The Day Before Christmas Eve

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Damon trotted down the stairs in his pants to see a stressed Elena sat at the dining table with a large cup of coffee ,her tired eyes glanced up at Damon's

"Elena what's wrong baby?" he muttered wrapping his arms around her

"I'm..i'm just stressed, it's christmas Eve tomorrow and i have loads to do..i have to go to work in 10 minutes and i havent had a wink of sleep..i'm just fed up Damon"

"Lies Elena ,this is about Stefan and Caroline...did they mention why they were leaving?"

elena shook her head "no they bloody didnt ..they just don't care Damon..they won't just miss Christmas .."

"They'll miss our wedding.."he sighed "I'll drop you to work ,come on"

Elena slowly sat up and hugged Damon emotionally , Damon kissed her head softly and grabbed his keys .

-Damon passed the 'welcome to mystic falls ' sign , Elena sat up aggitated "Damon.. i need to go talk to Stefan and "

"What now now?"

"Yes ..take me there now i need to persuade them to stay ..or this will break me Damon.."

Damon nervously bit his lip and pulled a sharp corner heading towards the Salvatore Boarding house ,Elena's mouth dropped as she ran towards the house ,she stood staring at the for sale sign

"How long has this been up?!" she screamed "Where are they?!"

Elena ran towards the house with Damon running after her ,he grabbed her hand but Elena pushed him back , Rebekah opened the front door as she rubbed her eyes ,she stared at a confused Elena that pushed her over . Rebekah raised her hands in confusion towards Damon , Damon pulled Elena outside

"They've -they've gone"she cried ,her heart suddenly stopped and she fell to the floor "Why would they do this Damon? They didn't say goodbye ..i hate them Damon ..i hate them" she wimpered

Damon wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek "Elena ..i dont know why they did this ..but i'll phone them now -"

"Don't worry Damon we've tried ..but there is good news for us ..Stefan and Caroline gave me and Matt the house to stay in until we go back to Paris in January...i don't think they're coming back" she smirked

Elena sped over to her and slapped her angrily "Shutup you vampire slut , no one cares about you Rebekah-"

A voice appeared from behind Damon "I doubt that love ,i care about you dear sister"

Elena and Damon turned in horror to see a familiar villain "Klaus ?" Damon muttered horrified

"This is why they left bastard"Elena cried "Did you threaten them?"she screamed

"nice to see you as well love ,im sure this is going to be a lovely Christmas ..all of us together ..might invite Elijah "he laughed
Elena rubbed her eyes "this isn't happened" she whispered to herself
Klaus walked up to her "don't worry love I'm not here to kill anyone..we accept your apology for trying to kill us which was the stupidest idea I think you've all ever bloody come up with ,Hayley my brother Elijah and my beautiful daughter Hope will be coming down to celebrate with us all, it'll be one big happy christmas"he laughed "anyway where's Caroline?"
Damon's face went blank "wait you only wanted to get rid of Stefan? Caroline went with him obviously ?"
Klaus vampire sped over to damon strangling his neck "you're telling me that bloody idiots taken Caroline with him-"
Rebekah crossed her arms "no she's upstairs still in bed brother calm down..Stefan left on his own at about 4-"
Elena burst into tears "how could you do this?! He's on his own ..he has no one and you've made him leave ?! Caroline will hate you! "She screamed
"Doubt that love ,she's the one that helped us to make your plan look real"he grinned
Elena turned to damon and stormed towards the car "The mikaelsons are not spending christmas with us Damon, I'll drive myself to bloody have to find Stefan and bring him home-"
Damon nodded slowly and gave klaus a distant glare before heading out of mystic falls .
< elena sat nervously at her desk as she nervously played with her thumbs ,her colleague trotted over tapping her on the back
"Hey elena ,um it's time to go home ,do you need a lift home -?"
Elena shook her head "um no ..I don't think so thanks though Michaela .."
"Oh ok then.."she awkwardly sat down next to elena "so ..have you put your christmas decorations up yet?"
"Nope .not exactly in the festive mood ,everything's fallen apart "
"Well you still have your wedding Elena -"
"I called it off this morning..but I haven't told damon.."she muttered
Michaela awkwardly glanced around the room "oh well Elena I'm going to be honest with need to sort this out ,go and find Damon before it's too late and you ruin your relationship-"
Elena stood up and stormed towards the door "wow that really helped Michaela "she muttered .
Damon's blue car was waiting for her ,elena scanned the car to see no one there , a voice appeared from behind her .
"Got a phone call today"
Elena turned to see damon stood there "Damon ..what are you doing-"
"I got a phone call today ,anything you want to tell me?"he laughed sarcastically
Elena threw her arms in the air "you obviously know don't be a dick about it"
"What about you cancelling our wedding? No I wouldn't be mad about that at all Elena -"
Elena angrily stormed away but an arm pulled her back ,damon wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately ,snow began to fall as it piled up on the deep snow that had already stuck to the ground the night before . Elena pulled away slowly
"I'm sorry damon I -I don't know what to do "she cried
"Well we're going to have a great christmas elena ,our wedding can wait ..but I promise you we will get married some point" he laughed
A soggy elena pulled damon in for a hug and kissed his cheek "we can't do that if we don't have a family to spend it with -"
"I've called Stefan and he's on his way with Caroline ,klaus promises to behave ..but they are kind of having christmas dinner with us-"
Elena opened her mouth ready to rant but she stopped herself "fine but if he does anything Damon..I want you to get rid of him! He is not wrecking our christmas "

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