Another Problem

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Caroline stormed down the stairs with Stefan grinning behind her ,he playfully grabbed her arm and kissed her neck before Caroline lightly hit him

"What do I do Stefan? This is serious ..this is impossible!" She cried

Stefan pulled her in staring deeply into her eyes "this is a good impossible Caroline.."

"Maybe Stefan ..." She mumbled .

Damon giggled throwing elena out into the middle of the hall right where Caroline and Stefan were having their heart to heart, elena stared at them both as her eyes widened

"Damon!"she screamed "we weren't --listening to your conversation I swear ..Damon pushed me out here because he thinks he's so fricking hilarious -"

Damon trotted out from behind the kitchen grinning to himself "I am hilarious elenaa"he laughed .

He pulled elena in throwing her into his arms "so what's the news brother?"

Elena gave him a glare before turning to face Stefan "yeah so what's the news Stefan..?"

Stefan shook his head and laughed "well it doesn't concern both of you, it's rude to listen to other-"

Caroline impatiently interrupted "I'm pregnant "she shrieked

Elena and Damon's jaws dropped as the room went quiet.

Damon fell to the floor with laughter "ha you're going to be stuck with that for the rest of your life -"

Elena slapped damon "Damon for Christ sake don't be so rude "

"It's fine elena he's just an ass" Caroline mumbled .

"No that isn't ok ,Damon you have to stop this ,you insult her one more time and I'll -"

"You'll what? Feed me to your squirrel friends ?-"

"He won't ..Stefan ,Damon we're going come on!" Elena whispered .

~ Damon opened the passenger door for elena helping her out ,he ran to the boot collecting the last few boxes . They both walked into the lake house a.k.a their new home and set the boxes down

"This feels so weird .." Elena whispered

"Well atleast we have a place of our own"Damon smiled

"I was thinking we could have a Chinese or something tonight and chill for once..-"

Damon bit his lip "damn I'm sorry I forgot to tell you I'm going out with Ric and Enzo as a celebration for killing klaus and everything .."

Elena raised her eyebrows "you're going all the way back to mystic falls -tonight?! I give up Damon just go"

Elena turned around to see a sorry Damon ,he pulled elena in for a hug and softy kissed her forehead

"I won't be late . We can have a 'chilled 'out night tomorrow ok?" He smiled .

Elena nodded and kissed his hand before letting him go .

~ elena put her phone to her ear "yes he did go ,on our first night ..I don't know Bonnie he's just so annoying sometimes .."

"Harsh..but I can come round tomorrow day? Me and Jer aren't doing anything I don't think"

"Sounds you've heard about Caroline then?"

" ,how is that possible again? I mean it's kind of impossible isn't it elena ? A vampire to be pregnant?"

"Well apparently's kind of weird seeing Stefan with her-"

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