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The bedroom door of Elena and Damon's bedroom flew open and Hope came running in screaming with excitement "Wake up!! It's Christmas !!"she laughed
She flung herself onto Elena and Damon , Damon grabbed her and threw her into the air before hugging her and letting her run free , a smiled appeared on Elena's face
Damon leaned over and kissed her cheek "Happy Christmas Elena"
The two walked down the stairs into the living room where Hope was sat on Hayley's lap waiting for everyone to sit down
"Is everyone here now?" Hayley asked " has everyone woken up?"
Elena looked around and nodded "Yep . What's the time?"
"It's almost 9 "Elijah laughed
"Wow Hope woke up late didnt she ? " Elena laughed
"No ..she woke up at 6 we kept her in the room so she would wake you two up "
Elena smiled and sat on the sofa next to Damon , Rebekah and Matt walked out of the bedroom and jumped on the sofa ready to open presents . Hope began to open her presents and so did everyone else , Elena turned to see Damon smirking at her with a wrapped box in his hand , Elena gasped "Damon you didn't have to get me anything!"
"Open it" he smirked
Elena unraveled the paper and opened the box to see a sapphire necklace gazing back at her ,Elena's jaw dropped "oh my god Damon it's beautiful!"
Damon pulled Elena towards him and wrapped her hair to one side softly putting her necklace on , Elena climbed over Damon and kissed him softly
"Well I guess I'll have to repay you tonight "she smirked before jumping off the couch and into the kitchen , Damon's eyes scanned every inch of Elena's body as she scurried into the kitchen .
~ Jeremy pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Bonnie , Bonnie stared at him confused as she took the envelope
"What is this Jer?" She laughed
"A Christmas present Bonnie " he smirked
Bonnie opened the envelope and pulled two tickets out "oh my god Jeremy! "She shrieked
"We're travelling the world Bonnie like we've always wanted ..we need a break , we're leaving in 2 days we're starting in Paris and then Rome -"
Bonnie wrapped her arms around Jeremy's neck and kissed him softly "thankyou Jeremy .."
Ric wandered into the kitchen to see the two hugging "Merry Christmas you two " he laughed as he grabbed a cup of coffee
"Merry Christmas Ric, anyway we should actually be getting ready to head over to the lake house ..we need to be there in 2 hours "
"Has anyone heard off of Caroline or Stefan?"
Bonnie shook her head "no ..I don't want to mention her name Alaric , the Caroline we all knew has gone ..."
~ "you don't mind now do you?" Elijah asked
Elena and Damon smirked "no of course not Elijah ,you and Hayley will be back in an hour and Hope will be fine ,she's playing with her toys anyway "
Elijah nodded and headed towards his car with Hayley .
Elena closed the door and hugged Damon "can you go and get some more firewood Damon? We're going to need some for the fire -"
"Sure "he smirked before kissing her cheek , he grabbed his coat and headed towards the woods .
Elena turned to see Klaus stood in the doorway ,her hands began to shake "Wha-at are you doing here klaus?" She muttered
"I'm here for my daughter , me and Caroline are leaving and I want my daughter to come with me "
Elena stepped forward and grabbed hopes hand putting her behind her "No! You are not taking her ,you don't even deserve to be a father it's better if you just leave and hope forgets about you .."
Klaus slammed the door shut and stormed towards Elena "how can you talk you little bitch? You should've Been dead years ago-"
"I'm sure if you leave Hope will be calling Elijah daddy in less than a year-" Elena laughed
Klaus sped over to Elena and grabbed her before throwing her into the nearest room ,hope ran after her as Elena slammed and locked the kitchen door shut klaus began to kick it down . Elena grabbed Hope and stared into her eyes
"Listen hope I need you to run into the woods quietly and find Damon ok? Go through this door "she whispered
Hope nodded and ran towards the woods to find Damon , Elena quietly shut the door As the kitchen door flew open with an angry hybrid stood before her .
Klaus angrily looked around "where are she?! " he screamed
He pulled Elena up and threw her into the nearest wall crushing her bones , Elena cried in agony , he stormed through the house pulling furniture down and wrecking everything , he destroyed the house . Elena's eyes opened with terror as klaus tied her to a chair "I will find you and kill you Elena ,one day I will ,and I will be returning for my daughter " he raised his hand and hit her across the face as blood dripped down her face .

Damon's eyes widened as Hope came hurrying towards him ,he opened his arms and lifted her up "hey little madam what are you doing here?"
Hopes eyes watered as tears flew down her face "my daddy's here and he's trying to hurt Elena "
Damon's eyes widened with alarm as he vampire sped towards the lake house , he quietly set down hope on the steps and opened the door , the house was trashed and a very injured Elena laid on the floor unconscious ,Damon rushed over to her and lifted her up .
"Hey..hey it's ok Elena ,I'm here's ok" he whispered as a tear streamed down his face
Elena tried to sit up but her head suddenly went dizzy ,the door opened and Hayley and Elijah walked in with their hands full of shopping , Hayley sped over to Elena and helped her up .
"Oh my god ..what the hell happened?? Look at this place-"
"Klaus is what happened Hayley, I am going to rip his god damn head off-"
"Damon please stay with Elena there is no need to over exaggerate -"
"Elijah I'm not being funny but I'd be pretty pissed off if my brother tried to steal my daughter " Damon moaned
"What?!"Hayley shouted "he tried to take Hope?! Where a she?!"
Damon pointed towards the back door as Hayley and Elijah rushed out and threw hope into their arms .
~ An hour passed and damon still waited next to Elena's bed ,waiting for her to wake up . Damon leant against the side of her bed as he scanned her beautiful face , her skin as pale as snow and her lips as red as roses . Elena gasped and sat up
"Oh my god!" She gasped "What -what happened ?!"
Damon pulled her in and hugged her "Elena you're ok, you're ok ..I was so worried Klaus had done something to you.. You scared me "he laughed
"You'll never loose me Damon ,I promise you-" she giggled "oh my god he ..he wrecked the lake house ..Damon christmas is ruined Damon" she sulked
Damon shook his head and lifted Elena's chin up
"Hey chin up Elena! I always have a second plan ..and I promised you today wouldn't be ruined ..everyone's helped clean up and well..we all cooked christmas dinner for you-"
A smile on Elena's face appeared "Damon!" She laughed , she reached for her neck and looked down "he-he took my necklace
Damon gave Elena a confused look "what elena ?"
"Klaus..klaus he ..he took my necklace ,why would he do that?"
Damon bit his lip " Elena I've had enough of him I want him dead , that was a special gift and he had no right to take that from you ..I'm sorry elena .."
Elena kissed Damon's lips and gazed into his eyes "damon it's fine ..I promise "
Damon helped Elena walk down the stairs and into the dining room where everyone was sat waiting to feast ,the food looked amazing and so did the house . Everything had been cleared and cleaned and the place was spotless ,the food looked amazing and everything went to plan ..just like Caroline would've planned it . Elena sat down and smiled at everyone
"Thankyou guys.. This means a-" Elena smiled but before she could finish her sentence the door flew open as a gust of wind flew in
A dark figure stood in the doorway as a woman with a sharp grin walked in "well ,well I hope I haven't missed anything"
Elena squinted her eyes as everyone stared at eachother with confusion , Damon sat up
"I'm sorry who are you?" He mumbled
The woman crossed her arms and laughed sarcastically "wow you all have really forgotten me in this short amount of time ,well I must say I am quite disgusted -"
Elena slowly sat up as a smile appeared on her face "Regina?"
The woman grinned as her cherry lipstick glowed in the dark "hello darling " she laughed " I'm only here to explain what had happened and of course to give a Christmas gift to Elena off Emma " she grinned
Elena sat up and made her way to Regina but Damon grabbed her arm "I don't trust her Elena .."
"Damon!" Elena whispered "let go of me! I trust her ,don't be so rude !"
Damon let go of Elena and followed her to the door , Regina pulled Elena towards her and whispered in her ear before closing the door and vanishing into mid-air .
Elena opened the small box and smiled to herself as tears of joy flew down her rosy cheeks ,she pulled Damon into the kitchen and kissed his cheek
"Damon ..I've been meaning to ask you this for a while but you want to start a family with me?"
A smile appeared on Damon's face "of-of course I would Elena ,that's my dream "he laughed "but -how is that possible?"
Elena held up the box and wrapped her arms around Damon "Merry Christmas Damon"

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