Wedding Plans

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Elena passed over the laptop to Damon as they laid on the bed

"I've pretty much got everything covered , you need to do some work now Damon" Elena grinned

"Well I'm not good with these things Elena"

"Well we have everything sorted except a dress , the honeymoon and your best man "

"Well I told you I can't exactly choose between Ric and Enzo "

"And I've told you to go with your brother ,Stefan you know the one that betrayed us and left with Caroline two weeks ago ,yep that one"

"Don't be angry about it Elena , and anyway he doesn't know if he can make it yet so it's between Ric and Enzo"

Elena turned to Damon "What?!"

"Oh yeah he erm- texted me this morning saying he's busy with Caroline so they probably won't be able to make it "

"We don't even have a date so how would he know he can't make it ? Damon something's wrong ,I can feel it"

Damon pulled Elena over and kissed here softly "how about you and Bonnie go dress shopping today ,we'll sort the date after along with Stefan"

He pulled her tight and ripped her shirt off as they kissed passionately .

"That's great Ric ,finally she can settle down and move on" Meredith smiled as she dropped her bags in the doorway of the Gilbert house .

"Yeah well she's marrying Damon ,the phsycho loony that kills people?"

"She loves him and he loves her ,and you know that Ric "

He pulled her in tightly and kissed her "well I guess " he laughed

"Wanna be my best man buddy?" A voice came from the doorway and Damon was stood there .

Ric laughed and nodded his head "of course Damon ,of course"

"What's sexy doctor Meredith doing here ,thought she was in Chicago for a few monthsssss" Damon slithered

"Well I need a woman in my life , and she makes me happy she's moved in now ..I'm guessing Elena will be moving out soon and in with you?"

"Wow how interesting . Anyway I've been wondering for a while where's Jeremy? Bonnie's back ,so where's Jer?"

Ric looked at Meredith confused "I actually don't know Damon ,have you asked Elena ,they're not due home for another week?"

"I'll go find Elena " Damon walked past Ric and Meredith and rushed through the door.

Elena was still wearing her night shirt over her bra and underwear as she leaped down the stairs towards the kitchen "hmm what to eat ,some breakfast-t "she muttered to herself , she felt two hands rub against her waist and wrap around her flat stomach

"so I take it he said yes " she laughed .

Elena closed the fridge door and tried to turn around to look at Damon but she felt the hands move down to her shirt

"No Damon ,not now we have things to do "she laughed

But the hands kept on going until finally her shirt had been ripped off ,Elena stood in her underwear as she turned around to see no one there ,she ran towards the door but a shadow had formed and someone was trying to get in ,she sprinted up the stairs and into Damon's bedroom locking the door tight . Elena heard the handle of the door spin as it was being forced open she hid down the side of the door as a young dark haired man walked in ,it was Damon.

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