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Elena awoke from her deep sleep only to be confused that she was in a car with.. Stefan?? " where the hell are we ,where are we going ..where's Damon..?" Elena asked confused
Silas stared at her and smiled ensuring her it was ok , " Elena there's no need to panick everything's fine ,we're going on a road trip away from everything for a few months " he explained happily as a smirk appeared on his face .
Elena's jaw dropped "for a few months what the hell's wrong with you Stefan ?! Pull the car over now ,pull it over ,STEFAN"
Stefan rolled his eyes and pulled the car over "happy now Elena?"
"Where's my phone I need to ring Damon ,he'll be worried about me ,where are we going Stefan? Where's my phone??"
"Elena do you ever shutup you're like Caroline ? I have your phone and I've texted Damon it's fine honestly "
Elena stared at him "..did you kidnap me while I was sleeping ..? What the hell's wrong with you stefan ,answer me ,I'm not getting into that car until you tell me where we're going ,I love Damon and I want to go home to him ,please take me home "
Silas walked over to Elena and smoothed her face , "do you honestly think I still love you Elena?" He snapped her neck leaving her to fall to the ground ,Silas picked her up and put her in the boot happily ,as he started heading East he drove away.

Ric woke up to the sound of the front door being kicked down he ran out as fast as he could with a gun in his hands he called out who's there ,but Damon sprinted upstairs and into Elena's room ,but it was empty . "Damn it Ric I swear to god if you let Silas take Elena ,we're doomed she's gone because Bonnie isn't answering her phone I can't find Stefan!"
"Stefan came her um..late last night to pick up Elena ,he said something like they had to go some place quiet ,where no one knows or something ,damon why are you here so early and shouldn't you be taking care of Esther?" Alaric yawned
Damon gave him a glare "you idiot Esther is dead Caroline killed her for definite and she's daggered in a box , now on the other hand Elena isn't with Stefan we don't know where Stefan is because Silas is back and he has Elena "
"What? But stefan was here last night , Silas is back.. What are we going to do Damon? This is bad ..really bad why does he want her?"
" because he wants to turn her into his little Amara ,which means making her love him which I'm sorry but I'm not going to let happen for sure ,where did they say where they were going?"
" they didn't say ,stefan said some place we all know .."
Damon looked at him " dick " he began to walk down the stairs as he pulled his mobile out
"What are you going to do Damon? We need a plan?"
"First we're going to find Bonnie ,then Stefan then Elena I need you to ring Caroline , Tyler ,Matt and Jeremy and also Klaus ,and ask him if he wants to bring Elijah we know him and Elena had a soft spot for eachother ,I'm going to find Enzo he has people around the areas so I'll ask him"
Ric nodded and got his phone out ,but before he could look up Damon had gone he sent a text to everyone that Damon had mentioned - help needed ,come to Elena's house right now . Everyone .
Before Ric could out his phone away there were knocks at the door ,and voices appeared , Caroline ,Tyler and Matt came rushing in asking what's happened so Ric began to explain .
"So do we all know what we need to do ? We need to find her as soon as possible before it's too late" explained Ric
"Wait so that wasn't Stefan last night? It was Silas ?" Asked Caroline
"No it wasn't Stefan so I expect you and Stefan are still together ,now we need to go " Ric began to push everyone out but the door began to bang , Ric opened the door to see klaus stood there with his arms crossed "seriously can any of you look after the doppelgänger ?"

Enzo got Into Damon's car "right keep on driving straight up then do a sharp left my mate lives there and she's a witch ,she's quite powerful and she could track down all your missing friends " he said laughing to himself
"It's not funny , Silas could kill Elena ,and she thinks it's stefan so this isn't good " Damon said sharply
Damon geared up the car and started driving up the road ,they pulled up outside the witches house as Enzo walked up the drive a young witch opened the door and smiled at Enzo "hello darling ,I knew you'd come for my help ..once again " she leant up and kissed Enzo on the bottom of his lips
"Well my love I just can't get enough of you "he smiled and pulled her in closer
Damon rolled his eyes "um hello I'm still here ? Can we do this spell please I'm kind of in a hurry to save my girlfriend "
"Come on in mate ,oh by the way this is Sandra.. Sexy Sandra " he grinned
Sandra eat a huge map of mystic falls on the floor and named Bonnie Bennett and Stefan Salvatore over and over again ,by putting Stefan's ring and Bonnie's charm on the map a light spun around the room ,as Sandra poured black ink on the map lines began to form ,two exes appeared " they're both in the same place ,where is that? "Damon asked confused
"They're at the Mikaelson house ,why would they be there Damon?"
" they're there because Silas has made a deal with Mikael and Silas is going to kill a Elena , they're also going to kill Stefan but they are torturing them both as they want Bonnie to do a spell so we cannot find Elena and Silas" Sandra added in
"Well do the god damn spell to find them before it's too late? "Damon shouted at Sandra as he held his fists tight
Sandra looked at Enzo and he nodded , she began doing the spell for Elena with her necklace , nothing happened " this is strange ,I know they haven't done the spell yet because I would have seen it in my visions .."
Damon walked over To the wall and punched it forming a crack , Sandra went over to her cupboards and pulled out a huge map ,but this time of the states "he's gone further than we'd expected ,they're in Dallas you need to hurry you don't have long "
"How long ?!" Damon asked
"A few hours at the most , good luck " she kissed Enzo and smiled at him before letting him go .
Damon texted the others telling them to go and get Stefan and Bonnie before leaving for Dallas .

Bonnie woke up with blood dripping from her head , stefan grabbed her hand and held it "hey Bonnie it's ok ,don't panic it's fine you're going to be fine " stefan confirmed with a smile
Bonnie stared at the walls ,they were grey with metal chains hanging from the walls which their arms were attached too , Bonnie began to pull at the chains "I'm too weak Stefan I can't do anything but I can't do that spell for them ,they're going to try and kill Elena "she cried
Stefan looked at her and smiled "it's fine Bonnie nothing's going to happen ,we're going to be fine "
Someone was at the door as they turned the rusty key in the lock the door flew open with Kol stood there smiling ,"well hello my lovelies how are you both? You've been here for 3 days and you haven't contributed anything ,that means you Bonnie we need that spell we've been talking about ,now the thing is if you don't do it we've all agreed we're going to go and pick up your boyfriend ,Jeremy "he laughed
"You leave him out of this ,and I'm never going to do that spell for you ,ever you'll have to kill me first "she screamed
He walked over to her and grabbed her throat , Bonnie grabbed onto his hands trying to breathe ,but he was too strong .
"LET HER GO" stefan screamed "she's done nothing ,let her go"
Kol turned to Stefan releasing his hands ,"I can do the hell I want ,if I wanted to kill Bonnie I would ,I can do whatever I want with her"
The door flew open as a shadow appeared "the hell you can" came a voice ,seconds after a wooden bullet came flying out of a gun held by Jeremy ,kol flew to the ground unconscious "we don't have long come on we need to go " he picked up Bonnie ,while Caroline came running down the stairs towards Stefan "Stefan ! " she squealed
"Caroline I'm so glad you're okay"
She unlocked the chains and pulled him down ,as she helped him up the stairs Matt and Tyler were guarding the door and helped stefan and Bonnie into the car where Ric was driving .
"Where next?" Tyler asked
" Damon texted me , we're going to Dallas" Ric confirmed before turning the car on.

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