Chapter 58

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Chapter 58: the ones we forgot

Ross' POV

"California?" I ask

Laura nods.

"But why! I thought that he wanted us here a-"

Before I can finish my phone goes off. I unlock it to reveal a text from Aaron.

Go back in. There's someone waiting for you. Or should I say someones. They might me mad... They were forgotten after all. -A

"What is this, Pretty Little Liars?" Rydel asks

"Someones is not the plural of someone, idiot!" Says Laura

"How do you know it's Aaron?" Asks Ryland

"It's blocked. Who else would continuously text me knowing exactly what's going on besides Aaron?"

"Point taken"

We quickly get out of the car.

"Oh my god." Faith says

"What?" We all ask

"The basement. We didn't check it thoroughly. I just walked to the washing machine and that's it."

"Aaannndddd?" Ellington asks not understanding

Vanessa slaps the back of his head and walks in the house without a word.

"Well then. That hurt." Ell states

We just follow vanessa and faith back down to the basement.

"Okay, so what now?" Rocky asks

"The closet." Says riker

"Why the closet?" I asks kinda scared

"Aaron's a big fan of horror movies. Where else would he put people?" Faith says

"Okay well...I-I think...that....ummm.... Laura should open it. Yeah, Laura"

"Wimp" almost all of them say

We all slowly surround the closet. None of us know who to expect.

But, forgotten? Who could be forgotten? Wait a second? Aaron. When he cut rikki. I saw them. But they hid. But then I never saw them after I got in the ambulance. So that means...

I quickly push past everyone and open the closet door to exactly who I expected.

The ones we forgot:
Nada and Nadeen


Hey guys. So, I just re-read my whole story--- every single page --- and I honestly forgot half of the stuff that happened so I was pretty much feeling how you guys were feeling.

I'm gonna be honest though, my writing skills have increased A LOT. Like, I was terrible, in the very beginning, compared to now.

Anyway, so I'm back now and hopefully I'll remember everything.

Forgive my iOS 6 quality picture. I wanted to actually put something in the media, but I could only get it to work with an iOS 6 message. I'm pretty sure ross has IOS 8 by now.

Check out my other stories
> Fighting For Love {raura}
> Striking Reality [ common fiction ]
> The Reason Behind Their Tears {raura}


IG | @noraR5
Twitter | @noralynchR5


Nerds Rock😊

I want all of you to comment what you thought of 'Smile'.

It honestly, actually, brought a smile to my face.

In fact, today I realized that I truly am in love with R5 and Austin&Ally. My lock screen is a picture of all of them. My dad was yelling at me for reading in the dark, and I actually wasn't. Then he yelled at me for leaving my door closed, and he opened it. First of all, I wasn't freakin reading in the dark! Second of all, I DESERVE PRIVACY YA KNOW!

Anyway, I accidentally hit my phone and the lock screen popped up. When I saw all of them together, smiling, it actually made me smile.

There were tears going down my face, but I was still able to smile thanks to them.

:) stay rossome

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