Leaving for good

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<1 week later>
Damon pushed an embarrassed Elena out through the hospital doors and towards the car , her face was pale and her left eye was black . Damon was grinning to himself , he helped Elena softly get into the car and drove towards the lake house , as they pulled up ,Stefan ,Caroline ,Bonnie and Ric came rushing out through the door helping Elena to her feet
"I'm fine-" she muttered "sorry I just need to get home-"
Caroline didn't take no for an answer and pulled Elena to her feet and carried her towards the couch ,Elena sat down slowly and sank into her brown living room couch ,Damon sat himself down next to her and pulled her in for a hug
"It's been an eventful week hasn't it Elena "he joked
Stefan crossed his arms "what the hell happened we didn't even know you arrived home till this morning ,where the hell have you been?"
Damon sat up and gave a sarcastic grin to his brother "well Elena here went on a suicide mission , so basically I hate to go save her bloody cousin and her parents from that psycho snow queen's dungeon ,got back and Elena here broke her leg and got beaten up by this 'queen' ..of course I stepped in saved the day and sent her back with the help off Gold ,she can never leave wherever she comes from again"
Stefan raised his eyebrows "all in one week?"
"In one day Stefan, we had to take Elena to storybrooke hospital and stay there for 4 days ..we did some Christmas shopping considering Elena here began to panic considering it's Christmas Eve in 3 days..and well we have some planning to do"
"Damon shutup you're just making me worry"
Caroline sat up "how about you give me a list of things you need ..and me and Damon will go shopping while Stefan looks after you..you could both go to the mystic falls Christmas fair tonight? "
Elena stared at Stefan "I'm not really feeling up-"
"It'll be fun I guess "Stefan laughed
"Fine..but I have nothing to wear"she laughed
Caroline stepped forward "I have a perfect dress for you Elena ,it's party wear and dance wear ..just perfection!"
Damon rolled his eyes and grabbed Caroline heading towards the door "good plan idiot" he whispered
"Don't be so jealous ..Stefan and Elena are friends for gods sake -"
"I'm not jealous "he laughed "I don't want to go shopping with you all bloody day-"
Caroline pushed Damon into the door and stormed off towards the car . Stefan sat up and pulled a sore Elena up onto her feet ,
"well you better try your dress on Elena Gilbert ,we have a party to attend-"
"I don't really feel like going Stefan-"
Stefan stared at her with his puppy dog eyes "Caroline would murder us -"
Elena burst out laughing "fine I'll go ,but you're driving ..I need a good drink"
Stefan helped elena to her feet and passed a bag that Caroline had left for her with the dress inside ,elena crossed her arms and hobbled up the stairs to get ready .
~ Damon was filled with boredom and Caroline was being very annoying ,he watched people pass with hands full of shopping , damon stared at shop windows as Caroline fluttered around in panic mode ,she wanted everything to be perfect . The snow had began to fall heavy and roads were beginning to be shut off , Damon grabbed Caroline by her arm
"I would like to get home Caroline it's 5 o clock for Christ sake-"
Caroline pushed him away "I'm nearly done Damon ,we just need to get some crackers oh and I need to quickly find one last thing for Stefan -"
"Caroline! I don't care I want to get home today!"
"No you want to rush home to elena so she doesn't go out with Stefan. You're pathetic-"
Damon gave Caroline a dirty look "..no I wanted to go with elena ,but you wrecked everything ..hurry up or I'm leaving you "
~ elena slowly walked down the stairs in her pink multicoloured dress , her hair hung softly in light curls and she wore pink high heeled shoes ,she looked beautiful . Stefan stared up at her as his eyes widened
"You..you look beautiful elena .."
Elena limped down the stairs and hugged Stefan ,he pulled her in gazing into her milky brown eyes ,elena smiled but awkwardly pulled away
"Stefan..we ..we don't have feelings for eachother right..? I mean ..you love Caroline right?"
Stefan's eyes hit Elena's "Caroline means the world to me Elena ..but I do have to tell you something .."
Elena wrapped her arms around Stefan's neck "what Stefan?"she smiled
Stefan scanned her beautiful face and pulled away "I'll tell you after the party ..we should go"
~ Stefan Pulled elena onto the dance floor and span her around like a princess ,the two gazed into eachothers eyes as memories came fluttering back of 2010 . Elena smiled and softly stroked Stefan's cheek
"Tonight reminds me of when we danced that night at the decade dance..remember ?"she giggled
"How could I forget miss.Gilbert ?" He laughed as he turned her round in a circle .
Elena hugged Stefan and leant into his shoulder as they danced around the ballroom
"I actually want to tell you something Stefan ..It's been on my mind a lot for the past year ..and- well-"
Stefan lifted her chin up "what elena?"
"I want to ask damon if he would start a family with me..have a child..but I'm worried he'll say no.."
"Elena. . Damon would love to have a child with you..you know that..but how is it possible..?"
"Well Regina ..in Storybrooke said she could do it-"
"But she's dead ..isn't she?"Stefan mumbled
"Well no one knows..but Bonnie can use her spell because she's a Bennett witch so..me and Damon could have a child"she laughed "I just need to ask him..I don't know Stefan .."she muttered
Stefan kissed her cheek softly "Elena I'm so sorry about this but me and Caroline are leaving tomorrow night ..we're leaving for London.."
Elena pulled away with her mouth open "wha-at did you say?"
Stefan grabbed Elena's arm but she was already running towards the door in tears ,Stefan ran after her out onto the car park
"Elena wait!"
Elena trend around angrily "no Stefan no! I am sick of everyone walking out on me..if-if you leave ..then this is for good and I never want to see you again ,it's christmas and you are leaving me and your brother with a one day notice ..NO!" She screamed
Damon's car pulled up with a worried Caroline running towards them and damon following
"What the hells going on?" Damon asked
Elena burst into tears and fell to the floor ,damon rushed over and picked her up
"What the hell have you done brother?"
"Stefan what's going on? What happened ?" Caroline asked worryingly cupping his face
"I told her about us leaving tomorrow ..I had too ..we couldn't just leave Caroline.."
Damon lifted Elena up and hugged her
"Hey elena it's ok-it's ok ,I promise ..hey look at me "
Elena's eyes met Damon's "Damon..if they leave ..I never want to see them again..they have no reason to leave -"
Before damon could look up Stefan and Caroline had vanished ,what was wrong?

< Dear diary, 

Well i don't know what to say ..one word to describe my mood right now? pissed off! I've had enough of people leaving when they have everything they need ..they just leave? For example my brother ,he left to help Tyler in London..yeah..but still? He's left Bonnie and she isn't coping at all , Stefan and Caroline can't leave ,things always happen ..we need them? they're going to miss christmas and our wedding?! They have no reason to leave Mystic Falls ,they're ..just selfish and if they leave well...i am not willing to forgive them and they can stay out of our lives ..forever. Anyway i'm going to sleep now ..Damon suggests "an early night" incase i decide to attack someone.. anyway i have work at 7 sharp tomorrow so i need some beauty sleep ..and then christmas shopping considering christmas is Eve is in one day.. yay.

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