The dress shop girl

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Bonnie and elena stared at Caroline with their mouths open

"Wait so let me get this straight klaus turns up out of the blue? And what ,what did he say?" They both squeaked .

Caroline rolled her eyes "he wants me to move away with him, says I'm ready .."

"Ha like that's going to happen-" Bonnie laughed .

"We made out ok?" Caroline whispered sharply.

Elena sat back and sunk into the old Salvatore couch "wow that was a lot to take in"

Caroline stared at the floor "I'm ashamed of myself but the truth is elena ,after you had that weird vision of us I've just felt drawn to him ..I think I'm in love with an original hybrid "

"Caroline Forbes I'm so happy for you"elena laughed .

"Wait what about Ste-"

The front door opened and Stefan walked in with his usual smile on his face ,his hands were full with bags of shopping .

"Hey Caroline mind helping me ?"

Caroline smiled and rushed over to give him a hand ,Stefan leaned in and kissed her softly on the cheek .

"Thankyou "he grinned .

Bonnie turned to Elena "she's cheating on Stefan? This isn't right !"

"No well..I don't know ,I mean he technically broke up with her..I mean he put the wedding off ..I don't really know" elena whispered pulling a confused face.

"I think we should go anyway it's almost 1 ,we'll be late otherwise "

Elena shot up and grabbed her coat "woah where are you three going? And where's my brother?" Stefan laughed.

"Dress shopping for Elena's wedding ,and who cares where Damon is?"Caroline commented slyly .

Two hands grabbed Caroline's shoulders and pinned her down

"Well I care if you want a lift all the way to the dress shop miss.forbes .." A familiar voice whispered in a sexy tone.

Damon pushed past Caroline and leaned into elena for a peckish kiss, he grabbed her waist and pulled her in for a make out session , elena pulled away giggling

"Damon let's go you idiot" .

~ the door slammed behind the 4 and Stefan rushed back upstairs and into his large ,dark room .

"You can come out"he whispered

A shadow appeared and a young woman snuck out of the closet until she met Stefan face to face ,

"That was close ..first time we've almost gotten caught ..shame on us.."she whispered with a sexy tone.

Stefan pulled her in and kissed her all over ,he picked her light skinny body up and softly threw her onto the bed .

"God I love you" he whispered .

"Elena for Christ sake what did you forget?" Damon called before running after Elena back through the front door. "Bonnie and Caroline are waiting in the car ,come on!"

"I'll be there now Damon ,I need to grab the leaflet I think it's upstairs ,where did Stefan go anyway?"

"Ah elena don't go up there ,come on let's just go we can compel her " he smiled vaguely .

Elena threw her hands up and ran out to the car ,Damon stared up at the stairs and shook his head .

"I will regret this.."he muttered .

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