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Caroline's eyes filled with tears as elena shared the news she had found ,she rested her hand on the arm of the chair and collapsed . She felt two warm hands wrap themselves around her waist ,it was Stefan . His eyes were filled with tears , he pulled a tearful Caroline up and kissed her

"I kn-ew it was impossible St-efan ..we can never have a child" she cried

Elena stumbled out of the kitchen with Damon and Bonnie behind her ,she carried cups of teas out with small chocolate biscuits on a plate .

"How did you find out.."elena asked

"I went to the hospital this morning-g with Meredith to check on our baby and-d" Caroline stopped and burst into tears .

"There wasn't a baby Elena"Stefan whispered .

Caroline pushed past elena as tea fell to the floor

"I need something a lot stronger than tea Elena now get out of my house ..everyone! "She cried .

~ elena threw her coat to the side

"Damon she isn't herself this is going to change her ,and when she finds out we knew about Kelly and-"

Damon smirked "she won't Elena ,we've done nothing wrong -"

"No but you have Damon! You killed Enzo and I'm still mad at you for that! It's just I have way too much on my plate like Katherine disappearing with Kelly ..they have a plan and we-e need to figure this one out Damon.. Stefan and Caroline have been through enough.."

Damon walked over to elena and kissed her softly "we will Elena"

The sound of the phone ringing came from the living room ,damon unwrapped his hands from Elena's waist and picked up the phone .

"Hello?---yeah who's speaking?--" he put the phone down and stared at elena "there's an Emma on the phone Elena ,she's on her way right now to Mystic Falls?"

"Wait an Emma?? I don't know any Emma's where a she coming from Damon??"

"She's coming from Storybrooke? And she's not alone"

"Wait Emma? Oh my god emma swan? My cousin ,my favourite cousin"she squealed "she's here for the wedding, I didn't tell her it was delayed oh my god"

Damon kissed her cheek "does she know about the vampire thing?"

Elena shook her head "no but she'll understand she's been through a lot of things ..did she mention who she's coming with?"

"A boyfriend and a son?" He mumbled "I'm not sure elena ,she can stay here with us we have spare rooms but only on one condition..you forgive me-"

"I am not agreeing with any of your bribes Damon, you killed your best friend ,we have other worries -"


Elena gave Damon a glare "as I said Damon, Katherine and Kelly are gone? And I have a feeling Kelly wants to kill her-"

"Which is good?"

"No because she'll want to take us down with her ,oh and my cousin and her 'family' are coming to stay with us..they're not normal-"

"We're not normal Elena"

Damon trotted over to elena cupping her face

~ Caroline stood up and raced towards the door that had recently rang ,the door flew open as a blonde woman stood in the doorway with her hand around a teenager .

"Can I help you..?" Caroline asked

"Um hello to you..this is the address we were given for Elena and Damon..?" The blonde replied biting her lip

"Oh well there's been some changes recently ..would you both like to come in for some tea while you wait..me and Stefan live here ..Damon's brother of course!"

"Oh right um yeah sure , this is Henry and I'm Emma, Emma Swan"

Caroline smiled and let the two in to sit down .

"Right I'll give elena a ring now..are you related to Ele-"

Emma sat down clinging Henry along with her "oh um yeah she's my niece ,by the way this is Henry my son.. We're here for the wedding that's in a few weeks?"

"Oh well the weddings been delayed ..no drama or a biggie it's just there was too much to do considering there was only three weeks left to plan ..Damon and elena have moved into their new home The lake house just outside of mystic falls ? By the lake?"

"Oh yeah I know the place ..we could go there now ,we're actually waiting for another member to arrive -"

"Oh who's that?"

"Her boyfriend basically "Henry interrupted

A smile appeared on Caroline's face "oh what's his name Emma?"

Emma rolled her eyes "he's not exactly a boyfriend but we're close and he insisted on coming along..his names Killian "

Caroline nodded and headed to the kitchen "so two sugars?"

Emma stood up "Henry tea?or something?"

"Teas good . No sugar but make it milky-"

"Got it! Emma?"

"Not being funny love but I think I need something a bit stronger ,got any whiskey?"

Caroline laughed "this house is filled with Whiskey ,especially with the Salvatore brothers around!"

The door flew open and a gust of wind flew leaves into the house ,Katherine stormed in with a frown on her face . Her black leather jacket shone in the sun and her bright red lips grinned with a smirk of evil .

"Where the hell's that Kelly bitc-"

Emma stood up in horror "Elena? Wow you've changed ..a lot"

Katherine turned and glared at Emma "and who are you darling?"

Caroline rushed out and stood in between them "right Kat- elena can you leave a minute .Now!"

Henry stood up and pulled his backpack around onto his lap ,he pulled a large green book out and flickered through the pages

"I know who you are " he called

The three faces turned and faced Henry

"What little boy?"Katherine laughed

"You're Katherine pierce well Katerina petrova to be exact ,you're Elena's doppleganger the mean one you know what I mean?"

"Henry! I told you to leave that in the car!" Emma sniggered

"Sorry it's the truth!"

Caroline's face turned to the book that laid on Henry's lap

"What the hell is that book..how the hell did you-"

"It's the vampire diaries of course" he laughed

"The what?!" Caroline and Katherine shouted with confusion .

Henry and Emma stared at eachother confused -

"Well kid ,better start explaining "Emma whispered crossing her arms .

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