Chapter 72

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Chapter 72: When we were 15

Ross holds my hand.

"Look Laur, I know you know me too well. You obviously know I'm hiding something."


"I-I just want you to know... I'll tell you soon, but... I'm just not ready yet. I'm sorry."

I find the strength to grip ross' hand.

I can feel his body tremble as he feels my grip.

"Oh... You actually heard that."

Well, duh... Why else would you talk to me? What you're just gonna talk to a lifeless body with no spirit or somethin'?

"I know what you're thinking, but no.... I just- I was kinda hoping-" he sighs "i don't know"

I love you. I know I don't say it often. I mean, we're going through so much stuff and... I just- I wish it could go back to when everything was normal. When we were 15. When everything we did was just thought of as childish. When everything was based on our crazy minds. When people wouldn't judge you cuz like you look your 6 when your 15."

Wait... He was judged? I mean of course he was... He's famous, but what's there to go against. He was an innocent teen trying to achieve his dream.

And me? I was a stick. I mean I would... Never Mind

But that's my opinion.

"When I could have people saying how amazing I look with the girl I love when we aren't even dating."

I may be kinda unconscious and stuff, but I know I'm smiling.

"When I could hold your hand in public and tell you feel sparks even though we weren't together."

I thought he did that to tease me.

"When I used mom's account to 'accidentally' hashtag Raura." He laughs out.

...but I can hear his voice crack

He's holding back tears.

"When I would hold your hand or kiss your cheek by 'mistake' "

He takes his other hand and holds mine in his.

"I love you, Laur. I love you more than anything in the world. I make mistakes all the time. I even met you by mistake. But look at how it turned out."

Wait... By mistake?

" I mean, if I never ran into you that day before auditions, we would've never connected so well during the audition. They even called us back for a personal pair audition. Who would've thought that talking to a girl you didn't even know over a smoothie and a cookie at Panera could change someone's life so much"

Panera? What? I-I don't remember any of this... I-

"Yeah, mom... Yes, I get it.... NO!...NO MOM!....BUT...."

Ugh. That's what happens when you get involved in a business that your sister is apparently better at. Your mom yells at you and tells you that you have to have two backups and majors in college if you fail. Like it's not my fault sis got a role before I landed one.

I sigh and sit down at a table.

I unlock my iPod touch.... Then I see a red low battery signal.

Dang..... I forgot my charger too.

I sit there. Doing absolutely nothing but eat my salad.

I just sit there eating my salad; not even looking at it.

"Hey, uhhh.... You do know that you're done with your salad." A cute blonde tells me.

"Huh?" I ask as I put the fork in my mouth. Correction: empty fork with nothing on it.

I laugh awkwardly.

"Haha.... Well that's weird" I blurt out

He sits down at my table. No introduction or anything.

"Don't worry, I'm not a creep or anything"

Well...he's outgoing I'll tell you that.

"So, what's your name?" He asks me as he takes a bite out of his cookie: lookin quite childish.


"Pretty name for a pretty girl"

I blush.

"Oops, I said that out loud didn't i?"

I nod.

He laughs. "Okay, well now we're even with the weirdness. Anyway, I'm ross."

I smile at him.

Kinda nervous here. Like cute outgoing boy talking to ugly, shy girl.

"You're a tad shy, aren't you? It's fine. It's actually really cute." He says leaning back in his chair.

"Thanks" I say softly

"Anything for you."

"Hey ross! Cmon we gotta go!" Some girl calls him walking in.

Oh, he must be like dating her. I mean look at her: she's so pretty. She has like a prefect body! Her hair falls so nicely. She even has glitter. And she looks so unique.

I knew it was too good to be true.

"Sorry, sister's calling. Maybe I'll see you again, sometime?"

Oh! SISTER! ooh... That's awkward.

"Yeah," I smile "maybe you will"

"Great. See you around." He turns and leaves.

I smile to myself.

He runs back in

"...and keep that smile going."


Oh my god. How could I forget. That was.... Woah.

There's a tear.

Is he crying?

"Laur, you're crying."

Wait, me? I-I'm crying?

"I-I'm sorry, Laura. I didn't mean to make you cry. I mean you're obviously awake, but I don't want you to cry. I just..."

He just babbles on from that.

But it isn't good babbling. He kept on apologizing for no reason.

I rub his hand, but he's so tense that he doesn't notice.

"I don't deserve you."

No! No! No no no no!! Say anything your want ross but never say you don't deserve me because I are as hell don't deserve you!

Wait, is that light?


Please comment what your thoughts on this chapter because I really like this one. I want to know what you think.

Check out my other stories
> Fighting For Love {raura}
> Striking Reality [ common fiction ]
> The Reason Behind Their Tears {raura}


IG | @noraR5
Twitter | @noralynchR5


Nerds Rock🎩💣

Cuz like top hats are bomb.


:) stay rossome

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