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Damon rolled over onto the dusty stool in the grill grabbing a bottle of whiskey out of Matts hand ,Matt glared at him with a suspicious look

"You alright ..Damon? " he asked staring at him

Damon looked up and rolled his eyebrows "Since when does ..does Ma-tt Donovan care about good ol' Damon Salvatore ..no one cares about Damon Salvatore ..just a drunken fool" he mumbled

He grabbed the bottle and gulped it down as fast as he could before grabbing another

"Come on Damon ,go home ..you can't just grab a full bottle of whiskey without paying ,things cost money and I have customers, do I have to call Elena?"

"No there's no need to call Elena ..because she's here.." Elena looked over at Damon and rolled her eyes ,she trotted over holding Damon's arm "Damon please come home..you're drunk and you'll end up doing something ..something you'll regret , please come home with me"

"I can't go home to Stefan ,whether he kissed you or not I bet you he knew what he was doing ..imagine if I hadn't arrived in time ,you would've been in Stefan's arms and me ,I would be gone ..left town ..forgotten "

Elena looked into Damon's eyes "Damon I love you ..and the reason I'm marrying you is because I love you ,please can we go home "she cried

Damon stood up and started walking with Elena towards the door as Stefan walked in looking concerned ,

"Elena there you are ,I've been loo-" "Damon? What are you doing ,are you drunk?" Stefan asked

Damon let go of Elena and walked past Stefan leaving the grill ,Elena went to walk out after him before Stefan grabbed her arm "let him go ,he's having a tantrum ..just let him go" he smiled .

"No Stefan ,I don't know what's going on with you lately but I'm going after him , and I swear to god if I find out you were you when you made that deal with Silas ..I will never forgive you ,now let go of me"she shouted .

Stefan looked at her as if tears had erupted in his eyes ,his grip was still tight on Elena's arm"Stefan let go of me , now!" She shouted

Stefan looked to the side to see Damon stood in the doorway glaring at Stefan

"Let go of her Stefan"

Stefan let go of her looking around nervously "I'm so sorry Elena I -I don't know what's wrong with me ..I'm just going to go home" he walked past Damon quickly .

Damon grabbed his arm and threw him to the floor angrily

" Can't leave her alone can you brother ,you know just to be sure I don't want my brother messing around with my girl "

"She isn't just yours Damon ,I told you she's my friend ..more than a friend but I love Caroline "

"She pretty is much mine considering she's now my fiancée ,so stay away from her or I'll break your neck so hard you will not wake up" Damon snapped Stefan's neck before grabbing Elena .

Elena let go of Damon staring at Stefan's dead,innocent face "Damon how could you tell him that and kill him?! I over reacted ..whatever you heard I over reacted ..now you seriously need to grow up and sort this out with him when he wakes up?! He loves Caroline Damon .. " she cried

Damon walked over to Elena and cupped her face before kissing her

"I love you and I never want to loose you again,so how about we go and plan our wedding ,it's going to be amazing -Elena the best day and night of your life "he laughed

Caroline had her bag open as she emptied her and Stefan's clothes into a bag ,the front door opened and Elena and Damon walked in with Stefan in their arms ,Caroline sped over to Stefan smoothing his face

"what the hell happened?! "She screamed

"Chill blondie ,he was flirting with Elena "

Caroline grabbed Damon's throat and pushed her sharp nails in to his skin "listen you're really starting to piss me off telling me that Stefan's flirting with Elena ,he loves me and I've had enough of this which is precisely why we're leaving ,I don't know if he told you but we've bought a house in New Orleans and we're leaving tonight" she whispered into Damon's ear digging her nails in harder .

She let go as blood ran down his neck , she turned as her beach blonde hair swirled in the draft as she walked back upstairs , Elena looked at Damon with concern and felt his neck "oh my god Damon ,why would Caroline do this ,what did she say to you anyway?" Elena asked as she stared into his eyes .

" her and stefan are leaving ,Elena they're moving to New Orleans ..to start a new life "he sighed

"What? Stefan and Caroline are my best friends ,she can't just leave with him ..I mean what if the Mikaelsons return? "

"Elena it'll be fine ,I'm here we'll be fine trust me ..you still have me, Ric ,Jeremy ,Bonnie , Matt and Tyler it's going to be fine "

"Tyler's left as well along with Meredith for the time being I can't loose anyone else Damon"

"Well Elena I can't exactly tie them up and keep them here, it's their life .."

Elena fell to the floor with tears streaming down her face as her black mascara ran down her rosy cheeks "I can't deal with this anymore Damon ,the stress and worry is tearing me apart "

Stefan woke up and glared up at Elena and Damon "I need to tell you something "

"We know Stef"Damon replied looking down at his feet "you're leaving for New Orleans with Caroline "

Stefan nodded and looked at Elena "I'm sorry Elena ,I have too"

"When are you leaving then? And is it for good ,I mean will I see you again Stefan?" Elena cried as she stood up

"No Elena of course I'll come and see you and Damon ,I mean you're marrying Damom you have him ,you'll be fine and happy ..too much has happened here in the past few months ..I need to get my head straight .."

Caroline walked down the stairs with bags in her hands "well at least you two get the house to yourself ,that's an advantage "she smirked

Stefan grabbed his bag and put it into his car , Caroline ran over to Elena and hugged her " I will come and see you Elena gilbert you are my best friend and I love you to pieces " she walked over to Damon and hugged him "you hurt Elena and I'll hurt you " she walked on over to the car and got in .

Stefan walked over to Elena and hugged her "well I guess this is a farewell Elena ,we have some good and happy memories ,I'll keep in touch" he smiled

Damon hugged Stefan and shook his Hand " behave little brother and stay out of trouble ,we don't want you bumping into klaus now do we? " he laughed .

Elena stormed upstairs as tears streamed down her face , Damon smiled at Stefan as he watched them drive away into the sunset he closed the door and stared at the floor .

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