Stefan gone byebye

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Stefan stared at his girlfriend in horror "he's hooking up with a hooker?!"

The sound of Damon's car pulled up "Stefan don't say anything to anyone ok?! "

"Where's Elena?"he asked .

"She's staying over Bonnie's ,stefan don't say anything ok?"

The door opened and the two stared at Damon with a shocked face , Damon took his wet leather jacket off and hung it on the bannister as rain dripped from the hood .

Damon turned and stared at the two "why the faces love birds?"

Caroline stared at the floor and grabbed her coat instantly running towards the door and leaving , "what's up with blondie-?"

Stefan vampire sped over to his brother and pinned him against the wall "so hooking up with a whore are you brother? You're marrying Elena for Christ sake?! What's wrong with you?!" He screamed .

"I gave her a ride home for Christ sake , I'd never cheat on Elena she's a friend , a new friend -"

"Well Elena is crying her heart out over at Bonnie's because you didn't even acknowledge her at the wedding dress shop? You offered this slut a ride home , I don't know what's wrong with you ,but you throw that piece of paper with her number on it in the fire .now"

Damon stared into Stefan's angry eyes and shook his head "She's a friend , nothing more I'd never do anything to hurt Elena "

"Well you have ,you're going to loose her Damon and when she comes crying to me I will be there for her!"

"How's Sandra? You know the one you're sleeping with-?"

~ Bonnie closed the door of her bedroom and walked over to Elena , she passed her a glass of cold diet cola "pizzas on it's way!"she smiled .

Elena stared at the floor "he doesn't love me does he ,he's probably with her right now Bonnie " Elena burst into tears and fell to the floor "what am I doing with my life?"

Bonnie put the glass of cola on her bed counter and lifted Elena onto her bed "Elena everything's going to be fine ,I promise ,Damon would never cheat on you? I mean you're getting married in a few months?"

Elena shook her head "I don't know Bonnie ,maybe we're not.."

"Ye-" the door bell rang and Bonnie looked up "pizza! This will make you feel better "she laughed .

Bonnie grabbed her purse and pulled a ten dollar note out , she opened the door to see a tall man staring at her . It was Damon .

He pushed Bonnie through the door and vampire sped upstairs and into Bonnie's room , Elena was sat staring into her empty glass as tears began to fill it ,she glanced up and blinked a few times to see her fiancée stood there .

"Damon?!"she cried .

Damon flew over to Elena and hugged her before kissing her cheek "Elena for Christ sake ?! Did you think I was cheating on you ,I would never cheat on you EVER , I love you ,you're my world Elena "he held her hands and pulled her chin so she was facing him.

Elena threw her arms around him "I don't want you seeing her again ok? Never again Damon ,there was something weird about her was like you were in a trance .."

"Never again I promise "he whispered .

~ Damon and Elena walked in to their house to see Stefan and Caroline fighting , they both stopped and stared at them .

"Guess what?! Me and Stefan are through guys !"Caroline laughed as tears streamed down her face "he's in love with Sandra , good ol' Sandra "

Elena's eyes opened and stared at Stefan with disgust in her eyes "what? Stefan wouldn't do that..? Stefan?"

Stefan looked down ashamed "I'm sorry" he mumbled .

Damon pulled Elena and hugged her "come on let's go home ,I'll go and grab the rest of our stuff -"

Elena nodded in shock "o-k"

"Oh and I'll go and get my stuff "Caroline screamed before throwing her coat to the floor .

Damon and Caroline left the room and ran up the stairs ,Elena tried to stop herself from making eye contact with Stefan but they did. Stefan walked over to Elena and tried pulling her in for a hug ,Elena pulled herself away and tried to push him away but he was to strong "you look a wreck ,you're so stupid Stefan! I just hate you more and more all the time , what's the point ?! You don't love Sandra ,you're just using her ..why? Because you're bored with Caroline?'re a nothing ..a ripper-"

Stefan walked closer to Elena and stared at her "you think that low of me?"

Elena raised her hand to hit Stefan but he was stronger and faster ,he grabbed her fist and closed it tightly breaking her bones ,Elena fell to the floor trying to break free but he was too strong ,Elena's vision began to blur and her head hit the floor

"Elena!!" Came a scream "get off her you psycho "Caroline screamed .

Damon flew down the stairs and jumped onto Stefan before attempting to snap his neck , this time stefan was stronger ..a lot stronger . Damon fell to the floor next to an unconscious Elena "Elena ..?" He whispered .

Stefan stomped his foot onto Damon's throat crushing his soficus "stefa-an I can't brea-tthee "Damon muttered .

Elena woke up and saw stefan killing Damon ,she reached over and kicked Stefan into the wall "Damon?! Damon wake up Damon "she cried .

Damon's eyes fluttered open but he was too weak to move or even talk

Stefan had risen and fire burned in his eyes ,he was simply furious "shouldn't hit me you little bitch "he shouted .

Elena stumbled and stood up ,she began walking very slowly towards Stefan "you won't hurt me Stefan ,you never have especially because you're you-"

"Me ,well I'm not me Elena not any more ..I mean I have no emotions no worries ,not a single care "

Elena stopped and froze "your emot-ions? You've turned them off?!"

Stefan stood and smirked before glancing back up "yes Elena I have ,I have nothing else to loose and by your statement saying I wouldn't hurt you ,I think you're wrong I want to hurt my brother in any way I possibly can .He stole you from me and made my life hell ..revenge is sweet"

Elena turned around and tried to grab Damon's hand but Stefan had already grabbed her ,he pulled her in tight and kissed her cheek . Damon glanced up and instantly tried to stand but he was too weak ,

"She'll be safe with me Damon ,don't you worry"

Damon's vision went blank and everything laid still.

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