Truth be told

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"They've been gone for a week ,this is bad how have you not found them?!" Ric shouted with Jeremy backing him up.

Damon sat on his couch and glared up "I couldn't move and I have no idea where they've gone Ric!"

Caroline ,Meredith and Bonnie sat on the opposite couch watching the discussion , a knock was at the door Enzo stormed in with Sandra following

Caroline stood up "what's that bitch doing here, get her out now?!"

"Listen Caroline it's not what you think -"

"Oh really Sandra? Really you were sleeping with my boyfriend? Go on explain"

"It's Kol he's been compelling Stefan "Enzo butted in .

Everyone stopped talking and turned to Enzo "what?!"they all screamed .

"I saw him last night ,he was here compelling Stefan and Sandra ..I don't know anything where they are.."

"So Kol has her?! He'll kill her you idiot oh my god she's in danger ,we're doomed .."Damon cried "he's trying to kill her all the time ..this has to end we need to kill him for good ..who's with me?"

The girls stood up and nodded ,everyone nodded and stared at eachother "we need a plan"Damon called .

~ "right we need this to work ,if it doesn't we're doomed ,so you think this will work?"Kol whispered to a dark figure .

The figure leaned to the side

"Hmm oh wait I know this plan will work ,my plans always work you retard "came a sarcastic female voice .

"Well your last one didn't exactly work did it love?"

"Wow you're seriously this thick ,I had to be daggered and killed ,I always have a plan B and C I mean I'm always 3 steps ahead ..that was part of the plan ,now I'm unfortunately teaming up with you ..but this will definitely work -"

"Well Niklaus is pretty determined on creating his new form of hybrids but he needs elena alive-"

"Ew just let him drain her of her blood and then kill her ,she's so annoying as it is-"

"Listen darling I don't think you're clear on this she needs to be kept alive ,Niklaus told me specifically to keep her alive ,that's the whole point of the proses"

"Well I'm sorry I don't understand .Explain"

"It's not hard it Niklaus keeps Elena here ,drains her of her blood but before she's able to die ,give her blood and then drain her over again .He will create millions of hybrids ,enough to take back the quarter if there's any trouble-"

"And what's in it for sweet innocent Kol ?"

"I get to kill her when he's done ,that's enough for me love"

Kol opened the door down to the cellar and held it open ,the dark figured woman walked through the door and down the cold, rock stairs . Elena was tied to the wall with blood dripping down her head ,she glanced up with her weak helpless eyes to see who was coming .

"Wh-eres Stefan -"she managed to whisper .

"I've sent him home sending your friends in the wrong direction ,we need to keep you quiet"he laughed.

"Well today is a good day"came a sarcastic voice .

Elena looked up as horror hit her eyes, she pulled the metal on her chains to try to break free ,but the figured woman was now face to face with her.

"I'm here to take back what is mine"she laughed.

"Who are you?" Elena shrieked ,

Light formed through the small window at the top of the cellar and onto Elena , the face had come clear of this figured woman ,it was the one and only

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