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"I came as soon as I could ,I got on the first plane Caroline ,the very first plane so I could get here ..but I surprisingly bumped into my sister Rebekah "klaus grinned "and well ..Bekah would you like to tell them what you told me?"

"Leave now before I rip your heart out"Damon interrupted

"Well well how many times have I heard that one Damon Salvatore ?"

Damon's eyes narrowed down and scanned the room staring at everyone's faces ,He began to nod and then suddenly grabbed Bonnie whispering two words

"Now Bonnie"

Bonnie raised her hand repeating the same witchy words over and over again until Klaus's ears began to bleed ,he instantly passed out with an angry Rebekah by his side .Her eyes turned red with anger as she glared at Bonnie ,Damon vampire sped over to rebekah quickly snapping her neck ,her glamorous body fell to the hard concrete floor as she laid unconscious .

"Right we have like 5 minutes until he wakes up ,everyone get into place now "Bonnie ordered waving her hand around .

Everyone suddenly panicked and ran to their place ,Damon ,Stefan and Ric ran towards Klaus holding him into position ,they grabbed and held his arms back and his legs were tied with white oak ash . Caroline was ordered to drag Rebekah's body down to the cellar to be tied up next to Kelly ,and Bonnie sat over a worried Jeremy laying on the floor .

"Are we all ready?" She muttered nervously stroking Jeremy's cheek .

Everyone nodded except Damon ,he scanned the room "where's Enzo?"

Stefan stared at the ground "he must have Elena? He's the only one that-"

Damon raised his hand instantly shutting his brother up , the sound of Klaus's heart beat had reached everyone's ears ,his eyes flew open furiously . He began to raise his arms trying to fight the three that were holding him down ,but he was too late Bonnoe had already started the spell . His eyes began to widen as his bones grew weaker by the second ,his heart slowed down until there was a slow, peaceful beat his skin grew paler and paler as his veins fought their way through his skin . Everything that he had lived for was about to disappear for good ,every single memory ,laugh ,kill or even love was about to be forgotten the love for his daughter had gone ,and everything laid still including Niklaus Mikaelson.

~ Enzo nodded and smiled before softly putting his phone down , he walked over to a sleepy Elena on the couch and poked her shoulder . He reached down and softly smoothed her face ,her eyes flew open and he instantly threw his hand to his side

"Everything's done ,klaus is dead "he muttered quickly "it worked!" He laughed .

Elena sat up as tears of joy streamed down her rosy cheeks ,she threw her arms up and around Enzo as he wrapped his around hers . She pulled her face away slowly staring up at him

"When i said I loved you Elena know when Damon was dead ,it was true ..I did love you and I cared for you ,everything I did I -"

Elena raised her hand and pulled away "no- Enzo I love Damon I'm not doing this now"

"I do love you Elena ,and you loved me ..I didn't compel you ,you loved me love me Elena "

Elena pulled away and grabbed her jacket "no Enzo I don't ,I love Damon and I'm marrying him ,I never loved you I'm sorry Enzo-"

Enzo rolled his eyes "whatever Elena I know you do , you wouldn't have slept with me otherwise "

Elena's eyes widened with horror "what?!" She screamed "I have never slept with you ..ok that one time last year but never agin Enzo ,I wouldn't do that?!-"

Enzo laughed "the night before last you came over when Sandra was out ,you confessed your love for me Elena which made me love you even more--"

Elena felt her head and lifted her arms confusingly "wait.." Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped "Katherine ".

Enzo's smile slowly fainted as he scuffed his feet against the old floor in embarrassment "so it wasn't you it was ..her"

"Obviously En-.. No I'm sorry it's just Enzo you know I love Damon ,I mean come on you're better than this ,I need to go home "

Elena awkwardly turned around grabbing her bag and began to walk towards the basement door ,Enzo's body flew in front of her stopping her from reaching the handle

"I know you love me Elena loved me once ,you loved me when Damon wasn't here didn't you? Maybe I'll have to do something about that"he grinned

"This isn't you Enzo?! Let me go please!" She cried ,she glanced around and began to shout Sandra's name "Sandra help-"

"Shutup you little bitch god can you not be quiet for like 5 minutes?"came a sarcastic voice .

Elena turned and faced the figure that was staring at her , her eyes were filled with evil and so was her grin ,it was her..the evil side of her. Katherine .

"What are you doing here?"Enzo muttered .

She turned and gave him a glare "oh yes sorry Enzo darling I almost forgot "she trotted over with her curly hair flowing behind ,she put both of her hands on his shoulders and stared deeply into his eyes "you're no longer compelled by me lover boy"she giggled.

Enzo's eyes fluttered he stared at Elena confused and then realised what was going on "Elena I'm so sorry I couldn't stop myself -"

"It's fine Enzo's fine " she nodded her head and stared at Katherine "well it's been nice seeing you but I have to get back to my fiancée-"

Katherine's jaw dropped "a wedding .. It could've been me and Damon you see ,we could've gotten married had children and everything ..been a happy family-"

"Well you're a psychotic bitch that no one loves " Enzo laughed

"You can go Elena "she mimicked "but you will see me again with klaus by my side we have a plan. Me him and Kol-"

Elena began to laugh "well you're plans clearly pointless I mean how can you go ahead with it if two members are dead"

Katherine's eyes narrowed down "what are you trying to say Elena -"

The door flew open and Damon sped in snapping the evil twins neck ,he ran over to Elena scanning her body for blood or injuries

"Are you ok Elena?! Everything's ok? Yes ?no?"

Elena laughed and cupped his face "yes Damon I'm fine ,Enzo saved me-"

Damon turned to Enzo and threw his arms around him "cheers buddy"

"So what's this bitch doing In town?" He grinned

"Well she just found out that klaus and Kol are dead so-"

"She's not a happy bunny" he laughed "Sandra rang me and told me what was happening down here ..Katherine turned up and all that-"

Elena sighed and pulled Damon into a hug that eventually turned into a kiss

"I love you" he whispered

"And so do I "Elena laughed .

She opened her eyes to see Enzo watching them shaking his head , had he been compelled to love her? O'r..-?

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