The snow queen

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Dear diary ,

Well it's now been a whole week since I last saw my cousin Emma ...she hasn't called or informed me on anything ,I know nothing on Kelly or Katherine ..Damon told me about Katherine being trapped in the Salvatore cellar ,we went back on Wednesday to try and get some answers but Katherine had gone !I assume the two are dead now ??which is a good thing..kind of ,I mean now we have nothing to worry about and we can start re-planning the wedding ,well that's what me and Damon have been doing all day . My darling fiancée woke me up at 10 with a hot chocolate ,we've been planning things all day and everything seems to be coming along . Good news- Stefan and Caroline are fine and their trip away's really helped them sort things out so they're home in 3 days ,I think we're all going to have a party when they arrive home ,I think me and Damon should throw one maybe here at the lake house to celebrate! I'm so happy at the moment now that everything's good...I mean now that we're all safe ,it's just so nice not having to worry about anything . Bonnie and Jeremy are still staying with us in the spare room , Ric and Meredith came over on the weekend to stay was really nice having everyone here except for Stefan and Caroline .. So me ,Damon ,Bon and Jer are going out for food tonight which is why I'm writing in my diary so early tonight 5pm! So I better get ready xo

<mystic falls>

Elena sat up and clipped her hair up, she stood in the mirror sussing out whether she should wear the black slim dress or the short purple dress , she scanned her body with her hands on her hips . She threw the purple one to the side and pulled out her makeup bag .

Damon threw himself onto the sofa next to a bored Jeremy

"Women" Damon smirked "take too long to get ready "

A smile appeared on Jeremy's face "yep "

Bonnie trotted out of the spare bedroom with a white skinny dress on ,her curly hair rested on top of her shoulders ,she had bright red lipstick on that glowed in the light of the room . Jeremy sat up instantly smiling at his beautiful girlfriend ,he walked over to her and pulled her in for a hug

"You look beautiful "he whispered before kissing her head .

Elena rushed down the stairs in her 5 inch black heals and ran over to Damon grabbing his hand towards the front door "we're late"she whispered


Emma stormed into Regina's office with Killian following behind ,she threw a set of keys onto the mayors desk

"Where the hell are they?!"Emma screamed

Regina sat up and puckered her lips "what the hell are you talking about ,don't scream"

"I will shout my bloody head off if I have to ,where's Katerina petrova and Kelly-Anne?"

Regina sat up with a concerned look on her face "well I haven't let them out?!"

The three rushed out of the mayors house and into the cellar ,blood dripped from the ceiling and covered the floor ,a horrified look appeared on the three , Emma stormed over to the chains that had been ripped out of the wall . A whisper appeared coming from the corner of the room , Regina squinted her eyes trying to make out who it was and stormed over . A blonde woman was laying on the floor in a pool of blood ,her skin was white ice , her whole body was Icy and freezing , Regina turned the woman's head slightly to see Kelly .

"What happened?!"Emma whispered

Kelly Anne grinned "you know what -happened"she shivered "this ice is on it's way to my heart ,any second now I am going to die -"

"Where's Katherine?"Killian asked

"With her-" her head hit the floor as ice covered her face .

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