Girls night

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Dear diary ,
I am officially going crazy I have not left this lake house In 5 days I'm so worried about going out and being hijacked by Rebekah or even Klaus!! I've been planning the wedding's the only thing keeping me sane ,Damon just means so much to me. He's been telling me everything's fine and that klaus is dead for definite and Bonnie's confirmed it so I'm kind of ready to start living my life again , I've missed a lot of work lately so life isn't going to well . We finally set the date for the wedding January the 15th and it's the 8th of December today so ...just over a month ,I'm so excited and happy now I just want to marry Damon and ..have children with him ,that's all I want ..if it's possible? It's now 11pm and Caroline and Bonnie are over for a slumber party to celebrate Klaus is still dead! Better crack open the bubbly and chocolates , Damon's sorting Rebekah I think with Stefan and Ric..oh yeah poor Ric ,Meredith rang him on the weekend stating she can't stand vampires and so on so she ran away to be with her ex-husband ..I thought better of Meredith I mean she left Mystic falls 10 years ago just when Damon and Bonnie 'died' but then she returned 7 years ago claiming she doesn't love her husband again ..she was so happy to see Ric ..they were happy ,but obviously not anymore ,Rics getting there and he's actually met a new woman ..she's a witch and her names Ursula..kind of a creepy name but she seems ok..I guess .
< Caroline kicked her high heeled shoes off and laid on the sofa ,Bonnie joined her and sat opposite a bored Caroline . Elena rushed down the stairs and headed for the kitchen ,the fridge door closed and elena returned with two bottles of champagne in her hands
Caroline sat up "yes finally alcohol!"
Bonnie burst out laughing "well then let's crack the champagne open -"
"Well we're celebrating!" Elena squealed as she popped the cork
Caroline held her glass up "celebrating what? Hasn't everything been pretty ..shit"
Elena smirked "because Klaus is definitely dead and well..I need to move on "
Bonnie raised her hand and the three began to drink away their sorrows .
~ Damon filled up his fifth glass of whiskey and threw himself onto his bed ,Stefan walked in with a calm face on
"Heard off Elena or Caroline?"
Damon shook his head "nope"
Stefan sat on the end of his bed "well are they ok? Caroline hasn't texted me"
Damon necked his glass down and stared at Stefan "Stefan don't be one of those freaky boyfriends that has a weird obsession with their girlfriend -"
"How is that weird damon? It's called being a good boyfriend unlike you-"
"Whatever Stefan get out of my room"
"No how about go home you've done nothing to help tonight anyway ,Rebekah's still a wreck that wants to hurt elena -"
"Stefan you talk too much ,go talk to Rebekah I'm going to bed "
Stefan stormed out of the room ,in less than 10 seconds he had vampire sped back into Damon's room .
Damon rolled his eyes "for Christ sake Stefan ,leave me-"
"She's gone . Rebekah " Stefan gulped with his eyes wide
Damon sat up "elena "

< A drunk Elena sat up and threw her glass at the fireplace ,Bonnie and Caroline were laughing on the floor ,the floor was covered with champagne and candles that covered the floor near the warm fire . Elena fell off the sofa and onto the floor with Bonnie and Caroline ,a drunk Bonnie lifted the last empty bottle of champagne and stared at it clueless

"All gone" she laughed

"I'll go on a search party for more alcahollllllll" Elena laughed as she tripped over cushions .

A knock appeared at the door and caroline flew up drunkily and skipped towards the front door , the door flew open and Rebekah stormed in with her arms crossed ,Elena walked into the living room with a bottle of whiskey in her hands ,she stared at the label

"Well this is Damon's but- Rebekah?!" she laughed "What are you doing here?"

Rebekah smirked "Oh no are you three drunk ,you seriously need to grow up you're all pathetic ,desperate alcoholics that seriously need a better life than drinking your sorrows , im here to talk to Elena "

Elena threw the bottle to Caroline and she walked over to Rebekah "What do you want to talk about? If it's about your brother wel im sorry Reb-" Elena felt her stomach and pulled an awkward sickly face before throwing up onto the floor ,Rebekah scurried back in disgust

"You're all bloody disgusting ,these are designer shoes Matt bought them for me you little bitch"

Rebekah threw herself at Elena and grabbed her by her neck "Because i've changed Elena i am willing to forgive you and move on from what happened ..i'm with Matt and i love him ,after Christmas we'll be gone and i wont have to see your pitiful little face again "

Rebekah dropped Elena to the floor as Caroline and Bonnie ran towards her ,Elena felt her neck as it burned , Caroline stood up and slapped Rebekah before falling backwards

"Don't start Caroline and i expected more from you considering you loved my brother ,you may be able to forget him but trust me he loved you and by you betraying him well're far more worse than Niklaus himself" Rebekah turned as tears streamed down her face and slammed the door shut .

Elena stared at a tearful Caroline and hugged her as she cried , Bonnie sat up and headed for the spare bedroom

"I think we should all go to bed ..Rebekah's right we shouldn't drink away our sorrows .."

"Caroline ignored what she said ok ?She's just a desperate bitch that wants to make our lives hell ok? It's fine Klaus is gone and ..well we're all fine ,now let's go to bed" she smiled

"That's the thing Elena i've been keeping something from you-"

The door flew open and the salvatore brothers came rushing in , Damon ran to Elena as Stefan ran to Caroline they both scanned their girlfriends before kissing them softly

"Are you ok? Was Rebekah here?" Damon asked hugging Elena

"Yep she was and she kind of put me in a head lock ..but we're fine now she said that she's willing to forgive me.."

"Well that's good , do you want us to stay here tonight?" Stefan smiled

Caroline and Elena nodded " and Caroline will go upstairs you two can guard the house down here on the couch "Elena giggled

The two tripped up the stairs and slowly ran into the bedroom , Stefan shook his head and stared at Damon

"Well they're drunk "Stefan laughed

"ooh wow they're drunk ,are they not allowed mom?" Damon smirked

"Shutup Damon ,its just a statement "

"yeah they're wasted ,well you never know we could go have a foursome? "

Stefan stared at Damon "Why would you say that? that's just weird-"

"I'm kidding man " damon laughed as he grabbed his bottle of whiskey

"the scary thing is you're probably not" Stefan laughed throwing himself onto the sofa

"maybe i'm not " Damon smirked necking down his whiskey "maybe not.."
Bonnie pulled up her pyjama top and sat on her bed slowly rubbing her aching forehead ,she dimmed the light to low and pulled her bag up. She slowly pulled a framed photo of her and Jeremy out and touched his face
"I miss you Jeremy "she cried "I just don't think I can go on like this anymore leaving me to go to London every week, i just can't handle this anymore .." Bonnie began to cry ,she hugged the photo frame and cried herself to sleep.
Stefan gave damon a sad look
"She's going to finish with Jeremy it'll break his heart "Stefan whispered
"Don't earwig Stefan it's none of our business "
"You were earwig going too Damon don't act all innocent" his brother smirked "and it won't be a very good wedding for Elena it her brother and best friend don't turn up"
"Stefannnnn I sort everything out-"
"Sort this one out then brother" Stefan smirked before necking his whiskey down .

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