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Regina tightened the chains on Elena's hands and patted her hair softly "there there dear ,once you tell me where they are I will set you and your boyfriend free"

Elena crossed her arms "I don't know anything that's why I came here look for clues ,how about if you tell me what's going on with Emma and her trip to mystic falls ..then I'll tell you the history on Katherine "

Regina gave Elena a sly look before sitting herself down on a bench "fine . Many years ago when I was a different person my mother had a very good friend and her name was Kelly-Anne ,she came over many times to our castle -"

"Castle ? Where is this? "

"Don't interrupt me . You won't get it "she hissed "so this Kelly Anne girl was a sly bitch who stole from us and killed most of my mothers family before turning her self into a vampire ..that's when I first heard of them you when my mother ..died , I moved to a village near the castle of where a baby princess had been born called Snow White ,and Katherine was kind of my neighbour ..she told me about her friend and I ..well I set her up to the king ..I had her sent away to be beheaded until Kelly Anne arrived just in time to save her ,Katherine was then turned and I suddenly realised how powerful I was . A few weeks ago when me and Emma had been on a road trip with Henry we arrived home to see that Katherine and Kelly had taken Emma's parents Mary Margaret and David and their 5 year old son ...who is Emma's brother ..they've been missing for weeks ..which is why we seek revenge "

Elena sat up confused "you keep on going on about castles I mean is this in a different world or something?-"

"Yes Elena we are trapped in your world's a long story but I need to find them and kill them before we know for sure Emma's parents ..Henry's grandparents are dead along with his uncle .."

Elena nodded "I can help you find them unchain me ..but first I need to find my cousin"

Regina gave Elena a glare "I'm not letting you go until Emma and Hook bring them to me ..then I will do a spell that links you two 'doppelgängers ' and well Katerina shall be sent back to my land which is far away from here "she grinned .

She began to walk up the cellar stairs when Elena sat up "will this spell kill me?"

Regina grinned as her red lipstick glowed in the shadows of the room "I don't know...depends how much help you are -"

"What have you done to me? I have no vampire strength ...I'm weak"

"I'm a very powerful queen Elena ,I can do anything ..anything at all trust me"

Before Elena could say another word the cellar door was closed and the room filled with darkness

~ Emma scanned the wall that was filled with sticky notes ,she grabbed hooks arm pointing at one specific point "we haven't tried there's the only place left Killian ..we need to find them ..I need to find my parents .."

"I know swan I know "he whispered kissing her forehead "we'll head there now where is it? "

"Erm- it's ..- the Salvatore boarding house ,lucky for us Stefan and Caroline have gone away for two weeks "

"let's go then "he grinned

The two drove along the quiet streets of mystic falls before coming Across the Salvatore boarding house ,the windows were dark and so was every room in the house . The two walked along the path and snuck into the back door , voices appeared ..a woman's voice .Emma snuck over to the kitchen table and poked her head around the corner of the room to see Katherine snooping through drawers , Emma grinned at Killian and raised her hand ,Killian reached his hand out and passed her a blue bottled container with light blue dust in it . Emma quietly removed the cork and threw the bottle into the room ,before Katherine could run her head hit the floor unconsciously ,Emma ran over with Killian following and they both lifted her up . They both headed for the backdoor ,before they could open it a voice appeared from the front door .

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