Two faces

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Damon looked at Elena and saw the tears in her eyes "no there must be another way ,she doesn't want this , she hates being a vampire" Damon protested .
" well do you want a dead girlfriend ,or a living dead girlfriend mate? I know for a fact I don't want a dead blood bag so I cannot create more of my hybrids .." Klaus made a quick move knocking stefan and Damon to the floor ,he grabbed Elena and shoved his wrist into her mouth as she began to drink . Damon stood up grabbing Klaus's hand and pushing him into the bookshelf ,as books fell on him he stood up twisting his arm and dislocating his shoulder ,he laid on the floor crying with agony as he looked up at Elena laying in her bed as pale as ever . Klaus pulled Stefan close to him and looked deeply into his eyes " Don't let your brother do anything stupid ,or yourself " ,he walked upto Elena pulling her up "sorry love" , a loud crunch of broken bones echoes through the house as Elena falls to the ground .
Damon's eyes begin to open as he rushes to Elena's side , "damn it stefan ,damn it !" He shouts but Stefan is no where to be seen ,damon slowly twirls Elena's hair with his fingers and smooths her face with his soft fingers "I didn't want this for you Elena ,I really didn't ,look what I've done now ,we should've left and stayed away from all of this .."
Elena opened her eyes coughing and shaking " Am I a ..vampire??" She asked trembling
Caroline walked in with tears streaming down her face with mascara everywhere , " Elena I'm so sorry for you , we really didn't want this to happen ,but Bonnie could do a spell and .."
Elena cut over Caroline " actually Care this isn't so bad ,not as bad as the first time .. I'm happy I'm a vampire now .. I get to be with Damon for ever ,which means our wedding won't be for a pointless reason " she smiled and glanced at Damon ,who grinned back .
Caroline stared at Elena in shock "wait did you..what ..wait ..what?! Damon Salvatore did you propose to Elena gilbert , OMG why didn't you tell me elena ?! We have to plan the dresses , who the bridesmaids are ,your dress , best man ,oh my god why didn't you tell me?!" She shrieked
"Yeah why did you tell her ,we have this to put up with now "he said in his sarcastic voice .
Caroline gave him the look , but her smile soon turned into a sad face "Elena I actually wanted to talk to you about ..Stefan " she paused and glanced at Damon
"Yeah ..stefan where did he go ,he was with me but he just disappeared " Elena asked roughly
" spit it out goldilocks " Damon shouted impatiently
"This doesn't include you Damon ,I want to talk to Elena you're not Elena so please leave "
"Caroline spit it out ,what's wrong" Elena moaned rolling her eyes .
" me and stefan well we broke up , I thought things were going well but they obviously weren't ,I mean it wasn't a match made in heaven and we weren't obviously meant to be ..he.."
"Wait what ? My brother wouldn't just dump you like that ,what are you leaving out eh?" Damon asked
"Caroline I'm so confused ,you were talking about having kids and wanting to marry him , he was your soulmate "
Damon interrupted Elena by laughing "obviously not Elena "
"Damon don't be rude " Elena frowned
" that's not what I wanted to tell you Elena , he dumped me because he's still in love with you he's always been in love with you and he said he's never going to give up on you ,he was on his way here in fact so we're not on good terms just to warn you"
" care I'm so sorry ,I'm sure things will work out but the thing is me and stefan are over and he said himself he was over us ,there must be something wrong he wouldn't just say that to you ,he knows we're over , Damon will you go and talk to him please , I would but .."
"Yeah sure ,I'll go over now but if my little brother starts I'll kick his arse you know that right?"
"Damon just go and find out what's wrong please " Elena asked
Damon kissed Elena on her forehead and touched Caroline's shoulder before leaving , Caroline walked over and sat next to Elena "That's not the only thing I wanted to tell you Elena , I kind of bumped into klaus when he was leaving and he told me that you weren't transitioning into a vampire ..but into a hybrid you're going to panic and think this is terrible but it isn't really .. I mean hybrids can have kids ,you can have children now Elena ..something I've always wanted ..." Caroline whispered as tears fell down her cheeks .
Elena looked at her in shock "I can...have children with Damon ..Is that possible ? I mean would Damon want kids with me ..would he really..?" Elena smiled to herself .

Damon closed his front door and hung his leather jacket up ,"hey stefan you here? Stefaaaan??"
" hey I'm here big bro ..right here"
"Are you drunk little brother ?"
"Nope ,just relaxing thinking of where to travel to next with Elena ,we could go to New Orleans , New York oh maybe Paris ,I like Paris or.."
"What the hell's wrong with you stefan? This isn't you , and if you don't mind me saying Elena's going no where with you ,she finished with you ,she doesn't love you anymore ,she loves me"
Stefan stood up and started to laugh " I don't give a shit who she loves ,I always get what I want ,and if I want your precious Elena I'll take her ,I'll take her right now and you'll never see her again ,like you'll never see Stefan again "
Damon stood still staring at bus brother " you're not my brother are you?
"No Damon I'm not ,geeeeez did it take you that long I had to brake it to poor Caroline that I didn't want her anymore it was quite amusing watching her cry as I laughed ,thing is I'm not Stefan "
"Then who are you..?"
"That's for you to find out my friend ,now if you don't mind I'm going to go pick up a few things some new clothes , food ,Elena and head on my way.."
"You're not taking her anywhere ,you stay away from her or I swear to god I'll"
"You'll what Damon ,you can't kill an immortal witch "
Damon stared at him as his hands tightened , Silas walked over to him and grabbed his neck "I can't kill you Damon , I can trap you and then maybe skype you when me and Elena are in Mexico or something " Silas laughed and let go of Damon ,he grabbed Damon and tied him to a chair in the living room . "Where's Stefan ,what have you done to him " Damon shouted .
" I compelled him to go and take a trip ,oh and he's kidnapped Bonnie so you can't do any stupid spells to try and track us down , see you soon my friend "
He grabbed Damon and snapped his neck ,leaving him unconscious .

Silas got out of Damon's blue car and walked up Elena's lawn , the door opened in front of him with Ric stood there "stefan what are you doing here? It's like 2am? Elena's sleeping "
"Ric I've just come to see Caroline ,I know she's with Elena upstairs I'll be like 5 minutes I just need to speak to her"
" I heard about you breaking up with her ,what happened Stefan? "
" in the past now Alaric ,so can I go and see her or not?" Silas whispered sarcastically
Ric glanced at him and opened the door letting him in , "let yourself out I'm going to bed" he called
Silas grinned to himself and walked up the stairs and into Elena's room , Caroline stood up astonished and just stared at him " what are you doing here? Elena's asleep that's probably the reason you're here ,it's taken her ages to fall asleep so you're not waking her up ok?" Caroline whispered
" Caroline why didn't I dump you a few months ago? You're so annoying ,you just talk about yourself and you never shut the hell up , like literally shutup no one cares about you or how you feel so.."
Caroline stood up and walked out of the room crying her eyes out , stefan picked up Elena and walked out of the room to see Ric stood by his bedroom door "woah what are you doing Stefan? Where are you taking her ?" Ric whispered
" Elena's in danger , the originals are back and Esther wants her dead ,I'm taking he some place where no one knows ,I would tell you Ric but you know some crazy original could compel it out of you if you know what I mean , just tell Damon that I have her ok?" Silas whispered trying not to wake Elena .
Ric nodded and opened the door for them before closing it ,he went up to his room and texted Damon before going to sleep .

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