Plan Original.

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"No ,no ,no .oh wait have I mentioned No?!" Elena shouted shaking Damon's shoulder aggressively

"Elena ..this will work I promise you!" He reassured her smoothing her cheek

"Well I'm not willing to risk it Damon..I can't ?! Did you see the wreck I was in when I lost you..I ..I can't go through that again ,please Damon for me I don't care about getting rid of them just please don't go ahead with this plan-"


Bonnie interrupted "I think we should do it Elena ,we need to get Klaus out of the picture I mean he is the last one we need to take down -"


"Matts with her ..they're leaving tomorrow for New York Elena ,they'll never really come back here ? It's just Klaus "

Elena bit into her fingernails nervously "I -I don't know" she mumbled putting her hands over her head "how can we be sure this is going to work? And who's helping?"

"Well we've done it before Elena I mean I'm sure we can do it again ..if Stefan, Damon and Enzo hold klaus down somehow and I will do the spell on Jeremy again with Ric helping me ..we can freeze his heart ..and I'm stronger this time Elena ,I can do it"

Elena smiled but then frowned "and then what? You berry him?"

"Yep in the middle of no where not even where we know Elenaaa" Damon smirked.

Damon trotted over to the front door and held it open "grab your coats come on ,we're all meeting up at our house to plan-n-n"

Elena and Bonnie's eyes touched with a worry look on their face but a slow nod appeared as they ran out of the front door and into Damon's car.

~2 hours later~

Meredith passed the kettle over to Elena as she poured the hot liquid into the eight cups ,Elena softly put them onto the tray and passed them to Meredith ready to serve . Meredith walked into the lounge as faces started to smile at her

"Right I have tea ,I have sugars to the left and-"

"Any for me sweetheart? You know I take two sugars righ-?" Ric laughed

Meredith gave him a glare and aggressively passed him a striped cup "don't start showing off or I'm going home!"

Damon turned to Stefan and Enzo laughing "god Ric!"

"Damon stop getting involved! Get on with this 'plan' of yours" Elena shouted

Damon rolled his eyes and stared at the many faces staring back at him -

"Right ok well we have a plan but this plan needs to go to plan if you know what I'm saying, right ok if we get Caroline to call Klaus down saying we have a plan to kill him and that we have Kol kept captive ,he'll run on down here and into the Salvatore house but we 'won't be here' but we secretly will.. If Bonnie ,Ric and Jeremy camp out in Mystic falls gardens they can do the spell while me ,Stefan and Enzo grab good ol' Klaus and throw him to the ground-"he smirked .

Everyone seemed to agree straight away with the plan slowly nodding at eachother before a stressed Elena came running out of the kitchen " so I'm guessing you've asked Caroline to do this? Because she-"

The door flew open and a blonde Caroline trotted in with her high heels clipping behind her ,she stopped and stared at everyone with her serious eyes before turning to Elena "who's asked me what Elena? Come on what's going on?"

Damon slowly stood up to face Caroline "well goldilocks we have a plan to kill klaus and you're basically the plan.. Will you help us?"

Caroline's worried eyes scanned Damon and then to Stefan she nodded her head nervously and spluttered the words "what- do I have to d-o..?"

"I'll explain blondie ,but for now we need someone to take the original blonde to her lover Matt so she doesn't go blabbing away to her brother?-"

"Tyler's on it-"Jeremy muttered "they've left by now ,probably on the plane " Jeremy mentioned standing up holding Bonnie's hand .

Caroline turned to Jeremy "wait Tyler's back?.. Since when? He hasn't called or.." Her face slowly dropped and a frown appeared on her pretty golden face.

<diary mode>

Dear diary ,

I'm currently chilling on the sofa watching everyone run around like loons trying to sort this stupid plan out.. No ones asked me what I think about this? I don't want people risking their lives just to save my arse ,I can't risk people dying for me?! The plan seems to be taking place in two days so everyone's staying at ours including Ric and Meredith..Bonnie and Jeremy ,Caroline's been staying here anyway with Stefan .. So the house is full! I just have a really bad feeling about this I just don't think it's going to work ..klaus is klaus ..he's way too powerful I mean he cannot find out about this plan no matter what! Otherwise that's it we're all dead I mean Rebekah doesn't even know that Kol is dead .. Oh god were in trouble ,we're so going to get ourselves killed I wish Damon would just listen to me for once he's doing my head in . I'm watching him right now write down his stupid plan with Enzo and Ric helping him, Caroline and Stefan are kissing because they've made up once again and Bonnie and Jeremy are unpacking their things in the spare bedroom ,oh and Meredith's in work again.. She hasn't stopped working this week!

So I'm waiting for this bloody pizza to arrive I'm so hungry I can feel my stomach rolling around begging for some kind of food I actually might just go and have a nap I mean it is nearly 8 o clock ,I'll be asleep soon but I'm sure Damon will be planning this bloody plan until the morning!

Oh wait I've just had a text..don't know why I'm writing this down let me check who it is ..oh it's Matt him and Bekah are at the airport ,all is good ..I'm happy :) atleast Bekah is off of our checklist !!

<airport 8:35>

Rebekah sat down and rubbed her eyes staring at Matt , Matt reached for her hand and kissed it before pulling her in for a kiss ,she pulled away

"Matt I can't do this I'm sorry ,I can't let them kill Niklaus they won't succeed and they will all be killed you need to stop them-"

"Bekah everything will be fine you know it's for the best , after everything he's done-?"

"Yes Matt I know but he is my brother ,Niklaus means the world to me and so does Elijah and Elijah will not allow this or Hayley ..he has a daughter Matt ,I can't let them do this "

Matt reached out and grabber Rebekah's two hands softly placing them on his knee

"Rebekah you have to stay with me on this ok? They have it all planned out ,I know he's your brother but he doesn't know we're together you know he will try to kill me if he finds out we're together... Side with me on this one Rebekah ..I love you"

Rebekah smiled as a tear flew down her cheek ,she slowly nodded and kissed him before glancing at his face ,she stared deeply into his eyes

"Matt I'm sorry I have to stop them ,I don't want you getting in the middle of this so you get on this plane and you wait for me wait for me in that beautiful hotel for me and I will be there soon ,don't tell anyone where you're going or what I'm about to do.. I'm going home Matt to warn my brother "

A flash appeared and Rebekah had gone .

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