"She's gone..she left me"

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Elena sat up and reached for her alarm clock that was buzzing ,Damon sat up and squinted his eyes
"Elena what's the bloody time?"he grunted
"It's 7:39 Damon ,get up!"
"Whyyyyyyyy it's a Saturday?"he moaned
"Because Stefan and Caroline are coming home today and well..we're going to tidy the place up and throw a little party ,you know make them feel back at home?"
"Elena you know that's not going to work ,I know my brother and I doubt he will come home -"
Elena pulled the duvet off of the bed and stood next to Damon with her arms crossed "I don't care it's worth a try so get your lazy arse out of bed and get changed!"
Damon smirked and pulled Elena on to the bed as he rolled on top of her.
~ Bonnie stood nervously on the porch of the Salvatore boarding house and scanned the roads for Damon's blue car ,she quickly got her phone out and dialled Elena's number
"Answer machine seriously Elena you're an hour late! They're home in 2 hours!!"Bonnie moaned to herself
A familiar voice appeared from behind ,it was Ric
"Need any help?"he smirked
"Ric..actually I do ,Damon and Elena aren't here and well..they were supposed to be helping me today -"
"Well I'm sure me and Meredith can help..I'll give her a text now "he smiled
The two headed into the house ,thick layers of dust sat on top of cupboards ,tables and furniture ,Bonnie opened her bag and threw a thick book onto the dining table ,she flickered through the pages until she reached page 209 : Cleaning spells . She waved her hands around the room chanting a spell over and over again ,the curtains flew open as light filled the room ,dust began to drift through the floorboards and out through the door ,the place was spotless .
Ric stood there with a grin on his face "woah you really needed my help didn't you ?"
"Company "she smiled ,the smile soon drifted away
Ric walked towards Bonnie "Bonnie I know it's hard for you knowing Jeremy's on the other side of the world but he's helping-"
"Tyler I know Ric ,I do it's just I don't understand why he can't come back here ..I mean he can bring Liv with him ..we'd all be together again ...but no everyone's gone their separate ways ,Matt and Bekah are travelling they hardly come back to visit ,Stefan and Caroline are all over the place -"
The door flew open and Elena rushed in with Damon following her ,her hair was thick with nots and she looked as if she'd quickly shoved some clothes on with 5 minutes to spare
"Bonnie I'm so so -"
"It's fine Elena ..it's fine ..everything's finished so you might as well go back home with Damon-"
Damon stormed through the doors smirking at Elena along the way "oh Ric sexy Meredith Fell's outside ,doesn't look too happy -"
"A she ever happy"he grunted as he made his way through the front door
Elena gave Damon a confused look as they followed behind ,Bonnie raise her hands in the air as she stood in the middle of the living room alone ,Elena rushed after Ric .
Meredith stormed up the lawn of the Salvatore boarding house "You leave me a message saying 'get here asap' so what's the emergency ? "
Ric rolled do his eyes "it's sorted now it's just we needed-"
"You do this all the time ,you always do this Alaric!"
"Do what?!"he screamed
"You always leave in a rush without a goodbye ,you don't come back some nights ..even for a few days ,we're supposed to be settling down and I hardly see you ,I'm trying to live a normal life-"
"Well I'm sorry Meredith but you can't exactly live a normal life when you have fricking vampires living next door?"
"Don't give me that! Don't give me that at-"
Damon stormed forward with a sarcastic insult on the top of his tongue , Meredith gave him a glare before storming over to him
"This is your fault as well "she shouted
"What the hell's wrong with you?" He smirked
Meredith raised her hand ,before she could slap him Elena had pushed her out of the way ,she walked over to Meredith and stared down at her on the floor
"Meredith I don't know what's wrong but you can talk to me-"
Meredith pushed Elena to the floor as her head hit the concrete ,Damon rushed over to her lifting her up
"Ric get your mad girlfriend out of here "
Meredith gave them all a glare "ex-girlfriend "she shouted as she rushed off into her car ,she drove away as tears streamed down her face .
Ric rushed over to Elena and helped Damon carry her to the living room ,Elena sat up and felt her head
"Are you ok?"Damon asked with his concerned eyes staring into hers
Elena sat up "I'm fine ,I just hit my head and felt a bit dizzy ..what was all that about..?"
Everyone's faces turned to Rics ,he'd gone all pale and had a strange expression on his face " I-i don't know..she..she broke up with me..?"
Damon sat up and pulled Ric in for a hug "We need to go talk to her ..she's in a very strange state and well she could go tell the world who we all are ..-"
"I'm -I'm going home "he muttered , before Damon could change his mind ,Ric had gone .
<3 hours later >
Stefan stopped the car and stared over at Caroline ,a smile appeared on her face as her rosy cheeks brightened ,Stefan reached over and kissed her soft lips before getting out . He opened the boot and threw their cases onto the grass
"Well we're home ..it actually feels good to be back"she smirked
"Let's see what drama awaits us then Miss Forbes"
Caroline rolled her eyes and held Stefan's hand as they trotted up the path towards the front door of the Salvatore house ,they opened the door and the lights flew on ,party poppers went off ,and everyone screamed 'Welcome home!!' . Stefan stared around towards the faces ,not everyone was there though ..only Elena ,Damon and Bonnie . Caroline rushed over and hugged them all ,Stefan gave his brother a confused look and nodded his head
"So where's everyone else..? Enzo,Ric,Jeremy..?"
"Brother ,you need to catch up on some stuff ,a lots happened in the past 3 weeks ..a lot trust me"
Elena stood forward and ran over to stefan wrapping her arms around his " Stefan I'm so glad you're home ,it's been so weird without you"she smiled .
A smile appeared on Stefan's face but a frown appeared on a face that was lurking over them ,Damon.
<Stefan's eyes had widened after Elena had told him about the numerous events that had taken place while he had been gone ,Caroline was sat on his lap gob smacked
"So Katherine's with this snow queen?" Stefan asked
Elena nodded "yes well that was Damon's plan ,but Emma and Regina stayed so.."
"Well that's a bit odd ,anyway where's Ric and Meredith?" Caroline asked with a smile on her face
"Well they've been arguing .."Damon whispered "I don't know what's going on but Meredith attacked Elena earlier and me kind of-"
"Wait what?! Elena are you ok?"Stefan asked as he reached for her hand
"I'm fine Stefan "she smiled "Ric should be here any minute anyway-"
The door flew open and Ric stormed in with a frown on his face
"She's gone..she left me"

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