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"Are you feeling better" Damon whispered as he kissed Elena all over her body
"I am now " she smiled "anyway it's been 2 days ,I've rested and I feel fine ..more than fine I feel great especially now that everyone's safe ,the Mikaelsons have left ,so we have no more worries Damon we co-"
"We have plenty to worry about and that is your life ,it's in danger because Silas isn't dead yet he's still out there and he's going to find out that you've escaped "
"Damon I did try escaping several times I always headed for the end of the woods but he'd always catch up with me how ever far I'd gotten ,he's probably looking in the exact same space "she mumbled
"Well you're not leaving this house until we find him ,ok?"
"No Damon that's not okay, I'm a grown woman and I'm not listening to commands by you I can look after myself ,why can't you respect my choices ?"
"And where has that got you Elena? "
"See you're bringing this up again ,why can't you just trust me for once ..Damon?"
"Because you always end up getting yourself killed is that a good enough reason for you ? You're not leaving this room, even if I have to tie you to this bed "he shouted
Elena stared at him with tears in his eyes "I need to see Jeremy ,I need to go home can I atleast be with Ric and Jer-"
"No ,just please stay here Elena? I'll be back soon "
"No I'm not going to stay here I'm pretty sure I can walk down a fricking street ? Are you going to be like this forever ?"she stood up and walked so she was face to face with Damon " so are you going to be a control freak of a husband who keeps me locked in my room when I've miss behaved ..I can't live like this Damon, so you either grow up and treat me like your fiancée ,or you choose to let me go "
Damon stared at her with his sad eyes , Elena had realised she'd hurt him "No Damon ,I'm sorry I on- " she looked up and Damon had gone
Caroline walked in and smiled "That didn't go too well are yo-"
Elena walked past Caroline and through the door ,Caroline grabbed Elena and pulled her back into her bedroom "seriously after that debate with Damon you're going to go against his word and leave ,this isn't you Elena you'd do anything for Damon if you're going to be mad at someone you can be mad at me .."
"Caroline wait ..why would I be mad at yo-"
Caroline snapped her neck and tied her to her bed , Damon walked in to the room and grinned "nicely done miss.forbes ,saved me doing that myself "
"Yeah well I'd prefer her to hate me than you ,you're her sole mate so just help me get her into bed ,you do realise there's some sort of spell on her she isn't a vampire anymore "
"I have realised Caroline ,which is why we need to kill Silas so Elena's back to herself I think he has a spell over her or something ..she's not herself definitely "
"You read my mind ,Elena wouldn't have said that ..I've known her for years and she is not like that "
Damon grinned and walked out of the room before Caroline could finish talking to him , he walked outside and into his car and drove down the street.
Caroline stood next to Elena and sighed looking at her pretty face "why have you always got to be a pain in the arse Elena Gilbert ,and not telling me you were getting married but most important you haven't told Stefan .. I mean how could you keep this a secret from him ..he loved you ..well I think he sti-"
Elena's eyes began to flutter open Caroline sighed and tightened the ropes around Elena's hand "this is for the time being Elena don't freak or try to do anything stupid ,come on now Elena we're only trying to he-"
Elena cut over Caroline "Caroline could you do this to me ,you're supposed to be my best friend and you've sided with Damon to keep me locked up in his room ,I will not forgive you Caroline I swear-"
"Elena for goodness sake snap out of it ,this isn't you Silas has some sort of spell over you and it's working so I suggest you shutup and sit down because you're not moving until your fiancée gets back .now are we clear" she whispered as she pushed Elena back

~<5 hours later>~
Caroline awoke in the chair she'd been sat in for quite a while Elena was still sleeping in her bed , Damon walked in through the door staring at Elena "Caroline is Elena ok?" He asked as he panted
"What's happened ,she's fine she's been sleeping most of the day why what's wrong did you find Silas? "
"Sandra's located him and we're heading down there now he's at the lake house I think as it's close to where he's staying ,Stefan's on his way down to sit with you anyway so just..stay put " he rushed down the stairs and vanished .
Caroline sat down bored looking around the room "geez where's Stefan ? He should be here by now " she thought
She pulled her phone out and texted him - where are you stefan ? Hurry please before Elena awakes ,I'm nervous for her reaction to be honest ..she's mad with me -
Her phone buzzed and Caroline looked at it smiling ,the door of Damon's bedroom opened and stefan walked in " hey you ,how a she? Any reactions or any sign of ..anything?"he asked smiling
"Wow that was pretty fast Stefan considering you were at least 15 minutes away 2 minutes ago ,where have you been?" She smiled
Stefan kissed Caroline's forehead and then her lips as if to say enough talking and more kissing ,he pulled Caroline up and whispered in her ear and dragged her into his room she released her hand from his "Stefan not now ,I've told you I have to keep an eye on Elena and everyone's going to be home any second "
Stefan smirked "well you can do it with klaus in the forest can't you ?"
Caroline pulled her phone out and pressed the volume button to make her phone buzz ,oh Damon just texted me one sec Stefan she started texting him - Silas is here. Help me-
She looked up and smiled at Stefan and kissed him "Stefan it looks like they're going to take longer I think you should go and help them . For me?" She smiled
He kissed her and pulled her into his room "Caroline Forbes since when have you ever declines Sex from Stefan Salvatore?" He grinned and kissed her neck un-doing her top
Caroline looked around nervously and pushed him away "Stefan I love you but not today I'm not in the mood ,come and sit with Elena with me please?" She smiled

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