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Sitting in the cafeteria with Basil and Theo, shouting above the noise to be able to hear each other.

"Is it alright if I sit here?" Andrew walks up to our table his backpack resting on one shoulder.

Basil and Theo Look at each other than look at me. I give them a slight not before smiles spread on there faces.

"Of course you can join us!" Moving her bag under her chair. "Theo scoot over so Andrew can sit down."

Sitting down next to me he places his bad down pulling out a lunchbox. For about a minute or so no one says a word, but I watch as Theo and Basil start nudging each other with there elbows.

"So, how was everyone's weekend?" Basil asks the table as she takes a bite of a carrot. Everyone takes a moment to see who is going to say anything.

"Sam and I went to a party and hung out," Andrew says 

Basil perks up and looks me dead in the eyes, mouthing to me

"you went to a party?"

"Yes, why is that so crazy?"

"Because you never told me! That's so cool, how was it?"Basil squeals as she leans towards me."

How much should I tell them? I mean Andrew is right there, I have to let him know somehow that I had a good time. Oh, I wish we talked about this more.

"It was fun." 

"Just fun?" Basil sits back in her chair. "You gotta give us more information than that!"

Checking my phone I show everyone what time it is.

"Would you look at that. The bell is about to ring, we should get going." Everyone faces drop with the realization that we have to go to class. We all get up and throw away our trash.

"My class is that way, hopefully, I'll see you guys around." Andrew points in the opposite direction that we were going. From his comment I let a sheepish smile spread oh my face.

"Yeah man, anytime you want to sit with us you are more than welcome too," Theo tells Andrew with a wide smile.

Theo, Basil, and I all walk down the hall waving goodbye to Andrew as he walks away. 

"So, It was just fun?" Basil looks at me wiggling her eyebrows up and down. She continues to look at my face, not letting up. 

"Okay, Okay! Something happened." I groan as I cover my face with my hands 

"I knew it! Spill." She yells as she hops around.

"Well, not much really happened." I scratch the back of my neck "We did kiss."

Basil and Theo stop walking Looking at me in complete surprise. It takes them a second before smiles explode onto their faces.

"That's awesome!" Theo says giving me a high five. My face getting warmer and warmer. 

"Are you two like a thing now?" Basil asks.

"We were not dating, but I hope we do."


With my head rested on my desk I watch the clock. It's only halfway through the class, and since we have a substitute we aren't doing anything. We were given an assignment, but it took five minutes to do.

Standing up I need to move around or I'm going to fall asleep. Grabbing the hall pass I leave the classroom. At first just wondering the halls, getting water here and there, but I eventually made my way into the bathroom.

Coming out of the stall I wash my hands and start messing with my hair. Its been especially frizzy today. When the door to the bathroom opens my hands immediately shoot down from my hair.

Looking over at who came in my eyes lock with Jackson. His expression is cold and harsh. Looking away I hear him walk up next to me.

"So he's sitting with you now?" My eyes meet his "Does it feel good?"


"How does it feel steeling Andrew from his real friends? I bet it feels great."Jackson rests his hand on the sink next to me, his voice mocking.

"I'm not stealing him. I'm not making him do anything." I snap back "He chose to sit with us himself."

"Cause you're telling him to 'follow his dreams' 'become an artist' 'quit baseball' that's something he has been working hard at and is successful. Because of you, the Scouters aren't going to pick him."Jackson's voice rises through his statement, his words becoming sharper and sharper.

"Because he isn't passionate about it anymore."

"No one is! But it's a way to get ahead and Andrew is." Jacksons face is frozen like he's wearing a mask. The intensity of his eyes is so pointed. I take a step back "Because Andrew thinks your 'cute' he is going to throw everything away." Jackson steps closer.

With him towering over me I keep stepping back until I'm up against the wall trapped with him in. My way of any escape.

"So that's why that's the reason?" I ask my voice strong. Jackson's mask snaps and the anger on his becomes very apparent. He grabs the collar of my shirt knocking my head against the wall.

"Yes, you dipshit. And I'm not going to stop until Andrew sees what a pathetic loser you are." Letting go of my shirt "Andrew isn't going to lose everything he's worked for." Jackson grabs hold of the bathroom door. "See you around Sammy."

Finally, he's gone.


Thank you for reading!

I hope you like the picture of Sam, with all this extra time on my hands I thought.  "Might as well." I hope I get around to drawing the rest of the cast. But it is a lot. 

Please Vote and share.

I'll see you in the next chapter.

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