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Elena's hands began to shake and tears began to fall "Damon?! What's wrong with you why would you say that?"

"Maybe because you slept with my brother?" damon answered sharply

Elena fell back onto the couch unable to breath she tried to say 'no!i couldn't have' but the memories came blurring back ,she had slept with Stefan.

Stefan awoke on the opposite couch and stared up at Elena "elena ,elena wait "he shouted but before he could reach her she was in her car leaving the Salvatore boarding house .

Damon slowly walked over to Stefan

"You know I actually felt bad about me and elena falling for eachother ..I did Stefan but now you can have her ,you've lost my trust brother"

Stefan sat down unsure of what to do he had lost his girlfriend ,brother and the girl he secretly loved .

"I'm going after Elena "Bonnie interrupted "you know I'd call Ric and let him know what's going on? This is bad Stefan"

~ elena had her foot on the accelerator and was speeding through the quiet roads of mystic falls until she reached her old house . She ran through the front door and up to her bedroom after locking her door ,she felt like a teenager after having an argument with the boyfriend ,storming upstairs and sulking for the rest of the night .

"Elena? What's wrong?"came a voice from the opposite side of the door .

"Go away Ric "she cried

"I've just gotten off the phone with Stefan-"

"Don't say his name!"she screamed .

"All you can do to help is to leave me alone and not to let anyone in ,no one "

~ damon sipped his scotch and admired the flames of the burning fire ,the door flew open and Enzo came rushing in with Sandra following

"What the hells happened mate?"

"Me and elena aren't together anymore ,let's cut the story short she slept with Stefan" Damon stood up and headed towards Enzo.

Sandra butted in "Damon we both know elena wouldn't do that she loves you, and Stefan wouldn't either it was the spell -"

"And you failed ,so how about get out of my house"

"Don't talk to her like that Damon, and I agree with her they wouldn't do that ,you love Elena I mean you're marrying her?-"

"Nah I'm not ,I'm heading out of town he can have her "

"Damon, we still have Kol out there who are eager to kill Elena you can't just leave mate"

"Tough shit Enzo ,you babysit her"

Damon grabbed his bag and left through the door .

~ "she still hasn't come out yet?" Jeremy asked

"Nope, I made pie as well and my pie's great "Meredith laughed .

"This is going to end her "Ric noted

"Her without Damon isn't right "

"Hunny I'm sure things will plan out they both love eachother ,Damon will come around soon?"Meredith whispered

"He's left town Meredith "

Meredith and Jeremy stared at eachother with the same expression 'WHAT?!'.

~ "I need to fix this Stefan" Bonnie cried "I've been trying to look for a spell but I can't find one ,please help me Sandra? You're powerful ..very powerful and I could do with some help?"

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