Chapter 3

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[ 1 hour later ]

Ross: "can someone tell me where we're going"

Everyone: "no"

Ross: "ughhh"

Rikki's POV

I'm really excited right now. Eeeeek. Okay calm down Norah. Anyway.... I can't wait for Ross to see ????????. He's going to be so shocked. But it's gonna be soooooo hard to keep the secret. I haven't even told Delly and ness the whole truth yet: only the basics. But you know what who cares. The important thing is that she's here, and hopefully no one will ask too much!!!!!

~end of POV~

Riker's POV

don't you just love Vanessa? She so beautiful....but remember she's mine. Right now she holding one hand while a drive with the other. As I stare at her beauty as she sleeps I realize I'm about to miss the exit. I put my other hand on the wheel so that I'm driving with both hands but Vanessa doesn't let go instead her hand stays with mine as I take the turn. She wakes up and pulls her hand away.

~ end of POV ~

Vanessa: "sorry"

Riker: "it's fine"

Ryland: "no it's not. DUDE YOU ALMOST KILLED US"

Rocky: "if you missed that exit we might've never been able to see la-"

Everyone but rocky and ross: "shut up"

Ross: "see who?"

Rydel: "you'll see" she says smirking

Ross: "okay then"

Ryland: "I'm borrreeeeddddd"

Rikki: "relax we're almost the-"

Ross: "the airport!?!? why are we at the airport???"

Everyone starts giggling raising ross' suspicion

Ross: "how am I related to you people? Your so...there's not even a word for it"

Riker: "weird"

Ryland: "annoying"

Rocky: "awkward"

Rydel: "beautiful" she says with a hair flip

Ross: "no, no, no, and yes...only because since were siblings you look like me...kinda"

Vanessa and Rikki: "you're not related to us"

Ross: "thank god for that"

Rikki: hits the top of his head

Ross: "ow that hurt"

Vanessa: "I think that was the point"

Ross: "haha very funny" he says sarcastically

Riker: "c'mon guys. Let's go"

They all get out of the car and head to the arrivals area.

Rikki: "wait here. Riker and I will go get them"

Rikki's POV

They all nod their heads and riker and I head towards the coffee stand as I was told. I go over and I see...









































....Katie (leclerc)

I walk over to her with riker and we all exchange hugs.

"Where is she" I ask

"She went to the bathroom" she tells me

"I can't wait for everyone to see her" riker says joining the conversation

Katie and I both nod and we all wait for ??????? to come out

~ end of POV ~

????? Comes walking out of the bathroom but starts running when seeing Rikki and riker

?????: "Oh my god Norah...riker"

Rikki: "actually I go by Rikki now"

?????: "really? why?"

Riker: "since pretty much everyone has a name with an R....well besides ness...we decided to give her a nickname that starts with an R." He explains

?????: "cool. And speaking of are they all?"

Katie,riker, and rikki: "they all are waiting for you outside"

?????: "OMG your kidding right?" she says excitedly

Riker and Rikki: "nope"

?????: "then what are we waitin for, let's go"

Rikki: "okay '???????' thanks for the help Katie"

Katie: "no problem. Bye"

Everyone else: "bye"

Riker and Rikki lead the way for '?????' as they reach the group everyone looks at '??????' in happiness, but ross oddly enough has no emotion on his face. But he almost looks disappointed in his surprise.


Just to make it clear. Rikki talked to Katie on the phone. Katie had to go to get '?????' Back because they couldn't risk anything so Katie was pretty much an escort.

:) stay rossome

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