What are they hiding?

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Dear diary ,

Ok so this morning was weird ...me and Damon woke up extra early to cook our new guests (Emma ,Killian and Henry ) a nice breakfast ,I mean we put a lot of effort into it ..literally . So we were all at the table and Damon and Killian instantly started bickering as they do ,so before anyone could actually finish Emma whispers something to Killian and they rush off all suspiciously saying they'll "be back soon" . Damon obviously went off on one saying they're upto something ..and unfortunately I agree with him they seem too involved with Kelly and Katherine ,they always bring up their names and seem to want vengeance ,like for example Emma was questioning me on where they were and if I knew where they were hiding ,but no I obviously don't I mean they've literally vanished into thin air ..Katherine chasing after Kelly I'm guessing? They're nemesis's .. So this afternoon after Henry left for the library we invited Bonnie and Jer over to do some digging ...and well..we found a lot ... After Bonnie by powerful witch best friend did her spell she found a lot out , well it's kind of impossible I mean..hard to believe , but the reason Emma's here is so she can claim her vengeance on Katherine ..she did something to her and I guess she wants revenge which is why I'm going to talk some sense into her ...but that's not all . Bonnie also picked up a powerful sorcerer who goes by the 'Snow Queen' which is kind of worrying considering winter is here ..so the four of us are going to come up with a plan to sort this out 1) to try and talk sense into Emma 2) find Katherine and Kelly and 3) sort this snow queen out who's currently on her way .

This afternoon me and Damon received a call from Stefan and Caroline ..well it seems that they've packed a few bags and headed on a road trip to take their mind of things ..personally I think they need it after everything ,but they could've atleast said bye..I've had enough of these last minute goodbye texts ..it's just not what friends do ..anyway it's quite late now and we have a busy day tomorrow considering our "guests" haven't come home yet.. Hmm

<next day>

Elena wrapped her scarf around her neck and put a pink fluffy hat on ,her winter jacket and boots were on with her car keys ready in her hand . Damon trotted out of the kitchen with a piece of toast in his hand and two mugs filled with tea , Elena drew the living room curtains and took a peep at the weather . It was dull and freezing ,I've covered the floor and small patches of frost laid over the grass , the sky was grey and miserable as small drops of snow began to fall .

"We should go Damon ,it's starting to snow ..and if this weather warning of a snow storm is true..well we don't want to get caught up in it "

Damon gave Elena a kiss on the cheek and nodded "of course darling "

Bonnie and Jeremy opened their bedroom door and walked out to see what was going on ,Bonnie grabbed her jacket and put it over her blue pjs

"What's the time Elena ,it's freezing"Bonnie mumbled

Jeremy pulled her in for a hug , Elena pulled her phone out "erm 7am.."

Damon reached over and passed Elena her mug "there is a snow storm coming so operation K has to take place a bit earlier ...anyway we need directions to this Storybrooke place ..that's where Emma lives right?"Damon asked with a mouth full of toast .

Bonnie nodded "I sent a map to you last night Damon ,I have a weird feeling about this so make sure you're careful .."

"We will Bonnie don't worry ..I actually just remembered Henry didn't come home from the library did he ?"

Jeremy shook his head "it looks like the three of them have just packed up and headed home without a goodbye Elena , we'll stay here and figure out where Kelly and Katherine are while you find out what our family's up to"

Elena nodded and opened the door "we shouldn't be too long ,it's only a two hour drive"

~ Elena's red mini suddenly passed the 'Welcome to Storybrooke' sign , snow was falling fast which meant they had to hurry and find clues fast . Elena parked in a cafe car park near the so called mayors house ,it was big and pretty impressive ,the house was painted in a white snowy colour which matched the icy fresh glass that sat in the front yard . Elena quickly opened the door and ran up the steps and along the path to the front door ,Damon came rushing behind her but Elena had already knocked the door several times .

"Damon something isn't -isn't right! I haven't seen anyone in this town have you? It's a bit odd the mayor isn't in isn't it? What's going on Damon?!!" Elena squealed

Before Damon could open his mouth the front door creaked and blew open , without a second to doubt Elena was rushing in on a search party ,the place was shiny ..very shiny as if bought new . Elena crept along the hall and examined each room but there was no sign of anyone , they both walked into a modern office where a light was on .

Elena shook her head clueless and pointed upstairs "you search downstairs I'll go up " she whispered .

Elena ran up the stairs and into the hallway there were 5 doors , Elena noticed a skull painted on an aqua painted door ,she opened the door and flicked the light switch on .

"Henry's room"she whispered

Before she could start searching an arm reached over and grabbed her ,it was Damon ..who had a very worried look on his face .

"The mayors here ..she's downstairs and we need to get out of here now "

Elena nodded and crept into the hallway with Damon following ,footsteps approached and the two vampire sped into Henry's room ,they quietly closed the door and headed for the nearest cupboard . Footsteps came closer and closer until the cupboard doors flew open , it was Henry . Henry's eyes widened but he closed the door instantly without making a scene ,a female voice appeared

"Henry is everything ok?"

"Yes mom everything's fine I'm just going to unpack since I'm staying with you for a while ,I'll be down in 5" he smiled

"Ok well tea will be done in half an hour so make sure you're down by then"

The door closed and Henry rushed over to the cupboard "what are you doing here?! You shouldn't have come ..my mom she'll kill you!"

Damon rolled his eyes and rushed out "listen kid tell us what's going on there's a storm brewing and I want to go home ,so what's Emma and Killian upto?"

Elena rushed over and hugged Henry "Henry you didn't come back from the library didn't you expect us to come looking for you?! And Damon's right what's going on?"

Henry shook his head "nothing ..you need to go ..now before my mom-"

The door flew open and a young woman stood in the doorway "what are you doing in my sons room ?"she glared

"We're sorry- it's just Emma and -"

"Excuse me but you're trespassing in my home which means I have to take action and call the sheriff ,I don't know and I don't care who you are but get out of my sons room "

Elena stood forward "he isn't your son I don't know who you are ,but Emma my cousin is his mom and I've come here to find out what they want with Katherine and Kelly "

"A relative how sweet , and my name is Regina ,I'm the mayor of this town so get out and leave n-"

Damon stood forward pushing Elena back "listen bitch don't talk to her like that ,we've come here for answers and that's what we'll get -"

Regina stood forward as purple dust appeared from her Hand ,she threw it towards Damon instantly throwing him to the ground ,an evil grin appeared across her face as her red lips widened .

"And for you Elena ,you can come with me and take me to Katerina Petrova so I can kill her for good ..oh and Lady Kelly-Anne of course ..yes it know who they Are ,I know who you are and what you are and I know more of your history than you yourself do darling ..because I am the queen ..they call me the evil queen "she hissed .

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