Diary #2

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Dear diary ,

Well it's me again ..talking to myself which is quite funny to be honest ,I've finally gone out and bought a diary..well a cheap blue one ,Damon thinks I should still be writing down my thoughts and emotions after everything that's happened ,I guess Damon is right and writing down my thoughts does help a lot ,so I'm sat here on Caroline's double bed writing in this crappy thing waiting for her to bloody do us a glass of wine!

Damon literally forced me out of the door to Caroline's for me to be "safe" I mean we don't want Kol escaping from our cellar and killing me now do we?!! I arrived at Caroline's about two hours ago it's now 6ish I think and we're still waiting for the pizza to turn up , so I basically made Caroline sneak a bottle of red in and into my glass ..I seriously need one after this month ..actually this year ,it's been a hard one but then again I'm happy my Damon is back . Damon, Stefan ,Enzo and Ric are at our house trying to "sort out" Kol which I think means killing him ,I warned them but they just won't listen to me I mean when Klaus finds out he's been taken my Damon he will kill him and I just can't live without him ,I just can't , Damon said they're trying to torture him out of telling them what Klaus's plan is with me and so on ..but Kol will never spill the beans .

Caroline's just returned with a half filled glass of red which I'm dying to throw down my throat ,I just can't believe they sent me to Caroline's for Christ sake I'm a grown woman and they still don't trust me I mean I could've stayed up in mine and Damon's room

...but no they have to send me away to be "protected ".

I have so much to do and worry about I mean we have the wedding in a few weeks and nothing is done we still need to plan and book our honeymoon even though Paris is in the mind , Stefan is off the rails and we need to fix him because he's just loosing it and I can't stand to see him and Damon fall out ..I hate it ..and then there's the baby topic considering I can have kids now but I guess I'm too nervous ..and maybe a bit worried to tell Damon I mean what if he doesn't want kids with me ? I mean I feel as if I want kids with him of course I do ...I love Damon so so much and I'm marrying him which is why I want to start a family with him. But will he say yes or no? -


"Still writing in a diary Elena? I thought diaries made you depressed?!"Caroline giggled waving her wine glass around .

Elena sat up "well I think it's a good idea to try and write everything down get it off my mind..I mean there's way too much going on Care ..I have to let some things out.."

They both sipped a mouthful or red wine and gulped it down in one "so care ..what's happened with you and Stefan? I mean have you spoken or?-"

"No Elena he's said nothing he's been ignoring me ..I mean he didn't even fricking apologise ..we weren't meant to be Elena ,I've tried so many times with him but he just doesn't want me -"

"Caroline of course he still loves you , you just need to be more open that's all-"

"No Elena we're done and I mean that" Caroline waved her arms around and stormed downstairs leaving Elena alone .

Elena put her glass to the side and pulled out her phone checking for messages ,she flicked through her emails and then decided to call Damon ,she quickly dialled his number and stood waiting for an answer .

"Hey Elena I have to be quick -"

"Are you okay Damon? How is everything?"

"A bit stressed we've been here for hours torturing him and he just..isn't giving in he's not going to tell us anything ,Ric has the white oak stake with him now ..so I guess we're going to end it for good ,we're going to berry him somewhere where no original arse hole can find him "

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