bad ,they're outside this building in Dallas I can't quite see where .. Wait Corcester Way number 19 I think ,hurry" Sandra explained
Damon hit his foot on the accelerator , he sped as fast as he could down the road and made a sharp right into Corcester avenue ,they examined the house before getting out of the car .
"Better text Ric ,shouldn't be too far away"Damon mumbled as he got his phone out .

Ric's phone beeped and he pulled it out " make a sharp right by here should be on ..Corcester avenue number 19 , it's right by here " Ric threw his phone on the floor and drove around the corner to see Enzo and Damon leaning on Damon's blue car . Ric , Matt and Elijah jumped out of the car as they walked upto Damon and Enzo
"Where a she then? "Elijah asked impatiently
"In there we think ,Silas has her" Enzo answered
"Well what are we waiting for? Are we waiting for her to be dead or something ,I'm quite confused ?" Elijah asked
The front door of the house opened and Silas was stood there smiling to himself , "well where is everyone? Isn't this a party?" He laughed
Damon walked up to him face to face "where's Elena ? Tell me where she is , or I'll rip your god damn head off"
"No need for that now is there Damon ,I take it you found your brother and Bon-Bon? " Silas laughed
"Where is Elena ,Silas?" Elijah asked as he began to walk slowly up to Silas
"She's right in there ,you can all go and get her if you want?" Silas grinned
"It's a trap ,don't be a fool and go in there Damon?" Ric called
" how do you know .Ric?" Damon asked sarcastically
Silas pulled a control pad from his pocket and looked up at Damon ,he pressed the button and the house went up in flames before Silas pulled the trigger , Elijah had pulled Damon back .
Silas walked into the house and through the flames breathing the vervain flames in , "thank god I'm immortal ,but you're not , have fun watching Elena die ,I will" he laughed

"Jesus Christ something's happened " Caroline cried with anger
"I can smell it too ,come on let's get into the car " Tyler said as he opened the car door
"I can smell the vervain from here Tyler! This is bad ..really bad ,if we can smell the fumes from here imagine what it's going to be like when we're next to the god damn house ,oh my god Elena could be inside ,we need to get there now! Drive tyler !" She squealed
She pulled out her phone and texted everyone where to meet up - can you all smell those fumes? Meet there asap. B4 it's too late -
When they arrived Damon was running through the flames trying to find Elena ,his skin began to burn and his face began to melt , Stefan ran upto the house and pulled his brother out "Damon ,Damon it's too hot ,you're going to die we need to find another way" he said pulling his brother out
They all stood outside the house as it began to fall , clueless they all looked at eachother ,Damon sat on the floor with his face held in his hands "Elena's in there ,we can't just leave her there "he cried
Damon stood up ready to speed into the house and down to the basement ,but it was too late the house fell and the fire had risen ,Damon fell to the ground as tears streamed down his face "Elena "he called and cried "ELENA"

"Damon it's ..been a few days now ,I know you're mourning we all are ..she meant a lot to all of us but.."
"Stefan just leave "Damon moaned as he laid on his bed
" no Damon ,I'm not leaving until you're in a healthy state Elena meant a lot to all of us not just you, she was my first love as well you know? She was one of my best friends ,seeing her .."
"She's dead and it's all my fault ,I could've saved her now everyone's on my arse ,Silas has gone somewhere ..so just leave me before I do something I regret " Damon moaned
Stefan left and walked downstairs and into his living room where Caroline was sat " that didn't go too well "she whispered
"We need to find Silas ,it's the only way ,if we kill him for good we can all rest " said Stefan
"Here I made you tea, Matt and Tyler are still searching for ..her body at the house they said they'd text me once they found something , do we have any track on Silas?"
"No Caroline we have nothing ,we don't know where he's gone all we know is that the Mikalesons family has left including Klaus and Elijah , we have nothing ..I mean he could be anywhere "stefan explained in his sad voice
Caroline's phone buzzed and she pulled it out " it's Tyler ,he said that the police said...there are no remains of anyone in the remains of the fire ,not even Elena ? "
"Wait what are you saying Caroline ? That Elena isn't dead..?"
"Well no ,there's a chance that ...they both must be alive ,if the Mikaelson family sired them both together or did this link thingy then Silas would have left with Elena to save his life ,he wouldn't kill Elena because then he would die? So that means .."
"He faked his death so the Mikaelsons would believe they were dead "
Caroline stared at him ," Get Enzo on the phone ,we need Sandra now".

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