Original trouble.

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Rebekah trotted in with a bright pink designer case and bag in her hand ,her hair flowed in the draft as her heals clipped and flopped across the floor her grin drew wider at Stefan's horrified face . She stopped and raised her hands

"Stefan am I that ugly?"she laughed "oh wait I'm beautiful "she giggled.

She threw her bags to the floor and jumped onto the couch lifting her feet up ,Stefan unfroze and ran to his brother softly pulling his body into the hallway

"God I've been walking in these bloody heals for hours ,I've had such a long day full of travelling ..Stefan be a darling and take my bags upstairs ..oh and fetch me a glass of water ..no I could do with some wine actually -"

"You're not staying here Rebekah ,leave now"

Rebekah stared at Stefan confused "what's going on Stefan, something's ..changed about you ,why the worried face? "

Stefan stared at the floor and back up again changing the subject "what have you done to my brother?" He mumbled .

"I found him like that ,he's as drunk as a skunk "she giggled "but someone snapped his neck- I mean it might've been me ,I didn't exactly have the best flight home"

"Why are you back Rebekah? Why aren't you in New Orleans with your family? Where's Matt is he home safe?"

Rebekah raised her hand "too many questions Stefan "she laughed "how about that glass of wine and I'll tell you about it" a smirk appeared on her face as her eyes followed Stefan tracking across the room towards the wine cellar .

~ Elena sat with her knees up against her waist , she was laying on her old double bed staring at her phone waiting for a text? Or a call? A knock interrupted the gaze and Meredith walked in with her dressing gown on , she smiled softly as her dimples appeared

"Elena it's nearly 1 try and get some sleep it will help you trust me, are you ok now?"

Elena nodded slowly "I'm just tired and I over reacted earlier I'm sorry for barging in it's just -"

Meredith walked over to Elena's bed and sat quietly on the side resting her hand on Elena's knee

"Elena ,Damon loves you so so much and you've both been through so much ..I do think you need a break ,definitely why don't you go away for a while-?"

"We have too much to do and Jeremy-"

"Jeremy is a grown man now Elena ,he has Bonnie I mean it wouldn't surprise me if they had a wedding to plan soon!"she laughed .

Elena smiled back as a beam appeared "Thankyou Meredith ,since..Jenna's been gone you've been a really good mother/aunt figure ..to me and Jeremy so Thankyou!"she whispered pulling Meredith in for a hug .

"Now get to sleep it's late ,breakfast will be done for 8:30 sharp !"she called before leaving the room.

Elena sunk into her pillow before turning her light off and settling down for a goods night sleep.

~ Rebekah sat up and sipped another taste of her large glass of red wine ,she stirred the liquid several times before taking another sip . A faint smile appeared on her face

"I like it Stefan ,delicious what's it called?"

"Rebekah tell me what's going on ,I seriously have no time for this"

"Fine I'll tell you what you need to hear , me and Matt have returned for a month before heading to Greece and then Italy for a year we're basically travelling Europe..but we had to make a few stops first -"

"What the hell are you doing here then?"

"Well Matt's stopped off at Bonnie's or something and I don't like her so I thought I'd come and visit you ..I mean I haven't seen you in what ..9 years? Wow 9 years ..that's such a lon-"

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