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Dear diary ,

Well my cousin Emma and her son are staying with us for a few weeks before their return to Storybrooke's so weird having them here considering they're really my only family left. I've never spoken about them to anyone considering how close me and Emma were as teenagers to only find out we were related after she found out we had the same aunt! I've never spoken about them because I never really wanted to drag them into all of this..but to be honest after last night I think they know everything .. So I had to rush over to Stefan and Caroline's house after Caroline told me to get over there asap! I was shocked to see my long lost cousin there to be honest ..I ran over and just grabbed her and held her in tightly and Henry as well of course ,it's as if everything had stopped ,time had stopped and I was just focused on them until of course I realised Katherine was stood behind me grinning . I turned imminently to explain but they somehow already knew? I don't know how something about a book? We're all confused but I suppose that's's about 10pm and I'm in bed waiting for Damon to come home ,Emma's in the spare room downstairs and Henry's next door . Damon seems to really like Emma and Henry which is very good ,but apparently she's waiting for another to arrive ..her boyfriend!! I'm so happy she's moved on ,she's been through hell but there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel for her ,she found her parents..her family and her home! But another reason why we're so close is because I'm not the only one with a weird background ..yeah my cousin emma kind of lives in a fairy tale land and lives in a town with fairy tale characters ..yeah it took me a while to take it in.


Elena neatly put her diary behind her pillow before reaching for her empty glass of water "hm it's empty?" She thought to herself .

She quickly sat up throwing her duvet onto Damon's side of the bed ,she trotted downstairs with the glass in her right hand , a gust of wind blew the front door open and the lights went off ,Elena stopped as her heart began to race ,a hand grabbed her arm as Elena squealed dropping the glass onto the floor .

"Jesus Elena it's me ,Emma! Calm down "she laughed

Elena squinted her eyes as she tried to make out Emma's pretty face "Emma ..what happened I can't even- see you?"she muttered "hang on let me reach for the light "

Elena walked over to the light switch stumbling over tables and chairs ,she flickered the switch 5 times but the room still laid dark .

"There's been another bloody power cut.. Let me get the candles "

Emma nodded and ran over to the door closing it quietly "why'd the door open Elena? Is it even windy?"

Elena came rushing out of the kitchen with lit candles in her hand "I have no clue ,I smashed a glass over there so be careful Henry asleep?"

Emma nodded "yeah he is "

Elena stopped and stared at Emma "do you know where Damon is? It's just he isn't home and I haven't seen him or talked to him-"

"He's with Stefan and Caroline ,they're sorting out Katherine and tracking down Kelly apparently -"

Elena's eyes rolled "knew it..are you waiting up for someone Emma? It's just you seem to be hanging around-"

"Well yeah-no -yeah actually I am ,Hoo- Killian should've been here at 6 and it's just I'm a bit worried he got lost ,he's kind of an idiot "

Elena laughed "well I'm going to bed ..but you can stay up ,don't worry if he isn't here by morning we can ring sheriff forbes in the morning "

Emma nodded and walked back into her bedroom and flopping onto her bed .

<next day>

Emma quietly put her boots on and grabbed her red leather jacket ,she grabbed her keys and slowly closed the front door ,she ran towards her yellow car and sped off heading for Mystic falls .

She pulled up outside the mystic grill and locked her car ,she scanned the streets but there was no sign of Killian ,she turned to face Damon. Emma flew back in shock

"Don't do that you idiot "

"Someone's grumpy today"he laughed "now what are you upto Emma swan?"

Emma brushed dust off of her jacket "none of your business Damon Salvatore know actually you could help me find my boyfriend ..Killian?"

Damon shook his head "nope he isn't in mystic falls ..unless of course someone's taken him -"

"What?!"Emma shouted "well we have to find him who would take him? One of your vampire friends ? Because if they have I will kick their arse Damon ,I can do magic and I'm a bit more powerful than one of your average Bennett witches ,so let's go"

Damon grinned and pulled Emma into the mystic grill "after a drink Swan-"

A deep voice appeared from behind them "I believe I'm the only one that can call her Swan"

Damon and Emma turned to see a good looking middle aged man in leather ,he leant grinning against the bar with his arms crossed ,a smile appeared on Emma's face and she ran over to him wrapping her arms around his neck ,he leant in and kissed her lips slowly pulling away "I've missed you Swan.." .

"Ok well I take it your boyfriend hasn't exactly been kidnapped so I'm gonna go-"

"Yes you better mate "Killian smirked .

Damon turned to face the pirate "listen 'mate' I'm the boss of this town and I'm the king of leather ,I can wear leather jackets ,pants and even shoes ,but you my friend shall not ,this is my town so don't come in here thinking you're the ruler because trust me you'd have to go through me first .Jealousy is a funny thing Killian ."

Killian stood up with a huge smile on his face "how about stop flirting with Emma then ,you touch her or flirt with her again I will bring some of my friends from storybrooke and -"

"What you'll call rumplestiliskin?"he cried with laughter

"Yes he is actually very powerful-"

Damon rolled his eyes and blew a kiss to Emma "bye Swan-"

"Damon-" Emma moaned

"Goodbye Swan, see you at 5 for supper Elena's cooking -"he laughed before leaving the grill.

~ Killian held the door open for Emma as rain began to fall ,she hurried into the black Porsche pulling her bag with her .

"So where are we staying Swan?"

Emma bit her lip and glanced over " Elena's lake house ..with Damon-"

"No, we're not staying there ,not with that Damon he's such a-"

"You don't know him Hook..and anyway the reason why we came here wasn't for the wedding .."

Hook stared at the dripping rain "I know Swan I know ..the reason we're here is because we have to sort out Katherine .."

"No Hook we don't need to sort her out"she interrupted "we need to kill her "

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