Chapter 1

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Okay, so time has passed since I've began writing this story. The first few chapters are actually pretty bad, but my writing has improved over time. So don't give up on the book because of how bad the beginning is. Keep reading, please. Let me know what you think of my improvements. Trust me, the story is much more interesting as you go throughout it.


Ross' POV

Sooooo it's now been 8 months and 1 day since I've seen laura. Yup you heard it right here folks.... I keep count. I miss laura so much! I don't even know what happened. everything was going great. R5 had just released an album. Austin and Ally was recording its third season. The fourth season was verified but laura didn't respond to the offer yet. And we can't cancel the show until it's been a year without response so unless laura responds in within 4 months...austin and ally will be over. Anyway let's get back on track. Everything was fine. Yet she still left: No note, no letter, no email, no calls, not even a text. she hasn't even been online. It's as if she's lost connection with the world....or at lease that's what Norah says. Yeah Norah is my best friend (and ryland's girlfriend) . Riker, Rocky, Ryland, and ratliff are my brothers...well ratliff's not related but still like a brother. Rydel is my older sister and one of nora's best-girl-friends. Vanessa is nora's other best-girl- friend . But the thing that I hate about Vanessa is that she reminds me of laura...since they are sisters after all. Stormie and mark are my parents. "And the love of....i mean just a girl I have a minor crush on."

~end of POV~

Norah: "more like major"

Ross: "AHHHHH" He says jumping "god damn child, you scared me"

Norah: "you're welcome"

Ross: "so what's up NORAH" he says giving her a glare and a smirk

Norah: "ughhh ross. we've been over this. everyone calls me Rikki. you should know made the name after all"

Ross: "I may have made the name but it's want my idea to give you a name with an 'R' "

Rikki: "yeah it was"

Ross: "oh. Well in that case.... What's up RIKKI" I say putting emphasis on 'Rikki'

Rikki: "not much. Just have a little surprise for you"

Ross: "what is it this time?"

Rydel and Vanessa: walk in "dude what do you not get about SURPRISE"

Ross: shrugs

Rikki: "okay whatever. you got fifteen minutes to take a shower and get dressed then were heading to the.."

Rydel&Vanessa: cuts her off "shhhh"

Rikki: "oops sorry"

Rydel: "just get ready Ross"

Ross: "I will as soon as you guys get out of my room" he says pointing to the door

Rikki: "okay okay we're going"

Vanessa: "gosh why u gotta be so rude?"

Rydel: closes the door

Rocky: walks by them in the hallway "morning ladies"

Girls: "morning rocky"

Rydel: "hey rocky is mom still watering the flowers?"

Rocky: "yeah why?"

Rydel: looks at rikki mischievously

Rikki: "oh just askin."

Rocky: looks at them all awkwardly

Vanessa: "you can go now" she says with say with sass

Rocky: growls like a feisty cat (mimicking Nessa)

Everyone laughs as rocky goes downstairs. 'Shower begins'

Ross: "ahhhhhhh"

Everyone laughs nonstop as ross comes out of the room.

Rikki: tries not to laugh too hard "hey ro..." Can't help it so bursts into laughter with the others

Stormie: turns off the hose and walks inside and up the stairs "hey gu....ross why are you...'looks at him thoroughly' THAT"

Ross: shoots all three girls a glare "cuz no one told me the hose was on"

Girls start laughing like crazy. they stop as they see ross start to approach them. Riker stand in the doorway looking at them.

Riker: "good luck" he says while passing them to go downstairs into the living room

Rikki: "ross don't. your wet"

Ross: "aww rikki. That's the point" hugs all three of them really tight

Girls: "ewwwwww"

Rydel: "mom I'm getting wet"

Vanessa: "oh come on this is a new outfit"

Ross: "got anything else to say rikki"

Rikki: bites his arm as ross let's go

Ross: "oh you better run"

As rikki starts running ross chases her and grabs her and carries her over his shoulder as she hits his back.

Rikki: "ross!!!! Put me down!"

Ross: "fine"

Vanessa: "now go finish your shower so we can get going"

Ross: "okay be down in ten minutes"

Rikki: "wait no you have to look nice"

Ross: "you sayin' I don't look nice?"

Vanessa: "no....just....shower and look decent Kay?"

Ross: "oookkkaaayyyy.....I'll be down in 30" he heads back to his room

Rydel: "okay. C'mon girls we need to get dressed"

They all grab their outfits from their rooms and head to rikki's room to do makeup and etc.

Rikki: looks at Vanessa and Rydel "gosh I can't wait for ross to see his surprise"


Sorry I accidentally deleted the book earlier I was going to have a backup but somehow the book got deleted before I could back it up. Sorry again. And I tried to keep the plot the same cuz I kinda lost track along the way after the deletion.

I edited the end cuz I realized that my timing for then was a little off

:) stay rossome

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