Time to go!

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Elena quietly ran downstairs and into the kitchen "oh Stefan you're up early? I came down for some breakfast-"she whispered surprised .

"Elena hey , I've actually made breakfast want some? Eggs and bacon?"

Elena smiled and nodded "so how are you today is everything okay?"

"Yeah great ,so when will you and Damon be moving to the lake house?"

"Oh wow that kind of hurt why do you want us to leave? So you can have this house to share with your fiancée "she said sharply before running back upstairs .

Stefan stared at her plate in a long distant day dream before running after her , "Elena ?elena come here ,please? Elena ?"he called quietly

Caroline came down and leaped into his arms "I'm not Elena but still -"she leaned in and kissed him "why do you want her anyway? She just went back into her room?"

"Oh um no reason ..breakfast?"he grinned .

~ Elena threw a pillow at Damon's face "Damon pack your things ,Damon wake up ! Pack your things in this case ,we're leaving "

Damon sat up with one eye open , "Elena what the hell's wrong with you ,it's 8 am we're going no where?"

"Damon either you're coming with me or I'm going on my own ? It's your choice ,I can't stay here"

Damon sat up "what's happened Elena? Tell me?"

"Nothing I just want to move to the lake house ,we're ready Damon please for me ,I can't live here ,we'll be closer to Bonnie and Jeremy -"

"Fine whatever you want Elena, we'll leave at 12 "

"Sooner Damon we're leaving at 10 "

"Elena you've lost your mind ,go downstairs before you put me in a mood -"

Elena turned and glared at Damon "whatever you don't care anyway ,stay here dick"

Damon sat up confused but Elena had gone and so had her bag .

~ " elena where are you going? Me and Stefan have news?-"

"Caroline leave it!"Stefan whispered

"I'm leaving Caroline ,I'm sorry "elena called before closing the door .

Caroline turned to Stefan with a strange look "ok? What's going on ? Go and stop her Stefan?"

Stefan rolled his eyes and shook his head "no she's Damon's problem now I guess ,I have nothing really to do her just leave her be ,I'm sure damon will be down soon they've probably had an argument or something -"

Caroline sat back down and began cutting her eggs and Bacon "oh my god stef this is amazing ,wow a fiancée that can cook "she laughed.

~ Bonnie opened the front door of her house to a tearful elena "oh my god elena come in ,come here"

Bonnie opened her arms and hugged elena tightly ,

"Come and sit down elena ,come on "

"No Bonnie I've come to say goodbye ,I'm leaving for a while I can't handle everything "

"You mean Stefan and Caroline getting married? Yeah Stefan rang me earlier "

"No that's got nothing to do -"

"Elena you have to stop doing this you can't love two brothers you're going to rip them apart ,you have to choose one elena "

"I love Damon ,I'm marrying him Bonnie ! I do not love Stefan!"

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