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Damon pulled up outside Sandra's small ,isolated house and rushed through the front door without even knocking " so there's hope ?theres actually hope my girls alive ?"Damon asked clutching his hands tightly .
Sandra was sat down next to Enzo "ever heard of knocking? ..but yes there is hope ,I was about to do a spell before you came barging in" moaned Sandra .
Damon gave the look as if to say I really don't care !do the god damn spell? Sandra stood up and got her gear together that included a piece of Elena's jewellery , paper with her name written on it and a keystone , she began to call her name as several minutes passed she released the items and opened her eyes
"She is still alive "
Did those words just come out of her mouth , Damon fell to the ground and leaned on the floor "she's s-she's al-ive " he cried
Enzo walked over to him and put his hand on his shoulder ,the two had really become good friends ,he pulled Damon up "better get your girl back mate ".

Caroline and Stefan were sitting on their bed as Stefan kissed her forehead "god I love you Caroline Forbes"he whispered with his sexy voice
Caroline chuckled and hugged him "you know I kind of wanted to ask you something ,well more like tell you something .. Well first you kind of broke my heart two days ago by breaking up with me and calling me really names.."
"Yes but you know that wasn't me Caroline "Stefan interrupted and pulled Caroline down
" yes but I was really hurt which shows how real this is for me ,and I hope it's real for you too, I mean I was deeply in love with Tyler and I had to break his heart be with you"
"Caroline I love you no matter what "Stefan's smile soon disappeared
"Oh I'm sorry I shouldn't be talking about my pathetic worries when we still don't know what's going on with Elena ,but I do have another thing to tell you Stefan"
"What Caroline" he kissed her hand
"I think I'm pregnant"
Stefan's eyes widened with joy , "are you serious ? We're having a child?"he laughed
He pulled her in close and kissed her , they both rolled over the bed kissing eachother but were disturbed by the sound of Stefan's phone .
They both sighed and Stefan picked up his phone "Damon ,great timing what do you want? Wait what ? I'll meet you there " he stood up and grabbed his coat
"Wait stefan where are you going? I'll come too-"
"No Caroline ,it's fine we're going to find Elena I won't be long I promise "
"Let me grab my coat then-"
"Caroline I can't risk you getting hurt ,stay here " stefan whispered before leaving

"Jesus Christ where's Stefan? I rang him like half hour ago ,Enzo who did you call? "Damon asked in his stressed voice
"Well I rang Klaus and Elijah ,Bonnie ,Ric but Tyler ,Matt and Jeremy are staying at Elena's house for some reason "
"Ah..ok ,wait here's Stefan now " Damon walked over to the door "where the hell have you been we're about to leave ?"
"There's something called traffic Damon ,where's Elena ?" Stefan replied looking around
"Well we haven't got her yet you idiot ,we're going to get her ,she's apparently settling down with Silas in a cottage just outside of Mystic Falls ,20 minute drive "
"Well why aren't we leaving?"
"Because we're waiting for Sandra to figure out who's in the cottage and when Silas leaves ,so we can sneak in grab Elena and leave "
Stefan stared at Sandra "so you're the famous Sandra that's been helping us ?"
Sandra stared at his blue eyes "well I guess I am ,you must be Stefan pleasure to meet you ,I'm sure you're a lot kinder than your brother Damon" she smiled
"Yes I am but he is grateful for your help and so am I "
Sandra smiles and turned away blushing she cleared her throat "I can see Silas leaving in about 20 minutes and he will be back in an hour ,he's going to hunt I ..think"
"Hunt? Since when is Silas on a bunny diet ? Stefan have you been spending time with him?" Damon said sarcastically
"He's hunting because killing people will leave a trail and he is a ripper so I'm guessing the Mikaelsons will figure out he's still alive ,I suggest you all leave "
"Must be in the doppelgänger gene "Damon laughed and left the room heading for his car
Enzo walked over to Sandra and kissed her hand "goodbye my love"
Stefan turned back and smiled at Sandra before closing the door, the 3 of them got into the car and started to drive . After 15 minutes of driving they had reached the cottage , it was a cute cottage like something out of a disney film ,there were flowers and roses planted surrounding the cottage ,and there was also a chimney with smoke coming out . The 3 of them hid behind large rock that had risen and waited , Silas walked out of the cottage and put his hood up before getting into his car and driving along the curvy road . Damon held his hand out as if to say don't say anything and stay still before he was confident Silas had left "right Enzo stay here and keep an eye out ,stefan go the front way I'll go through the back" they all snuck up to the cottage .
Damon ran to the back of the house and pulled the handle of the door ,it was open , he walked In and could see Stefan stood outside trying to unlock the door "Stefan ,Stefan stay there and keep guard" he whispered as he looked around the house .
It was a small petite room ,the fire was on and there were 3 sofas set neatly around the fireplace with a dining table behind , Damon walked in and stood behind the door of the kitchen he opened the door but no one was there . He walked back into the main room but there was only one room left which was the bedroom ,he softly pushed the door and turned the lamp on his eyes widened and a smile appeared . Elena was asleep on the bed ,her eyes were closed and her hands were tied together with a piece of rope tied around her mouth ,she looked so peaceful . Damon ran over and smoothed her face As her eyes opened she tried to say Damon ,but the vervain on the ropes began to burn as she cried . Damon grabbed the rope and yanked it off "Elena ,Elena I'm here Elena ,it's fine ,everything's fine " he smoothed her face and kissed her
Elena smiled and kissed him back ,she was too weak to move ,she couldn't even talk ,Damon picked her up and walked outside but the light was burning her she hadn't been out in days . She yelped ,which made Damon run even faster to the car he put her in and sat with her "Stefan get in the car ,you can drive "
Stefan nodded and got in the front seat with Enzo "a she ok? Where am I taking her ?"
"Take her to our house ,stefan hurry she's not used to the sun"
Damon held her in tight and smoothed her face "it's going to be fine Elena ,I promise you Silas will pay for this ..I swear"

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