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Katherine gave Damon a fake smile before rolling her eyes and jumping onto the bed she scanned the room with her evil eyes and noticed Elena's light blue journal ,she picked it up instantly reading through the pages . Her smile widened as she burst out laughing
"Enzo really?!"she cried
Damon trotted in confused "what about Enzo..?"
Katherine's smile soon disappeared "um..nothing"
"Why do you always go on about him? It's so annoying -"
Katherine's grin re-appeared "Damon I was in love with him once..there's still going to be something there .."
"Well he's dead now so-"
Katherine pulled a confused face "which is why you need to fix it and ..um..get your best friend back-oh we could go to Regina for help Damon! This could work .."
"No we're never going up there again ,ever Elena!"
Katherine rolled her eyes "fine I'll go on my own , or I could ask stefan "
"Well stefan isn't back yet ..I don't think he's coming back ,think him and Caroline are spreading another week up there..don't blame them"
Damon sat on the bed next to Katherine "so are we planning some more wedding plans tomorrow? Can you take the day off work?-"
Katherine smirked at the floor "oh I can't Damon ..the wedding can wait ,I mean after what happened maybe there should be no wedding .."
Damon rolled his eyes and whispered to himself "knew it"
Katherine pulled the covers over and got into bed "knew what..anyway I'm going to bed now so-"
Damon smirked and patted Katherine on the head "yeah night sweetie "
~ Bonnie began to bite her fingernails anxiously waiting with Jeremy and Ric in the living room of her house , the door flew open and Damon rushed in
"You're right it is Katherine , that snow queen bitch has Elena and we need to do something now -"
Bonnie stood up "I knew it ,I knew it.. Right we need to do this the right way this time ..which means while me Jeremy and Ric sort everything out here you need to act normal with Katherine at the lake house ..whatever she wants to do or says you do ok damon?"
"I am not waiting around while Elena is on her fricking death bed-"
"Damon listen to Bonnie for Christ sake ,this has happened before let's do this the right way.."
Damon slammed his fist against the door and stared at the three with his angry eyes "fine but I do not want my brother back here not with her around ..it'll mess everything up" he demanded before storming outside .
<following morning >
Katherine opened her eyes and glanced around the room to see no one not even Damon ,she raised her arms and stretched before sitting up the sound of heavy rain falling bit her ears .
"It always rains "she mumbled to herself .
Damon came running into the bedroom with a tray in his hands ,a fake smile appeared on his face as he lowered the tray onto Katherine's lap . Katherine stared down at the tray , a plate filled with toast ,fruit and tea were neatly scattered around the tray ,Katherine sat up and smiled at Damon .
"For me?" She asked surprised
"Of course Elena you're my fiancée which means my beautiful fiancée needs her breakfast ,anyway you have work in one hour so make sure you're up"
"Work? But it's raining -"
"Elena you're the one that wanted to act like a normal family so we are ..well you are "he smirked before awkwardly kissing her forehead "anyway I'm out today with Ric like I usually am when you're in work ..so have a good day"
Katherine sat herself up and stared at Damon as he began to head for the door "thankyou Damon"she smiled "for ..the breakfast ,but i believe I deserve a better kiss than a bloody forehead kiss "
Damon rolled his eyes and turned around before racing over to Katherine and kissing her lips softly ,the two fell into a deep kiss that lasted for seconds before Damon pulled away . Katherine stared at him confused "..sorry"
"No I'm sorry ..it's just we've been taking things slow and ..you know"
Katherine smirked before digging into her toast .
~Bonnie scanned the last few pages of her spell book ,the last few pages were torn and broken ,Bonnie began whispering the beginning of a spell before being interrupted by Jeremy .
"Sorry Bon but you need to eat..I just..I don't feel happy in leaving you to do all of this on your own while I'm all the way in London??!"
Bonnie turned and pulled Jeremy's hand onto her lap "Jeremy the reason you're going to London is because you have work to do with Tyler ...he needs your help ..you need to go I'm fine here ok? "
Jeremy leant in and kissed Bonnie "also my sister is on her death bed ,and Katherine pretending to be her once again ..just keep me filled in ok?"
Bonnie stood up and crossed her arms "Jeremy! Go! You'll miss your plane! I wish I was coming with you like planned but things ..happen"
Jeremy pulled Bonnie in tightly before grabbing his bags and disappearing into the rainy weather ,Bonnie closed the door and turned around to see Damon sat on the sofa
"Where's little gilbert going? And where's Ric?!"
Bonnie rolled her eyes "listen I told you this spell would take time to find out where elen is ,I know Elena's ok ..I can feel it Damon ,but you need to be patient or all of this goes wrong ,you should be with Katherine -"
"Nope me and Ric are going on a road trip to Storybrooke ,heard there's a powerful wizard there ..yeah wizards exist as well ,what a surprise Bon-Bon?"he laughed "so we're going to make a deal with him ..he can tell us what Katherine's plan is ..we kill Katherine and find Elena?"
Bonnie crossed her arms "no she'll find out! Damon you have to listen to me-"
Damon began to walk towards the door "just invite Katherine over or something ,make sure she goes to work and tell her I'm with Ric like usual ok?"
Bonnie nodded her head before sitting back down with her spell book in her hand .
~ Damon hit his foot on the accelerator as they passed 'Welcome to Storybrooke' ,the town was filled with people but faces began to stare as the blue car pulled up outside the mayors house . Damon and Ric ran up the stairs and onto the porch ,before Damon could knock the front door flew open
"What the hell are you doing in my town?" Regina shouted
Damon rolled his eyes and smirked as he began to tell her everything that had happened . Regina held the door open as the two walked in ,she escorted them into the living room where Emma and Killian were sat . Emma sat up horrified to see Damon stood there
"I didn't shoot you did I? I hit Elena -"she cried
Killian wrapped his arms around her holding her tight "it's alright love we have a plan"
"Thing is I've explained everything to the sexy mayor and well ...I don't think your parents are dead , Katherine and this snow queen have a plan ..and I've heard a Mr.Gold can help us find this out..? If we find out her plan and kill Katherine then we find Elena and your parents?"
Regina walked forward with a sly smirk on her face "well then I better ring up Mr.gold?"

The door bell rang as an elderly man stormed in ,he wore a long dark suit with a golden tie and a walking stick that had jewels decorated on the top . He hobbled in with a smirk and raised his hands to see everyone in the living room
"Well well ,I was right this was going to happen"he smirked "Damon Salvatore and Alaric Saltzman ..here to save the lovely Elena who's been captured by the snow queen?"
Damon sat up "what's Katherine's plan? I need to find Elena where's that snow bitch keeping her?"
Emma stood up "you've known my parents have been alive the whole time haven't you? You better start explaining gold because I will-"
Regina stormed into the centre of the room and walked towards Gold
"You owe me a favour Rumple. Which means you shall give me that favour in telling is what Katerina Petrova and the Snow queens plan is?"
Gold flattened his suit jacket before sitting himself down "their plan is to kill you all here in Storybrooke and take back what's hers ..the land, she has Elena ,Mary-Margaret and David in her castle in another world ...a cold one ..I can get you there through a portal in which only a Bennett witch can make "
Damon sat up "Bonnie .." "Fine we have a deal , we take Katherine to this world along with the rest of us ..I will make her tell me her plan considering Elena was a bit pissed off with you anyway ..I'll go along with her plan to make it seem real..then we kill her and take back our beloved ones"
Ric sat up "and when exactly are we doing this?"
"1 week exactly ,be here for 3 o clock in the afternoon with the portal and the Bennett witch , we will leave and have to be home in the portal by 8 ..which means we will have 5 hours to find everyone ,kill Katherine and the snow queen . Chop chop" Gold smirked

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