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Sitting on benches in the main entrance of a restaurant with San next to me on my left, and on my right an entire family. We haven't been waiting for too long but the number of people coming into the restraint is growing from the dinner rush. The two of us sitting in silence as we wait for the waitress to take up to our table.

Like an angel, the waitress appeared out of nowhere calling us to follow her. Moving down the isles of tables the two of us are seated in a booth off in the corner of the restaurant. Giving her a polite smile as she leaves we open up our menus. 

"Have you been here before?" Sam looks up at me from his menu. 

"I've been here once or twice before, but its really good."

"What should I get?"

"Oh um," Taking a second to flip through the menu, "Personally I really like their pasta, but the burgers are also very good," I say giving Sam a smile, the both of us relaxing a bit finally being alone together.

As time passes we carry on with a small conversation waiting for the waitress to return to take out orders. After a few minutes of us chatting and looking at the menu over and over trying to make a decision. When the waitress returned Sam immediately stiffens up frantically scanning the menu. 

"I'll go first." Bringing the waitress's attention to myself giving Andrew a few extra moments to decide. "I'll have the cheeseburger with everything in it but no mustard and no onions." 

The waitress takes a moment to write down my order and relaying it back to me before turning to Sam

"I'll have the alfredo." Sam quickly states handing her the menu.

After she finishes writing out orders she leaves. Finally giving us alone time again. At first, the conversation is slow but it slowly builds up into a smooth flow. Talking about everything and everyone we end up on the topic of the group hangout a couple of weeks ago.

"You all have so much history together. It feels like I'm budding in." I say scratching the back of my neck.

At this moment the waitress returns with our meals placing them in front of us. Leaving as fast as she came, we wait for her to be a good distance before we go back to the topic at hand.

"No your not. Andrew, they like having you around, and they are excited to get to know you. Yeah, your new to the group but that's alright soon you will be able to understand the inside jokes because we will have made new ones with you." Sam reaches his hands across the table grabbing ahold of mine. Just from the look in his eyes, I'm able to relax and believe in his reassurance. My grip on his hands tightens as my smile grows.

"How did I get so lucky to have found you?" Sam's face immediately flushes red looking away smiling, he tries pulling his hands away to hide his face but I don't let go. "There Is no need to hide."

"I'm not trying to hide, I'm just still not used to all the compliments."

"It's been three months." I tease.

"And?" Sam says leaning towards me " How on earth are you supposed to properly respond to a compliment." Sam says with an amused inflection in his tone.

"That is a question we will never know the answer too," I reply my voice bright with sarcasm. From this Sam looks taken aback for a second, his eyes wander, eyebrows scrunched together.

"I don't know why that reminded me of this but, have you told your parents. About us?" Sam's smile fades away as a serious expression settles in.

"Well, Not quite." My pulse begins to race as my hands get clammy. pulling my hands away rubbing them against my geans. My eyes scanning the room in fear of the thought of someone watching. I look sam in the eyes, "Have you?"

"Sorta." He takes a breath. "I'm pretty sure Granny new before we even started dating," Sam gives out a chuckle.

"But your mom?" I ask.

"She doesn't know, for now." Sam looks down at his plate that he hasn't touched for a few minutes picking up his fork and taking a few bights of is pasta. "I'm going to tell her soon though." Sam's eyes connect with shine once again.

"I will too, I promise." The pulsing in my ears fades as I see him smiling at me. His special little smile. Pulling his lips tight with a slight curve. The only true indication of his happiness is in his eyes. The amount of emotion just his eyes can express is incredible. 


Thank you for reading 

 With school starting up and as I slowly rebuild my schedule my motivation is improving, but It's still a work in progress. Bare with me. I'm working on it.

Please vote and share it helps so much.

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