Plan B

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Damon opened the door of his bedroom and looked through the tiny gap to check on Elena ,he quietly tipi- toed over to her side she looked so peaceful as if she were a fallen angel . Elena squinted and here eyes suddenly opened to Damon glaring at her over her side

"Shhhhh" Damon whispered "it's fine ,I'm just checking on you "

Elena yawned "What's going to happen Damon?"

"Sandra's on her way over ,she knows what's wrong "

Elena mumbled a few words before falling back to sleep ,Damon lifted the duvet over Elena and tucked her in , a voice came from behind Damon . It was Bonnie and Jeremy.

Damon smirked ,he was actually happy to see them for once as he knew it would make Elena happy , Damon put his finger over his lips to reassure them that Elena was sleeping .

Jeremy looked at Elena and walked over to her as he fell on his knees next to her , Bonnie glanced at Damon and tilted her head towards the door ,Damon followed her and stared at her confused .

"It's the Mikaelsons ,Damon . They know that Elena's still alive which explains why Klaus's hybrids are expanding .."Bonnie whispered .

Damon nodded and turned around heading for the door .

"Damon ,I don't think you understand I went to see Sandra and the power we both have is so powerful we could take whoever did this down ..we need to kill Mikael and Esther ."

"Well I'm pretty sure Esther died ,Caroline killed her remember? "

"Damon you don't understand ,Esther is a powerful witch who can switch form body to body , and I think she's using Stefan and Caroline ..."

"What? I've spoken to Stefan he's fine -"

"Fine you don't believe me? Look at this then ,I did some digging and Caroline and Stefan haven't bought a house in New Orleans they haven't even been there Damon . So I made a phone call to Klaus ..and they're not in New Orleans ,I told him about everything and he's searching a few places with Bekah and Elijah"

Damon rolled his eyes and stood in the doorway staring at Elena

"Can you two look after Elena for me?"

Bonnie gave Damon a look before whispering "but what if the other you turns up how do we know??"

"Erm well I'll say ..I don't know -"

"Just say is Elena awake yet?" Jeremy moaned

Damon nodded and left.

An hour had passed since Damon had left and Elena was still dozing peacefully ,Bonnie and Jeremy stood by her side watching her carefully , a loud thump came from downstairs and the door opened instantly ,it was Damon.

Damon smiled at Jeremy and Bonnie before walking over and feeling Elena's shoulder

"Any sign of movement or anything Jer?"

Bonnie and Jeremy stared at Damon before Bonnie coughed and stared at Damon .

Damon stared at Bonnie confused "what Bonnie ?"

"Well how do we know you're the real Damon?"

"C'mon guys it's me?" He smirked

Jeremy and Bonnie smiled at eachother before Jeremy secretly reached out his phone and texted Damon , Bonnie grabbed Damon's hand and whispered

"Damon ,Elena is going to be fine I can feel it"

The door flew open and The real Damon walked through "well well ,if it isn't me?"

Jeremy grabbed Damon and threw him into the wall holding him down ,Bonnie began to mutter words that grew stronger and stronger "Kai-atza monziel-si-a-c-a" repeating it over and over again until his face turned grey and emotionless .

"Is he dead?" Damon whispered

"No ,but I can only reverse the spell .. I suggest you call Klaus and tell him to come and pick up his father" Bonnie stuttered

"What? It was Mikael? How do you know?"

"I sensed it when I touched his hand , The only person we have to worry about now is Kol he's the only one after Elena but he should stay away "

Damon grabbed the legs of his possessed body and dragged them through the door and down the stairs before throwing him onto the couch ,he sat down and stared at the flames of the fire before dozing off into a deep sleep.

"Thankyou for everything Bonnie "Elena smiled hugging her best friend

"I'm just glad you're okay Elena ,you're going to be safe now ok? "Bonnie laughed

"So where are you both off to now?"

"Back to London for 2 weeks ,then we're home for a few weeks to plan your wedding!"

Elena laughed and hugged Bonnie before pulling Jeremy in too "you two have fun and keep in touch!!" She grinned

Bonnie and Jeremy held hands and walked through the door smiling back before Elena closed the front door ,she walked over to the couch and stared at Damon as he laid fast asleep ,she sighed and pulled his head onto her lap before falling asleep herself .

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