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The sun is absolutely blinding today, but its the only time I've had all week to tend to my garden. Being swamped with homework from algebra that I barley understand is hard enough. But now I have the history project I'm working on. I reach out and grab the sprout of a weed. Grabbing it at the base of the stem I pull it out roots and all. Throwing it on top of the pile I sit back and look for more. 

"I think I'm all done here." Getting up I grab the small pile of weed sprouts and throw them in the compost pile. Then turning to head inside I look back at my garden once again. The plants are growing strong, and are definitely going to bloom soon. But even with-ought the colorful blooms the leaves were a vibrant green standing out against the dark brown of the fence behind them.

"Sammy!" I turn to look at who was calling me "Are you all done for today? I've made lemonade would you like some?" 

"Thank you, Granny, I would love a glass let me wash up first." I smile at her as I wipe the sweat from my forehead.

"Oh good." Granny nods and slowly walks back inside the house. I pull off my gloves and hat leaving them on the porch heading straight to the bathroom.

  "Wow Granny that really hit the spot, thank you," I say in-between big gulps 

"Well, you deserve it. Taking care of my garden for me."

"You said bending down hurts your back, besides I really don't mind tending it for you."

"Well Sammy you are just too sweet," She walks around the counter I'm sitting at patting me on the shoulder. "Have as much as you like darling." 


The low hum of the class is deafening. With everyone talking to their friends I can barely even focus on the math in front of me. All I want is this class to end. The end of the day is almost here I just need to get through history, and ill be free. 

But even then history isn't going to be a walk in the park. That project is going to kill me, I tried going over some of my lines last night but they just weren't sticking in my head. we don't have much longer till its due, It's going to be a complete disaster especially since we do in fact have to present our scene. God, I wish people would just shut up.


I'm sitting at my desk with my head in my hand checking my notifications. Only one from mom. She won't be home to cook dinner again so ill have to help grandma make it again. What else is new.

"Hey, you ready to practice? We could go to the same spot as last time,  seemed pretty out of the whey where not too many people walked by." Andrew chuckles "Compared to our last spot. That one was way too busy."

"Yeah, that sounds good."  We both grab our bags and leave the classroom. We were in total silence as we walk down the halls. It just hangs in the air. 

"So, we only have next week left to work on the project before its time to present." I turn to look at Andrew

"I'm aware of that."

"Since we're both still struggling with memorizing our lines I think it might be good to practice during the weekend."

"Oh, uhh. Yeah your probably right." I was not expecting that. He actually wants this to go well.

"Could I get your number?" 


Adjusting the straps of my backpack I feel a buzz in my pocket. Checking the notification I realize its not my mom for once but actually Andrew.

A - "Hey this is Andrew is this a good time to figure out when we should get together to practice?" Oh wow, he's texting me already. That was pretty fast.

S- "Yeah. When do you want to practice?"

A- " I'm going to be busy Saturday but Sunday works."

S- "Sunday works. What time?"

A- "Whatever works for you."

S- "Okay then, noon at my house. Is that fine?"

A - "that works for me. :)"

turning off my phone I stuff it back into my pocket. Now on top of doing my homework, I have to clean the house, great. At least it's just for this project. Working with Andrew hasn't been too bad. At least it wasn't like how I expected it to go. He's been nice to work with.

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