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Well yesterday was how do I put it ,maybe the worst day of my life that had been turned around and changed into the best day of my life , Damon proposed to me , I can remember the words that came out of his mouth before I'd fainted , "will you marry me Elena ?" . My answer was yes ,of course it was yes ,I can only remember smiling at him but then falling asleep , I wanted to wake up to say I do but I just couldn't wake up . Finally I woke up two days after the attack ,I'd been healed but something just wasn't right ,I felt different and strange as if poison was running through my veins ,my skin seemed paler and my body was out of shape ,when I'd awoken I was on my own clueless of the date or time so I checked my clock and it had been two days and it was 6pm ,I casually walked downstairs to see no one ,no one was there ..not even Damon . I walked into the lounge but all the lights were just too bright and I just fainted ,again .. I knew something was wrong , at about 1am in the morning I could hear the door knocking, it was obviously unlocked ,where was Ric ? Why wasn't he here ..where was everyone ,I was in a sort of trance ,I was asleep on the floor but I could still hear everything ,I heard Ric rush in and take his phone out "Stefan ,stefan get over here it's Elena " , I heard stefan and Caroline come running through the front door I could hear Stefan's panicked voice calling me ,I was answering but ..nothing was coming out . "Right take her upstairs ,close the blinds and let her rest, she might not wake up again otherwise ,hurry" stefan said .
I started to panic ,I wanted Damon but he wasn't there he was not mentioned by anyone ,why the hell did Ric ring stefan qu and not Damon ,I was so confused I wanted to scream and shout ,but nothing would happen ,it was as if I was in limbo or something ,I just wanted Damon ..he's all I wanted and he wasn't there .
5 hours passed and I finally woke up ,I actually felt really bad and rough ,I could hardly see and my head was hurting but I felt a hand touch mine "hey Elena ,it's stefan stay in bed " I can remember him saying , "what the hell's going on Stefan ,where's damon I want damon ,please ring him stefan" that's all I said ,because I only wanted Damon . Stefan just kept on changing the subject which really annoyed me ,I was so angry and full of rage for no reason at all so I just shouted at him asking him to explain what the hell was going on . And then he explained ,I can remember his exact words - "Elena ,we don't know what's wrong with you ,you've been in a deep sleep for too long and you're not staying awake any second now you're going to fall back to sleep ,but you'll be able to hear everything that's going on around you ,we don't know what's going on so Damon's gone to find Klaus , we seem to think that Esther did something to you and it's ..killing you slowly every time you wake up it's for a shorter time ,so we need you to try and stay awake as you might not wake up next time ..so please Elena don't fall asleep" . I was heartbroken I just didn't know what to say , I didn't know what to do ,so I just cried and hugged stefan what else could I do ,I could feel myself falling asleep ,my eyes showily shutting ,was I going to die for good this time ? Was this it ,but before I fell asleep ,Damon came rushing in with Klaus behind him , Damon ran over to me and kissed me , this was worth staying awake for ,klaus went on his knees and observed my face looking into my eyes ,examining the way I looked and he knew that Esther had done something , he said that she'd done this spell that will kill me eventually and that we can't do anything about it ,but there was one thing "the only thing possible that could work Elena ..was if you were a vampire ,this spell doesn't work on a vampire you see love " .

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