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We're standing in the hot sun the occasional breeze cooling us off for just a second. The longer we sit out here the wormer it seems. Looking over at Andrew he's just sitting there, looking the calmest I've ever seen him. A slight smile on his face, his eyes slowly taking in the view, and the slight glint of sweat on his forehead. He lifts his arm whipping it away before turning to me.

"Hey, Samuel can we get some water. It's kinda hot out here." 

"Yeah, sure." With this, we both get us and start toward the house with Andrew following close behind me. Walking up the steps. Onto the porch. And back into the kitchen. Andrew sits back down into his chair, I go over to the cabinets and open the one on the right picking up two glasses. 

"Do you want ice?" 

"Yeah, I want ice." putting ice into one glass, then start filling them up with water. " You don't like ice?"

 "Nope." I place Andrew's glass in front of him.

 "How come?"

 "I have sensitive teeth."

 "that's it?"

 "Yeah, that's it. You're always expecting more. Like my answers aren't enough." I take a sip from my glass. Water with no ice. 

"No, It's not that. I just feel like you always have more to say, but you aren't telling me." Why would I tell him everything that's going on in my mind? Not even the people I actually consider my friends get to experience that. Whenever I do eventually open up they end up becoming distant. Does he actually think we're friends? We've only started talking because of the project, which was only started a week ago. Oh yeah, the project. 

"I think we should practice a few more times then call it a day. It's already three and I'm assuming you probably don't want to keep this gong for much longer." My words feel colder than they usually are. I really don't want to push him away, but I just can't help it. I've been doing it for so long.

"Well I can't lie practicing over and over is getting pretty boring," Andrew stops talking giving me a smile "But we could do something else besides practice." 

"What could we even do?" I give him a confused look "There's nothing to do in my neighborhood."

"Well, I saw a pretty big park driving here."

"But it's such a far walk." 

"Who says we have to walk there." Andrew's smile grows. He reaches into his pocket pulling out a set of keys "We can drive there."


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