The spell

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Damon turned to Elena and smiled "do you agree with this?"

Elena nodded her head slowly "of course I do Damon"

Bonnie smiled and stared at them both for a few seconds before telling them the plan of action -

"So basically we need a cup full of your blood ,both of you and also..Stefan that is if he shows up otherwise this plan goes to-"

"He'll be here I'm sure of it ,he wants this over more than I do"elena noted

Damon glanced at her "you really think so elena? I doubt he turns up .."

"-Damon seriously ? Why would he-"

"Guys! We have half hour ok? I need to explain everything "Bonnie moaned

"Sorry Bonnie carry on"elena smiled

~ Stefan sat on the porch of Sandra's house waiting for someone to greet him ,black clouds began to surround mystic falls and small drops of rain began to fall .

"Stefan "came a familiar voice "come in sweetie" Sandra smirked

"Hey you ,so how can I be of service ?"

"I need a cup full of your blood ,and you need to stay here for the rest of the night if that's alright?"she laughed

Stefan nodded and walked into the old house "so damon and elena here yet?"

Sandra shook her head and closed the door "should be here soon though ,shall I take the blood now sweetie?"

"Um..yeah sure why not" he laughed .

Sandra grabbed a knife and walked over to Stefan ,she slit through the layers of his pale skin and dark blood began to fall into the cup ,filling it higher and higher .

"Go and sit down you might feel dizzy ,go on over there on the couch"she pointed out before handing him a towel for his arm.

Stefan walked over to the couch and sat down patiently waiting for Elena and damon .

The door flew open and elena ,damon and Bonnie walked in ,Bonnie trotted over to Sandra and handed her two metal cups of warm blood .

"All done"she smiled "we should get started now anyway "

Elena went over and sat on the couch opposite Stefan ,Damon soon followed after her and sat next to her "this will all be over soon"he whispered.

Elena made eye contact with Stefan and looked away to the left hoping he hadn't seen her , Damon turned to stare at Stefan "surprised you came brother ?"

"Why wouldn't I Damon ,I want this over ,this wasn't my fault I couldn't help myself ? As soon as this is over I'm leaving town for good ,I can't do this anymore "

Damon's eyes soon turned to anger "Good" he shouted .

The room went quiet and everyone were staring at the Salvatore brothers , Elena stood up and stared at them both before walking out and onto the porch ,Stefan stood up and jogged towards the door . Damon's body flew up and stood in front of him stopping him from going any further "sit your ass down Stefan. You're not going near her ?"

Stefan pushed him against the wall "I can do what I want Damon ,now I want to go and see Elena you know my ex the one you stole from me ,oh yes the one I slept with-?"

Damon threw himself at Stefan and pushed him to the ground before lifting his fist and repeatedly punching him full force in the face ,blood began to slur over the floor ,Bonnie ran over to them and pulled her hand out "I'm sorry I have to do this"she muttered .

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