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Standing in the crowded hallway, trash abandoned by students during lunch. It's louder than usual; The baseball team is of course laughing and hollering as they pass by excited for the weekend. Ugh... And there goes Andrew trailing behind them. The one person on the team that's tolerable. But that was at the beginning of sophomore year before he was on the team. Ever since he joined he became an arrogant prick.

Andrew is the worst out of all of them. He isn't perfect. People just put him on this pedestal. Just because he is his friend's lapdog, doing everything he's told. The fact that girls are constantly throwing themselves at him is unbelievable. I don't get distracted by the freakishly outgoing personality, the lopsided smile, unique laugh paired with beautiful blue eyes... Okay, I can see why all the girls are obsessed with him, so what if he's attractive. I have to stop thinking about him so much. All he's good for is tracking mud everywhere.

Pushing through the unforgiving hallway it's like a battle zone. Every year it just gets worse the more people there are in this school. The freshman standing in clumps by the stairwell creating a bottleneck in the hall. Keeping my arms close to my side, I slip through any opening in the crowd. Just trying to get to my last class of the day history.

We should be starting our group project today, and I'm not looking forward to it. You either get to be in a group where you have to do everything, or you get stuck with someone smart, and they don't let you do anything.  Even if you try to help they just can't risk having a bad grade, so that's not an option. There is never a middle ground, always one or the other.

Finally, I'm able to break free from the current of students as I enter the classroom making my way to my seat. Sitting down I pull out my phone. Only notifications from Mom what's new. I look up when I hear booming laughter as the baseball team walks in, as usual, Andrew isn't laughing as loud probably because the joke wasn't that funny, but they're not my friends, so I shouldn't care. But I can't help but watch them as they sit down in the back corner of the room. After a few minutes, our teacher starts to get our attention.

"Ok guys, come on let's settle down. We have work to do today." She pulls out a sheet of paper "As some of you remember from last class we are starting a group project." The class starts to murmur with a mix of dread and excitement "Hey, I know group projects aren't everyone's favorite thing in the world, but it's going to be fun! Your assignment is to act out a scene from Julius Caesar. Now you won't be able to choose your partner," She pauses for a moment as the class collectively groans. "Because I chose them for you. Make sure you listen for your name. Once you find out who your partner is, go and sit by one another" As she begins to read off the list I can't help but let my mind wander. 

"Jackson and Allie"

Why does she have to get creative with the projects?

"Hunter and Jake "

It's always gotta be complicated. Why not make us research a topic and draw a few pictures. Wouldn't that also be easier for her?

"Allison and Richard"

That's what every other teacher does, and that doesn't force anyone to interact with people they don't know or like! I'm probably going to get stuck with a partner who doesn't even care. Then I'll end up with a bad grade because they didn't want to do any work.

"How long do you think the scene is going to be?"

Wait what, someone is actually talking to me? I look over, and there he is. Andrew. 

"Huh? Oh, she hasn't told us yet." I blurt out.

 "Okay, so now that you're all with your partners it's time for me to properly explain what exactly you will be doing." I wonder if it's too late to change them. I refuse to work with Andrew, he is probably not going to want to do anything.

"For this project, I've assigned everyone there own two-person scene, and don't worry they should only be five to six minutes." ugh, You have got to be kidding me. It just has to be that long. How are we even going to remember everything? 

"Ms.Hall? How much time will we be given to work on this?

"Good question Andrew. The project will be due in three weeks. Now, I know that isn't much time, but as long as you all work during class time I give you should have plenty of time." Ms. Hall begins walking around the classroom handing the groups their scripts. She takes a glance at the clock.

"Once you get your script look it over with your partner, and decide who will play each part. You have the rest of the class to work on this."

Oh great. She better not make us perform in front of the class.

"So Sam, who would you like to be?" Andrew hands the paper to me with a smile. I look down at the characters I could choose from. Cassius and Brutus. From what I remember Cassius has fewer lines,

"I'll be Cassius."

"Okay cool, Let's start reading through the script." Andrew holds the paper between the two of us and begins to read his line. This project it's going to suck I can just feel it. 


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I'll see you in the next chapter.

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