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Dear diary ,

Today's been so much more calm now that everyone is chilled out ,I mean the plan takes place tomorrow but still everyone is so much more calm ,everything's been sorted Ric and Meredith have all the weapons including three white oak stakes that Bonnie magically created! Ive just had the most relaxing bath ever it was so warm but not too warm..just right,the bubbles were soft and the candles just made everything ten times better ,so I've just put my dressing gown on and I'm currently chilling on my bed waiting for Damon to bring me a cup of tea up that he promised like an hour ago ,good old Damon! So today we worked out where all of our bases were and Caroline is ringing Klaus in the morning because he'd literally be here in a few hours and we don't want that.. Bonnie and Jeremy have gone back to stay with Ric and Meredith because Stefan and Caroline keep on arguing and it's getting on everyone's nerves ,which is why I'm up here ..I'm sort of trying to avoid them both because they're getting on my nerves so much ..I mean was it a mistake getting them back together? I try not to ear wig on their arguments but I just automatically do it and then I feel bad!

Today they were arguing about marriage I think.. I told Damon but he's way too caught up with all of this "plan" business ,well I better go make myself a cup of tea ..it is 11pm but oh well it's my house..sort of! Anyway Stefan and Caroline are asleep god knows where Damon is?


Elena quietly rushed out of her bedroom and down the stairs towards the kitchen ,there was no sign of movement and the lounge was dark ..almost black. She scurried into the kitchen softly calling Damon but no one answered ,she reached for her phone on the kitchen table and saw a message from Meredith - Damon's at ours ,bit drunk he's staying here tonight xo- .

Elena's eyes rolled and she reached for the kettle waiting patiently for the water to boil, the kettle made a high pitched noise and she quickly poured the hot liquid into her mug and added two sugars . She slowly turned around avoiding to spill her tea when a dark shadowed figure stood face to face with her ,her mug dropped and smashed creating an echo through the house waking up Stefan . A hand was thrown over Elena's mouth and everything went black.

Stefan vampire sped down into the lounge and switched the lights on , there was a puddle of tea in the middle of the kitchen with glass splattered everywhere Elena's phone was resting on the side of the counter where she'd left it but Elena had gone . Stefan immediately grabbed his phone and rang his brother .

~ Damon smirked and sipped his wine as Kelly trotted in to the room with her skimpy pink dress on .

"Mr Salvatore you came -"

"What do you want then? I only came because of the alcohol ,we're all out "he grinned .

"You're just charming ,you really do love that Elena slut"

"Excuse me?"

"Wow he was right about you-"

Damon sat up and scanned Kelly but evil had appeared in her eyes ,she slowly walked over to Damon before she was face to face with him ,his eyes glared down at her and hers glared up.

"What have you done?"he shouted raising his hand .

Kelly threw her hand out slowly twisting her hand and repeating the same Witchy words over and over again until Damon fell to the floor in agony .

"Stop -you psycho bitch-"

Damon's eye sight was blurred and his head was pounding with pain ,he sat up slowly making his way to his feet. He began to slowly mutter words ,questioning her where was Elena.

Kelly's eyes rolled "I don't know where she is? I haven't touched her I swear ..but when my dear friend Niklaus arrives ,well you'll be looking for a corpse " she laughed .

Damon sped over to her and angrily put his hands around her throat ,her face began to turn purple ,her hand lifted and Damon suddenly fell to his knees whispering the name Elena .

"I'm going to end you Da-"

A figure appeared and the sound of crunches bones echoed through the small house .

A hand appeared and Damon grabbed it to see his brother helping him up

"Someone has Elena ,Damon what's going on?" Stefan asked concerned .

"What-Elena ?!! Who has her? It's not Klaus or Kelly? Who else is there?"

"I don't know Damon but at least she isn't with klaus ,we need another plan ..I'm going to ring everyone now-get home "

Damon nodded and sped to his car before speeding off towards the boarding house.

~ Elena's eyes fluttered open . She sat up instantly staring around the room she was in ,searching for clues of where she was or who had grabbed her . Her hands began to Shake as fear filled her stomach , she whispered the name Damon as tears streamed down her face . A hand reached out and touched Elena's shoulder she fell onto the floor instantly glaring up to see who'd kidnapped her . Enzo .

"Where the hell am I?!"she shouted

Enzo rolled his eyes "oh um I don't know Elena ,maybe in the basement of mine and Sandra's house what's wrong with you?"

Elena's eyes squinted confusingly "what? You came into my home and kidnapped me ..I mean you basically knocked me out and took me? What's wrong with you?!"

"Oh yes ,well love I'm sorry but Sandra told me she had a bad feeling so I went to see you and Damon and I saw a curious Nikalus Mikaelson and Rebekah Mikaelson sat outside in the car . I instantly ran into your house grabbed you and brought you here "he smirked "Sandra's upstairs doing her magic thing ,making the house safe or whatever " he began to walk away when Elena grabbed his arm.

"I'm sorry..i mean thankyou Enzo ,but can you please tell Damon I'm ok?"

"I can't elena it's too risky it's better if they don't know you're not here ,wait a few days-"

"A few days?!!! I have to go home , I am not staying here Enzo!!"

"Don't have a tantrum now Elena ,oh you can't escape there's a spell on this room ..you can't leave basically ,have fun"he laughed .

Elena grabbed the nearest object to her side and threw it angrily as glass splattered everywhere . She was simply furious .

~ Stefan sat down and passed a glass of whiskey to Damon , Bonnie and Jeremy were sat opposite them chattering away trying to think of a plan , Ric was throwing wooden stakes out onto the lounge floor arguing with Meredith once again . Everything had suddenly gone quiet and a plan B was in progress , Damon stood up rubbing his eyes when a worried Caroline stormed out of the room

"We seriously need to thi-" a knock at the door interrupted Caroline as she skipped over to the large door slowly pulling it towards her .

Two figures were stood there with their arms crossed ,Caroline's mouth suddenly opened and dropped everyone had risen from the couch and walked towards the door to see who was there .

"Hello Caroline " a voice appeared .

"Klaus" she muttered .

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