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"Yes I'm perfectly fine Bonnie ,I'm glad you and Jeremy have arrived safely at your new home anyway "Elena smiled as she held her phone against her ear

"Well we are 5 minutes away Elena ,but we're thinking of coming over to visit one day this week ,if that's okay of course?" Bonnie asked .

"Bonnie you can come over any time you're my best friend and Jeremy's my brother, anyway I should go and see where Damon is ,I'll ring you tomorrow Bonnie "

Elena ended the call and put her phone on her side table before heading down the old wooden stairs ," Damon? Damon are you coming to bed?"

The doors were still open and the fire had gone out ,there was a frosty feel to the room and everything had gone dark Elena crossed her arms and looked around worryingly before running towards the back door "Damon !" She screamed .

~ "Elena ,Elena calm down we're leaving now ok?" Stefan said calmly

"Stefan hurry someone's taken him there's blood and I'm on my own ,please hurry Stefan "Elena cried locking the doors .

"Bonnie and Jeremy are nearly there ok? Me and Caroline are leaving now ,go upstairs Elena "

The phone went dead and Elena sprinted upstairs to the bedroom before locking her door she ran to the side of her bed and sat down waiting.

The sound of a car engine had met Elena's ears and the front door flew open as footsteps appeared ,elena stood up instantly opening her bedroom door

"Stefan ,I didn't know you were going to be here so soon-"

She trotted down the stairs and into the lounge the lights were still off and the touch of frost still hovered in the air ,elena looked around slowly before heading back up the stairs without a second to think she began to sprint towards the stairs before a hand grabbed her and pulled her towards the front door .

A masked man stood in front of Elena as he dragged her towards a large red van "please ,please let me go I don't know who you are but please don't take me-"

The man smiled and hit her across the face before grabbing a pile of ropes and tying her hands and legs tightly together ,elena began to panic and began to kick the masked kidnapper rapidly "get away from me"she screamed but a rag was soon forced into her mouth ,as her screams laid silent. Her body was thrown into the boot and it shut elena tried to scream and shout but nothing happened ,and everything laid silent .

~ Meredith walked out with 5 cups of coffee on a tray a worried Stefan sat on the couch with his head held in his hands , Enzo and Ric sat opposite him with Sandra stood in the corner staring at an old stained book.

"This is all my fault .."Stefan muttered to himself .

Meredith rushed over nervously as her hands shook "Ric grab a coffee ,ok everything's ok? Ok guys?"

Ric looked at Enzo "well Caroline's on her way to New Orleans with Jeremy and Bonnie ,I'm sure klaus will rush over to save his blood bag -"

"I don't know mate seems a bit fishy ,I mean who would take them? Damon and Elena ? It makes no sense ?" Enzo blurred .

Everyone looked at eachother hopelessly before sipping their coffee

"I think we should start searching ,we don't know who this is right? I mean who could it be? Who else is there ?"Meredith asked .

Sandra interrupted with her finger pointing at a word in her book "I know who it is"

Everyone turned at her and stared

"Who? Who and where Sandra we need to go?" Stefan shouted

"It's one of the mikaelsons ,I can sense it they're back"she answered

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