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As we're sitting in the cafeteria an exciting Buzz floating around the room, my hand is intertwined with Andrews as he sits next to me. The whole table Is riled up talking about the movie we watched a couple of days ago.

"Why does Quentin Tarantino always put himself in crazy rolls?" Basil slams her hands onto the table. "He wrote his character to be a pedophile, why was that necessary?"

"At least he got what he deserved." Andrew Pointed out.

"Where did you even find that movie?" I ask Theo.

"I was watching Quentin Tarantino movies, and I stumble upon From Dusk Till Dawn. I was quite surprised at the ending. So I had to show you all." Theo answered my question with a huge grin on his face. 

As the conversation started to steer away from the movie the bell rang cutting us off. The gang collectively stud up taking the trash to throw it away. Leaving behind Basil who was struggling to get her backpack packed up. 

The three of us waiting for her to catch up before we head our separate ways. Andrew takes my hands pulling me into a hug. 

"I'll talk to you after class," Andrew says with a smile before pulling away and heading down the hall. 

Turning on my heal I make my way towards the library. Heading up the stairs and through the big metal doors. The moment my fingers touch the keyboard of the sign-in computer I start thinking. I don't have any work I need to do today. I can visit the counselor. 

Making my way down the hallway, passing the full-length windows letting the afternoon sunshine In. I arrive at the metal doors painted the school's color. 

"Hello?" I call out as I enter the room. Three offenses sit in the back of the room. I wait in the seating area for a moment before a woman pops her head out of one of the offices. 

"Oh hello! What can I help you with." The woman ushers me into the room closing the door behind me. "You can have a seat." She points towards the three chairs lined up against the wall across her desk.

"Well, I was wanting to talk to you about college applications," I tell her, my hands fiddling in my lap.

"Oh wonderful, do you have any schools in mind?"

"I do. I was thinking of going to the University of California. The one in Davis, I heard it has a good Botany program."

"Is that what you want your major to be?" She asks me leaning forward, a smile on her face.


She types away at her computer for a second. Clicking here and there before turning her attention back to me. 

"Well I would say you are on the right path, you know what you want to do, All I would tell you is to continue to look at other schools to also apply to, the more options the better." She gives me a smile before opening a drawer in her desk. Pulling out a paper and passing it to me. "Now this is just a simple instruction sheet to help you fill out the applications."

"Thank you," 


Thank you for reading!

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This story has been going on for a while, and I'm proud of myself for what I've done here. The closer and closer I get to the end, it's exciting for me to see at least. There is still a ways to go still.

I'll see yall in the next chapter.

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