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Dear diary,
Well you could definitely call today a let down ,I attempted to sneak out of the house to go and find Enzo but all my bodyguards clearly could see what I was up to ,geez how many times have I heard "Elena he'll kill you" "Elena you're no longer a vampire" , seriously no one respects my choices anymore ,not even stefan . I have so much on my plate at the moment ,and having Care ring me up every 5 minutes moaning and crying about stefan ,I mean come on they aren't exactly going to last very long ..oh wait that sounds quite mean ,I don't plan on sounding mean it's just Caroline's all marriage and kids ,and stefan is stefan ,I mean ..they just ..don't suit at all . Now I sound like a jealous ex girlfriend that sounds like a bitch ,that's not me it's just I expected more off Damon ,I expected him to stay with me , relax with me ,maybe talk about marriage ,but he hasn't been around at all ,we haven't even talked really ,I wake up and he's gone . I tried talking to Bonnie today , she really helped me but the words she slurred hit me , I stood up staring at her with a confused look ,I didn't feel in control of my body at all ,it's as if my love is so strong for Damon ,hearing words that go against us start me off on some kind of rage I cannot control "what did you say?" I asked angrily
"Just maybe he isn't interested in you that much ..now that he's back from the dead sort of thing haha , come on Elena it's just my opinion ,maybe you're just not meant to be .."
"How about screw your opinion , I came to you because I have NO ONE else to go to ,I trust you but after hearing your speech well Bonnie it's really helped me ? Forget it"
I left in a rush and stormed out ,what had come over me ? Am I a changed person , I was in such a bad mood so I just decided to walk home slowly and go to bed ,but as I walked in my face lit up seeing the back of Damon's black silk hair sat on the sofa "Damon ?! Damon ,where have you been .." I can remember shouting with rage but also happiness .
But he just turned and looked at me ,I knew something was wrong , he told me to sit down and I did
" what's wrong ..tell me Damon?" I asked
" where do I start" he sighed
"Well you can start by telling me where the hell you've been ,who you've been with and what you've been doing?!" I shouted
" listen elena you need to leave ,you're going to leave , klaus is going to protect you !you can stay with him and Hayley ,Elijah's there as well so he'll protect you and crap ,so go and pack your bags"
"What? Did you actually just order me to do that ,move away with klaus?! Klaus ,you know the crazy hybrid that will probably kill me ,seriously damon ,that's the best you can do ? If you send me away ,you'll have to drag me by my hair all the way to New Orleans ,I'm not going to let you do this" I screamed
I can remember Ric running down the stairs asking what's wrong and what's going on ,so I told him and he told Damon to tell him exactly what was happening and why I had to leave town , so they both just scurried into the kitchen blocking me out ,which really annoyed me ?!
And 1 hour later Ric was packing my bag for me saying I have to leave and not to do anything stupid , today has been awful , I don't know what to do anymore ,I've lost everyone around me including Damon . I'm writing on my way to New Orleans now ,with Matt next to me , he said he'd come so it wouldn't be awkward , so I'm writing in this journal with nothing to say because I have NO idea where I'm heading and why?! What's happened ,what's going on ?
So I've decided to write some crap down to pass the time , I'm playing a game called write what you see ,so I'm writing what I see ,doors , planes ,people , busses ,buildings ,suitcases ,babies , the mikaelson family .

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