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Opening up the fridge I pull out the lemon juice and turning back to the apples I had sliced. Giving them a splash I then add them to the wicker basket now full to the brim with food. Snacks, drinks, and a few sandwiches. What else could you need for a picnic? 

Taking one last look around the kitchen I double-check everything. I've just finished packing the food. I already put the blanket and towels in the car. I also have a change of clothes if needed. Placing my hands on my hips and taking ole last look around. I think I'm all set. 

Picking up the basket I bring it to my car. Packing everything into the back seat I send a text to Sam giving him a heads up that I'm on my way. Rushing inside one last time I call out to my family letting them know I'm leaving. Running back to my car I put on my sunglasses and make my way over to pick up Sam.


"Hey," Sam says as he climbs into the passenger seat. A soft smile on his face. He's holding his backpack close to him as I drive down the road. "So where are we going swimming ?" Sam asks me.

"Down in by the creek."


"I thought It would be nice to go out to the creek and have a picnic and go swimming," I answer him with a big grin on my face. Sam turns to look in the backseat.

"Woah, you really went all out."

"well, of course, The weather is just getting warm again. We arent going to have many opportunities to something like this."

"Now or never," Sam says looking at me. His smile growing on his face.

"Exactly," I respond looking at Sam from the corner of my eyes.


Turning off the engine Sam and I start pulling things out from the back seat. Grabbing a backpack each Sam takes the blanket as I grab the basket. As I lock up the car I take a look at the parking lot. It's practically empty.

"Looks like we are going to have the place all to ourselves," I state giving Sam a big smile. 

 We start making our way down the creek. Taking the small hike down the hill, I help Sam down the more gravely areas, making sure he doesn't slip. The farther into the forest we go the steeper the hill gets. By the time we both get down to the bottom were both breathing heavy.

"Where do you want to set up?" I ask Sam as we walk along the trail next to the creek. Passing several open areas we decide on one near a tiny waterfall.

Sam rolls out the blanket for us to put our stuff on. Placing the bags down I kick off my sandals grabbing the neck of my shirt and pulling it over my head, tossing it onto my backpack. Plopping down on the blanket I watch as Sam grabs his shirt. Arms crossed as he pulls it up and over his head. Leaving his upper body free for my eyes to wonder. 

His slim frame peppered with freckles, mostly on his shoulders and upper back. His arms are toned from all those days spent outside in the garden pulling weeds. His orange curls shining in the sunlight. What a wonderful view.

Sam turns to me with a soft smile before pulling me up and dragging me into the water. Even though the weather is warm the water is freezing.

"Now we know why no one else is here!" Sam exclaims wast deep in the water. His arms pulled close to his body.

"Jesus!" I exclaim rushing into the water. Getting as far in as I can. The water reaches my neck, my feet still touching the bottom. I look over as Sam who hasn't moved from his previous spot. Wading over to him I reach out and take his hand in mine.

"This was a bad idea," Sam whispers as I walk him farther into the water. His teeth chattering together from the cold.

"It's not that bad once you get used to it." I give Sam's hands a tiny squeeze. Sam stands straighter the farther we go into the water. I stop whenever the waterline reaches his neck, I crouch down matching his height. "See, it's not too bad."

"It's still cold." Sam whines, Giving him a chuckle in response I bring Sam close. 

Wrapping my arms around his waist giving him a hug. Sam immediately wraps his arms around my neck, pressing himself against me.

"How are you so warm?" Sam asks me, he pauses for a second suspicion growing in his eyes as my smile grows. 


"Andrew," Sam says in an unsure voice.


"Whatever it is you are planning. sto-" 

"Three!" Cutting Sam's sentence I jump up slightly giving both of us time to inhale air before submerging the two of us in the icy water.

dunking us down just enough for us to be fully submerged I bring us back to the surface. Sam's heads immediately start wiping water and hair out of his face.

"I hate you," Sam says rubbing his eyes.

"Sure you do."I give Sam a cheeky grin. Using one arm I wipe away the hair plastered to my forehead, keeping the second securely wrapped around Sam. "But you aren't as cold now are you," 

Sam opens his mouth as if to protest before closing it right after. Scrunching his eyebrows together I watch as his ears turn pink.

"Well, it's still cold. But its not as bad anymore." Sam's words slowly trail off before a slight smile grows on his face "You could have at least told me."

"I gave you a count down." 

"Yeah, without telling me what you were counting down too," Sam says rolling his eyes at me, his smile still present on his face. 

"You wouldn't have done it if I told you." I counter making Sam's face grows pink.

"You may or may not be right."

"Oh hush," I say moving my hand to the back of Sam's neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

Everything stays still the minute our lips lock. The chirping of the birds and the small waves or the water get drowned out as we get transported to our own little world. Nothing else but the two of us matter right now. Sam's hands on my shoulders pulling himself as close to me as humanly possible. Finally pulling away both of our breathing is shaky and heavy. The sounds of our surroundings return, bringing us back to earth.

The two of us stay there for a second. A lazy smile spread across my lips contrasting the speed my heart is beating. Sam rests his head against my shoulder. Soft and quiet no one else around.

"You ready for some lunch?" I ask breaking the silence.


Thank you for reading. This is technically part one since the chapter was getting a bit too long, so next week it should be picking up from here.

if you don't mine please Vote and share, it helps a lot.

I'll see you in the next chapter

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