Chapter 92

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Chapter 92: Skinny Love

Remember that in this story, a lot of songs that are originally written by other artists, are written by characters instead. Just remember.

< December 24, 2014- 10:00PM >

"Okay kids!" Aunt coos "time to go sleep!"

"Aweeeee!!!!" The kids whine

I laugh at their immaturity

"Just another ten minutes?" Gil B pleads

"No, sorry Gil B. If you want Santa to come, you have to sleep now."

Here comes the thinking.... If you could see Gordy's face you would know what I mean.

"But if Santa only comes when we're asleep, how comes you guys can stay up?" He addresses to pretty much anyone over the age of 13.

Considering he's Rocky's mini, he's pretty smart.

I look around at everyone, waiting to see what they'll say.

"There an age when Santa let's you stay up longer." Gus explains

"Yeah right! YOURE LYING" Beauty accuses

"No, he's not. You would know if you reached that age, but since you don't know, you haven't reached it." I chirp in

"So I can stay up late next year?" Boston asks

"Maybe." I reply

"So I can stay up with my babe." Gator says, putting his arm around me.

"Yeeeeaaaahhhh... No." I say prying his arm off of me.

He pouts for a brief second as the rest of minir5 snickers. I do too.

"It's alright. Wait till you see my Christmas present." He winks and goes up to his room.

I sit here confused.

"What just happened?" Rikki asks as she walks down the stairs, passing gator

"Oh just the usual flirting." Rydel giggled

I roll my eyes at her. "You're lucky Gus doesn't like you."

"EWW!" They both scream "S/HE'S MY COUSIN!"

I laugh.

"Where were you anyway?" I ask rikki and ross

"Trying to get rocky to sleep."

I look at them confused.

Rikki sighs. "Ross."

"Yeah?" He asks catching his balance. He almost fell asleep standing.

"You tell her." She yawns "I'm tired" she leans on him

"You freakin do it. That kid is a monster."

"My voice hurts."

"Mine too."

"Okay! Seriously confused here!" I interrupt not knowing a single detail about what the hell is going on.

"Rikki, babe." Ryland walks in

"Yeah, Ry?" She asks as her and ross sit on the stairs, leaning on each other to keep balance.

"You need rest your voice. You better be ready to perform on New Years Eve."

"WHAT!" Rikki shoots up

Rydel runs up to ryland holding his collar. "DONT MESS WITH ME DUDE!"


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